Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The reason I wanna blog today is just to show my JOY to everyone on the birth of a wonderful (I know he's gonna be great) baby boy whose mother is none other than BRITNEY SPEARS. Ok. I may have to kill myself for knowing about this news 2 days later than the rest, but hey no internet is a real killer and I know I can't forgive myself for not being able to celebrate on the day of her delivery. I'm actually kinda disappointed with myself. Nevertheless, when I found out, from none other than my fellow Britney fanatics, I was esthatic. I was so happy that I couldn't sit still. I just kept jumping up and down with a big broad smile on my face. I ALSO couldn't wait to tell the whole world about it. so those who are online tonight just now, I'm sorry if I was disturbing you, although one burst my bubble by saying that she already knew it 2 days ago. :( Lol. It's oke Lyd, I don't blame ya. :p

I mean it's extremely amazing to see someone whom I have supported for more than 5 years to grow up and finally be a mother. I remembered the first time I heard "Baby One More Time" on the radio, I was like wow, this is a great song. Immediately, I fell in love with the song and so I decided to find out who the hell is the singer. Then I saw the video and nothing could have make me change my mind on why Britney Spears, of all the many artistes out there, are still my No.1 Idol even till now. She has been a part of my life, from collecting her posters, trying to get her latest news, buying all her original albums, making sure others know that I'm a huge fan of hers, she is just like my family whom I care for alot. Despite all the things haters and critics said about her and all the negativity surrounding her, she's an AMAZING woman who have touched my life in many ways that I could not even describe. Oh god, I may sound like a total loser, but who cares, it's a great and appropriate time to show my happiness.

It's amazing to watch her grow. The naughty school-girl outfit, breat implant rumours, her first rolling-stone cover, her strip-tease performance in the VMA'00, her barely there costumes, her snake performance in the VMA'01, her goofiness, the infamous kiss, her numerous topless covers, her diamond 'suit' to a real emotional videos like "Everytime" and "Someday", her wedding, her pregnancy and now motherhood. It's definitely a great journey. Anyway, I know she's gonna be a great mom and I wish well for her son, herself and her whole family and if possible, many more to come. :) Love ya always, Brit! ;)

3:00:00 AM

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Blah Blah...

11:22:00 AM

Saturday, September 10, 2005

What will you do if you know what will happen in about 4 months from now? Would you give it another go or should u just give up right from the start? I really have no idea what I should do. If what I said affected you bad, do forgive me. But that is who I am and I know myself well enough that nothing could change that part of me, NOTHING.

So am I secretive and conservative like she said I am? For starter, YES, i have a huge secret that NO ONE knows of, not a single soul in this planet. Secondly, I guess people need some space for themselves that they could keep completely private and I'm no different.

Thanks for everything you've done for me, dad. I truly appreciate it. I know I haven't been the greatest son on Earth, but I tend to be one. :)

3:56:00 AM

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