Monday, February 23, 2004

OK, So I got to watched the MTV Asia Award 2004 finally! Haha.. So these are just my comments on the show. I was mad that MTV Indonesia cut off the opening act from the PUssycat Dolls...damn those censorship! Fergie from Black Eyed Peas was hot, wow, I start to love this girl even more now..haha.. The Sugababes was fantastic, their performance was really haunting and the blonde girl is my second pick for the hottest girl of the night! =) Stacie's performance suck to the core, her voice faltered throughout the performance and I don't like that Thai guy, Bird Tongchai's performance. The rest was oke. The best performance of the night got to be from Boa. I don't like her and I never listened to her music except for one, "Valenti" i think. However, I got to admit that she got good stage presence, nothing great but good! She got her dance-steps all worked out although there was one music video where the dance steps are complete rip-off from Britney's! I hate copycat and Boa is one! Oh yeah, I got to say the funniest moment of the night also came from Boa. After her performance, Vaness and Michelle told her that if they could borrow her and presented her with the "MOst Influential Asian Artiste". I bet she has no idea what to say because she took a whole 3 minutes just saying, "OH My Gosh!" and Michelle was just smiling, I guess she must be thinking, "Get backstage girl, you have been repeating the same words for the past 3 minutes." Haha. I also like A*mei. She is a good dancer and she got a good voice. Simple Plan is good as well, I kinda liked their music becos they aren't hardcore rock, they have more pop flavour in their music. The duet between Gareth Gates and Siti Nurhaliza did not work well. I have no idea why Stefanie stumbled when she was sayin her thank-you speech, becos besides her, Michelle Yeoh got to be the best Asian English-Speaker. They should have asked Blue and 5566 to perform! Boybands always give a nice and energetic performance. Haha.
Anyway, it's really boring in the office right now. I'll be off at 5pm. would be meeting up with my girlfriend and then decide on where to go and what to do... boring stuffs..and again I just wanna tell all of you, I can't wait to go back Singapore..haha...

1:34:00 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Okok...FLOOD in Jakarta! This is my first time that I actually 'experience' flood...and it's NO fun! Damn it. Our car was parked at the entrance of our place and my dad had to hail a tri-cycle to take us in without gettin wet. However, along the way, the water was even higher. So my dad had to go down and helped the man to push the tri-cycle with me on top of it. Haha. I felt bad for the man and my dad, but still, there's no way my dad would want me to get wet with 'dirty' water.. So I just sat till I reached my house. I wasn't afraid of water, mind you! So don't come and 'bash' me up about this because if I went down into the water to help, then why the hell did we have to hail the tri-cycle for?
Anyway, it's getting nearer to the 22nd of Feb! I can't wait for the MTV Asia Award 2004 and then for the O level result...Now i ain't sure when I'm going back but my guardian was very nice. She invited me to stay at her place as a guest, so I dun need to waste money to rent a hotel room...I could hear people like Boon Huat and Barry jeering...Haha..they would like me to rent a hotel room while I'm in Singapore, so that they could come over and stay with me for that period of time. So that plan's off, guys! Sorry.

4:36:00 AM

Friday, February 20, 2004

Reached home at around 11am yesterday morning and I went straight to bed, not because I was really tired but because I'm supposed to accompany my girlfriend today. I was dreaming about someone but couldn't remember what I was dreaming about, so I guess it wasn't that important! =) Anyway, woke up at 4 pm and went to meet my girlfriend at 5:30 in Plaza Senayan!
At first we didn't do anything much, just walking around and she's doing the same old stuffs..going to every shops and finding new clothes...although it wasn't as bad as the first day she arrived in Jakarta, she didn't shop that much! Then we went to watch "Peter Pan". Hehe... I liked the show! It's not my favourite show of all time, but I thought the show is pretty well done and the young actor, Jeremy Sumpter is pretty good! The love story is pretty sweet, although a little cheesy seeing two kids loving each other and kiss! Haha... Not that it bothers me, but it's a little weird and 'funny'. The movie even brought back those memories of wanting to fly when I was young! Still, I got to suffer the constant, "Jeremy Sumpter is so so cute! He is such a hottie...He is so handsome...He is more handsome than Daniel Radcliffe..How i wish he is my brother.." from my girlfriend...haha.. Well, Jeremy Sumpter if groomed properly maybe the next Brad Pitt! The show is really good actually, it'll worth your every cent! Anyway, went for dinner first before sending her back to her hotel and then go to work! So here I am in the middle of the night at 4am updating my blog... Cos after writing all these stuffs, I'll go watch Yu-Gi-Oh with my collague..haha.. I like the comic, so I might like the anime and furthermore, I have the complete set of the series, so why not watch it right? =) So see ya tomorrow..I will be on night shift again!
Ooopz...some great news! Britney Spears' "In The Zone" hit the 2 million mark this week! So that's pretty amazing. And "Toxic" jumped four places from #22 to #18 in Billboard Hot 100 making it her FIRST Top 20 hit since "Stronger" peaked at #11! "Toxic" is doing really well and I hope it will enter Top 10 and make it her THIRD Top 10 singles.. I'll be waiting for that to happen and then tell all those As***** who said Britney is over! =) Anyway, chaoz...

