Friday, January 30, 2004

I'm late again for work...this is the second time in a row but I'm not going to talk about it so much because I didn't get any scolding and today, I felt rather happy. =)

Today, I got to catch up with Darius. That dude is just so fun to talk to... Haha... I'm glad that our friendship never fades after all these years... Damn, after the chat I had with him, He made me MISS Singapore and HIM so so much. How i wish I could go back to Singapore and go out and have fun with him like we used to. (PS to Darius: You will always have my support..and don't worry, I'm fine with it... there's nothing wrong..furthermore, you ain't stealing. haha.. but I got to say that's the most shocking news I had this week, so you really owe me THIS story, dude)

Some news for ya then: Britney Spears fourth No.1 album, "In The Zone" bounced back into the Top 10 in Billboard Top 200...Wohoooo and her new single, "Toxic" jumped from #53 to #36 ....Wohooo.... that's great news... Anyway, history lesson: exactly five years today, Britney Spears debut album, "Baby One More Time" and her first single of the same name topped the Billboard album and single chart simultaneously, making Britney the first artiste to ever done so. =) Wow, time really flies. Britney Spears has been in the music industry for FIVE years...which means I've been her fans for FIVE's a record I gotta say..haha.. (I like Mariah Carey and SPICE GIRLS for approx. 2-3 years) .. =D

tt's about it today..catch up with all of you tomorrow then... i'll be working night shift tomorrow.., from 11pm to 9am... =)

10:48:00 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2004

I'm felling much better at the moment. My colleague had apologised to me, so what more should I ask for? Anyway, I saw a little clip of the new pepsi ad from an Indonesian television channel. so i was searching the web to find the full-length video and I finally got it in World Of Britney. So for all those who want to download the new Pepsi campaign that features BRITNEYS SPEARS, BEYONCE Knowles, PInk and enrique inglesias, go to the website. Hehe... They sang Queen's "We Will Rock You" and I got to say the ad is FANTASTIC... =) stop here then. I'll be going home pretty soon..about an hour from see ya 2molo

10:58:00 PM

First thing first, I got to thank God (although I'm a free-thinker) for making sure that I'm still alive after what had happened today. Firstly, my colleague's motorcycle brake wasn't functioning. Therefore, on our way to work, he crashed onto another motorcycles THREE TIMES. Lucikly, it was't such bad crash, just light ones. Secondly, the motorcycle almost went out-of-control. Luckily (again!), both of us jumped up to stop the bike. Of course, I'm a little scared, but my anger overwhelmed it. he should have told me that his brake wasn't working because if he had done so, I would have asked my dad to send us to work. Then, he knew that we are going to be late, but he didn't even have a little bit sense of urgency. He stopped at the side of the road because he wanted to borrow lighter so that he could smoke and he even said that he had made an APPOINTMENT to collect medicine from a particular clinic. I was mad, but I can't do anything because the bike is HIS. But he SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME BEFORE HE ALLOW ME TO GET ONTO HIS BIKE BECAUSE IF I HAVE KNOWN, THERE IS NO WAY THAT I'M GOING TO FOLLOW HIM. Furthermore, I have just been promoted to "Captain" recently and I should not be late. I have no idea if he purposely make sure that I would be late for work or not, neither do I want to know, but I'm just mad at him for not telling me before hand. So serve him right when I told him off in front of everybody. Luckily, my manager did not scold or even blame me. If I had gotten scolding from my manager, I would make sure he would got a worse punishment than I had given him. I'll just stop here. I got no mood to write other thing. He spoilt my day. Damn it...

8:53:00 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2004 got to be one of the happiest day in my life. =)

My first day being a "Captain" in my company wasn't as bad as I expected. I was quite hesistant about taking up this leadership role as I was the yongest in the company and all those under me are..well..much older than I am..and I guess they are more experienced too. The only reason that makes me take up this role is that I got paid more than the rest....that's about it...hehe...Anyway, I got no regrets at the moment because the people under me are quite "well-behaved"...

Secondly, I received my salary today...wahahahah... This is even a more happy news to me.. Finally, I would be able to buy a stereo-set that I have been eyeing for the past month and I'm going to get Alicia Key's CD as well... If its enough, I'm gonna get myself some new clothes...only bought like 3 sets for Chinese New Year.. so I'm going to buy more...

Thirdly, I am extremely pleased with the Oscar nomination lists. As I have expected, "LOrd Of The Rings: Return Of The King" lead the lists with a total of 11 nominations which include BEST PICTURE. The one that I was very pleased with was the fact that Jhonny Depp was being recognised in his role as Jack Sparrow in "Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse Of Black Pearl" (my favourite movie of the year). His performance of Jack Sparrow was FANTASTIC, He has become one of my favourite movie characters as well. My second favorite show of the year, "Finding Nemo" will win the award for "Best Animated Film" hands down. The other two nominees can't even compare to "Finding Nemo" and I was thinking that Oscar would just give the award to "Finding Nemo" without even needing to nominate the other two. Haha...

Lastly, Britney Spears' new Pepsi campaign has been premiered in the UK. This would means that it will increase Britney's popularity in the UK, thus increasing the total sales of her new single, "Toxic" and making it has a higher chance of actually debuting at the top spot in the UK. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed. =) gotta scoot now...

9:32:00 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I was promoted to become "Captain". =) It means that I'll be the leader for all my other colleagues who are on my shift. The advantage of this is that my pay would be even higher than what I was promised. However, the disadvantage is that I will have more burden and responsibility with my current status. =( This means that I wouldn't be able to spent lots of time chatting or even updating my website and blog. I guess this is what we called the difficulties being a leader because a leader has to practice self-discipline and I find that rather hard when it comes to chatting or even browsing through the net. Like right now, I'm updating this blog quietly and got to have another website on a "stand-by", in case anyone walk past my table. =)

I was downloading the videos of Britney's performance of "Toxic" in French NRJ Music Award 2004. I got to say it was FANTASTIC and once again, SHE STOLE THE SHOW AWAY! After her performance, there was a loud cheer, "Go Britney... Go Britney!" from the crowd. I felt so proud for her. Both Beyonce and Christina were present, but weren't as well-received as Britney. Furthermore, Christina was bashed by the media, "The most fake artiste" when she was spotted with a fake orange tan. Well, I think Christina had to eat her own words now when she mentioned in a magazine that both Britney and Beyonce are not true artistes. I guess the saying, "Look at yourself and know yourself first, before actually judging another person" applies to that Christina who would rather been known as X-Tina. I wonder why.

I'm really excited about the Oscar nomination list which will be out tomorrow. I predict that LOTR:ROTK, Mystic River and Cold Mountain will be the front-runners on the nomination list this year. I really hope LOTR:ROTK will walk away with the "Best Picture" award because the movie is beyond expectation and I think Peter Jackson really deserved it as he has produced the greatest trilogy of all time.

Gotta scoot now in case my other colleagues under me complain..haha... so see ya

7:10:00 PM

Monday, January 26, 2004

What is the definition of True love?
1. loving someone with all your heart without asking for his/her love in return.
2. loving someone with all your heart but also make sure he/she also loves you in return, so it won’t be a one-sided love.

I have no idea which one of the two are the right definition. It was the first definition that I felt today, but I kept asking myself, "was it true love?" How can I say that it was a true love when only one party is loving whole-heartedly while the other party did not. Why? To make a relationship works, both parties have to work. I felt her love, I knew she loves me whole-heartedly. She said her feeling for me was a true love, but does it apply to me as well. Am I experiencing true love just by accepting her "so called" True Love? I don't know. I like her and I don't want anything to ruin our friendship. So it brings me to the next question, am I experiencing "True Love" with my current girlfriend? She loves me and I love her, so is this called "True Love". I don't know either, neither do I will ever know. However, it doesn't matter because I never look at the future, I'm just living my present with her.

Besides the confusion that I have today about the real definiton of True Love, my life has been a bore. All I do is work, work and more work. I hardly have any time to go out or even sleep. I know it's a bore, but I ain't complaining because even if I ain't working, I would be staying at home most of the time. I hardly have any friends here in Jakarta and I hardly know all the places here as well. Even if I go out, I would be going to the same place and doing the same thing. I want to go back Singapore badly and chatting with Lydia today makes me want to go back even more. I can fit into the environment here, not at the moment. Luckily, there is internet. If not, I wouldn't even be making this blog to pour out my feelings. If there isn't internet, I couldn't be writing emails to my friends in Singapore and I won't be chatting with them as well. The world indeed seems much smaller with internet coverage and only now, I appreciate the existance of internet. Haha.. sounds cheesy? forget it if you don't get it. I'll stiop right here for today.

Lots of love and God Bless. =)

2:58:00 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2004

TIRED! Only slept for 3 hours because right after work this morning, I went to Taman Anggrek to meet Lissa for a movie. We actually planned to watch "LOTR:ROTK", however, went there a little too late, the tickets were all sold out, so we watched "Paycheck" instead. The movie is good, interesting storyline, lots of actions fron the start, however the show was nothing special esp the casts. Ben Affleck is just as boring as usual: I almost fell asleep watching "Daredevil" and the only things that kept me awake during the show was JenNifer Garner. =) and Uma Thurman? ehms..never liked her shows anyway besides when she acted as Poison Ivy in Batman&Robin. After the movie, I got to rushed home for dinner before setting off to work again. And here I am writing this very first blog of mine in my office. FEELING EXTREMELY TIRED!

On the brighter note, Britney's new single "Toxic" was the highest debut this week in HOt 100 entering the chart at #51 and her fourth No.1 album, "In The Zone" jumped 5 spots from #16 to #11 and was certified double platinum. =) The video for "Toxic" is out on you can now vote for it and make it to the top! Britney has also released dates on her "The Onyx Hotel Tour" and to all britney haters out there, go make a tomb and bury yourself for the whole of this year because BRITNEY IS BACK, she'll be EVERYWHERE in 2004! so if you still live to bashed her, to hell with you!

For all those Trenyce's fans out there in the world, she has been acting on stage. According to reviews, she is currently doing very well on stage: acting and singing! I am proud that Trenyce is still trying to fulfil her dreams to entertain. for more news on her, go to

That's it for today then. fredy

12:01:00 AM

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