5:00:00 AM

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Ok..I'm actually quite lazy to update, but then I'm waiting for my colleague to come before I could go hom at 9 am which is just half an hour from now! =)
Oke, my first news: NORAH JONES' second album, "Feels Like Home" opened at the TOP spot in Billboard Top 200 selling over 1.03 million copies. It is the first record to sell over 1 million copies since NSync's "Celebrity" in 2002. And to make matter worse, she nearly broken Britney's record, she is just behind Britney by 300,000 copies!'s CLOSE! So, I'm glad that Britney still hold the record for the biggest one-week selling album by a female artiste with "Oops! I Did It Again" with 1.31 million copies in its first week, and NOrah now is SECOND! I have nothing against Norah, but I just don't hope that record to be broken! I know it will be some day, but I don't want it to be so soon..I want her to hold that record and all her other records as well because I want people to remember that Britney did make a HUGE impression/impact in the pop music industry for years to come despite all the criticisms she had received! But still, I wanna congratulate Norah, because I'm really shocked at her record sale. Without much publicity and promotions, she sold SOOOO MUCH! Wow, that's incredible.
Anyway, I'm waiting impatiently for the news on Britney's "Toxic" chart position in Billboard Hot 100. Most predicted that she will jump to #16! =) I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Oh yeah, Kylie's new album "BOdy Language" flopped in America! Haiz..I'm really sad for her! But still, I didn't buy her album as well because I don't think "Slow" is a very good first single!
Oh yeah, I'll be going out for a movie today at 5 with my girlfriend! Haiz...I just hope I won't be sleeping in the cinema...cos I'll reach home around 11am and then I'll get to sleep till 5 which is 6 HOURS! ehmz..I hope it would be enough! Haha..Okoke, I'll just stop here..See ya later at night. I'l be on night shift AGAIN! =)

9:28:00 AM

Monday, February 16, 2004

okoke..i got no time to update... haha..cos I was busy downloading Britney Spears' interview with Ryan Seacrest! The interview was pretty cool and funny actually...When Britney made her entrance, her fans all shouted and stood up for her..and then the camera zoomed on two fans: one young and one old crying! Haha.. I guess they want to show that Britney's fans are diverse - young and old! =) Anyway, to all britney fans out there in Asia who missed like these type of can download them on the website: POp GalThe site has a complete Britney's videos - from performances to interview and stuffs.. but then they have expiry dates...most videos will be up for 7 days.. =)
Anyway, I thought I would just drop by here before going home...and I'm waiting patiently for the 22nd of Feb to come, then I could watch the MTV Asia Award 2004! Bye Bye for now...

11:09:00 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I was so darn bored in the office so have been surfing the net with my colleague for nice and fum quizzes to do and I came a cross a rather unique site. It will tell you what your name means --- Quite intriguing and fascination. So click here to try it out and here is what "fredy" means!
"The first name of Fredy creates a dual nature for, on the one hand, you desire change and varied experiences in order to avoid monotony, and yet you are attuned to system, order, and attention to detail. You can be very analytical, exacting, and patient in your undertakings until your interest is exhausted, at which time you switch to something else even though it means leaving your undertakings unfinished. This name makes you inquisitive and scientific in your approach to life, requiring everything to be proved to satisfy your skepticism. You can be a stickler for detail, and very fussy and particular. As spontaneous verbal expression can be difficult for you, you often feel awkward and embarrassed in situations requiring tact and diplomacy. This name creates strong physical desires, such as an appetite for heavy, starchy foods and meat. Tension affecting the solar plexus and digestive organs could lead to ulcers, growths, or constipation."
So go understand why your parents picked that name especially for ya'll! Have fun................

3:46:00 PM

It's damn boring in the office right now... Damn.. There's practically NOTHING to do. Even "Mission Impossible" on HBO didn't seem to interest me. So I might as well, come here and write something.
I forgot to mention one other thing that happened besides the Valentine dinner! Phyoe was trying to play his own "punk'd" on me. Haha...Well, his trick was smsing me telling me that he got two MTV Asia Award tickets and asked me if I wanted to watch. The good thing about this supposed "punk'd" is that I have been wanting to watch the MTV Asia Awards since 2002 and I love award shows, so he thought he might get me to believe him. However, there were many flaws on this trick. His reasoning of getting the tickets was a little ridiculous. Also, if he really got the tickets, he wouldn't wait till the 14th of November (the night itself) to tell me! And he couldn't pull this thing off twice, he had tried this trick on me before. and to be honest, Phyoe is a bad lier. He can't lie verbally and now through smses, he is worse! So Phyoe, try other tricks oke Haha...
Next! I was happy Justin did not get the Favourite Male! However, it somehow prove my point that they gave the award merely due to the fact that the artiste was present - eg. Gareth Gates! Ok, one of the most shocking news of the award show! Michelle Branch was trying to pull off Britney/Christina outfit! Yeah, she was wearing a very low-cut pink outfit with NO bra! It's those outfits that Christina or even Britney might wear. click here to see some pics. Nonono...I'm not bashing Michelle Branch. I like her and I kinda like her music too. However, I guess she should shut up with all the crap "i'm all about music". I would be waiting for People like Stacie Orrico or Avril to soon wear something like that! I remember Jessica Simpson said sexy isn't me and she shed lots of clothes in her second album! So, Britney and Christina aren't the only one. They are genuine artistes who well like to be more sexy than the rest! I'm also saying this for Christina because she is somehow on the same boat as Britney! I guess everyone must be shocked that I was actually defending Christina. Haha... Anyway, boss came! so I gotta scoot...

2:13:00 PM

Oke, I'm really tired today. Yesterday, I had lots of fun. I could not believe that everything went so well. =) At first I was a little nervous because I have no idea if I can continue having conversation with her for a 3-hour dinner, but I managed it! Hehe. This is our first Valentine together and it went very well. Thank GOD! Haha. Anyway, we talked about lots of stuffs last night - from my life and friends in singapore to her friends. She had 3 boyfriends before and she said all were jerks and she was the one who ditched them. Haha. After the dinner, we went around town and fetched her back to her hotel at around 11pm. Haiz..That's why I'm so tired today. Went to bed at around midnight and woke up at 6am!
Valentine's over! Now, I'm looking forward to be flying back to Singapore. I missed all my friends in Singapore. =) I guess Whammy should be very happy because he would be $60 richer! And I'm very sure darius would be happy too since he said school life suxxxx....haha.. =) Well, I'm just trying to make myself important! So don't mind me okez.. =) anyway, if I'm bored at work later in the evening, I would come in again to write something cos I have a long shift today from 9am to 11pm.. =)

9:27:00 AM

Friday, February 13, 2004

Britney was singing LIVE in the Ryan Seacrest show. Firstly, it didn't sound like album version! Yeah, it might have been pre-recorded but it wasn't the case for that performance. Britney's voice is always more nasal if she is singing live, so I can guarantee that she was singing live! The bad thing about Britney's performance is that she is very used to lyp-sync and even if she does sing live, she always try to stick it to the album sound. It means that she doesn't over-do or even add her own "ooohhh" or "ahhhh" in her performance although she was singing live. Therefore, people would just assume she lyp-synched although she was definitely singing live! So I'm done with trying to convince all of you. Well, the performance was amazing and I'm so proud that Britney sang live for the first time for "Toxic". So great job Britney! Oh yeah, Britney Spears' "Toxic" jumped from #29-#22 in the Billboard Hot 100. It's amazing. It has surpassed "I'm A Slave For You" peak at #27 and soon it will become Britney's fourth Top 20 hit. Wohoo...=) So to all Britney's fans, continue buying the single and album and keep voting for her in your favourite radio stations yoz..
Oh yeah, fetched my girlfriend yesterday and went for dinner in Taman Anggrek with her family. =) Actually, I wanted to use the opportunity to look for her persent for Valentine, but I didn't have the chance. I can't believe her! =) She just reached Jakarta and already went shopping...Wow, I guess she must be the best shopper I have ever seen even my second sister isn't that shopaholic. She went from stores to stores to try out different outfits and just buy whatever she likes. Haha... So I would be buying her present today after work at 5pm. Well, I'm looking forward to the Valentine dinner tomorrow! Haha...

1:06:00 PM

Thursday, February 12, 2004

It's 5am here..watched Chelsea's pretty boring match..Man U?...haiz... I don't know what to say about them.. I'm utterly disappointed with them... Firstly, they drew with Newscastle, then lose to Wolves, and then nearly drew with Everton and now the lost to Boro... haiz... Ferguson had to do something if he wants to win the Premiership again this year. Looking at the current situation, Arsenal is the hot favourite..they HAD not lost this season... So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for Manchester... WOhoo....I'm off today.... Anyway, I think I got to go to the airport to fetch my gf..she'll be reaching Jkt around 5pm 2molo i think, then go out for a little while... haha... Yeah, so it won't be a boring day 2molo... Talking about her, I haven't thought of what present to buy for her for Valentine Day... Damn... I have no time to go out to search for present for her...I guess I would do it tomorrow to just look around what to buy for her... Haha...Well, Lyd suggested presenting flowers to her.. I would..but it'll be awkward..haha.. But still, I've already booked a place in a restaurant for yeahz..I would just see what to get for her..maybe clothes or jewelleries..the usual stuffs... =) I'm looking forward to this year's Valentine Day worz...haha.. =) nothing much to write see ya again tomorrow then... scoot...

5:57:00 AM

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

haiz..I was thinking that I would be waiting for months before I could watch the 46th Grammy Awards, but I was surprised that the Indonesian channel brought it just one dasy after it was broadcasted in America. So yeahz...I got to watch the Grammy,,, Wohoo... Okay, this year's grammy wasn't the greatest shows, but it was ok. The opening act of Beyonce & Prince wasn't as 'impactful' as the opening performance of the VMA'03 of Britney, Madonna & Christina, but still it was not a bad performance. The best performance got to be from The White Stripes or Foo Fighters. They are absolutely amazing. Justin and Beyonce were ok, they did a fine job. The worst got to be from OutKast. Not only "Hey Ya!" is an over-rated song, the performance remind me of a show that I watched before in some theme-park in Hong Kong. Christina Aguilera's performance of "Beautiful" wasn't the best I have seen from her. Her voice was all wrong, I don't deny the fact that she got a good voice, but her voice doesn't seem alright for that performance. I like the idea of putting much 'simplicity' and 'heart' into the song, but "Beautiful" is a commercially successful single, it has to be sung that way. Her performance of the song in American Music Award where she did the medley of "Impossible/Beautiful" was much better than this. If you disagree with me on Christina's performance, just let it be. I mean after I watched Celine's performance and heard her voice, I was determined that Christina did not do a good job. They both had a good and powerful voice, but Celine's voice did not falter throughout her performance while Christina did. So I think Christina needs lots of 'grooming' for that powerful voice of hers. As much as I love Alicia Keys, I though she ruined "A House Is Not A Home". She seemed very much into the song, but I could hear several pitch-problems along the way. American Idol 1 finalist, Tamyra Gray definitely sang the song better and I'm sure many agree with me about this. =) Okayz, I'm a little tired after watching like 3 episodes of "Detectif Conan" VCDs and currently browsing through the net for Britney's news. So, Britney has sold 50+k of "In The Zone" at the moment and it is at #12. I hope the sales increases and that she won't drop out of the Top10. So I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. See ya

6:01:00 AM

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

My heart was pumping damn hard when I enter the office tonight... Not that I was late again, but I was anxious and pretty 'scared' to search for the Grammy winners... damn... I was both happy and a little sad with the winners this year. Firstly, I was over the moon when I realised Coldplay's "Clocks" took home the 'Record Of The Year'. I never expected Coldplay to win it, although I did say the deserve it, I never thought they would win. So a huge congratulations to Chris Martin & co. As I expected, Outkast took home the "Album Of The Year" while Evanescence took home "Best New Artiste". I would like Eminem to win the "Song Of The Year" with 'Lose Yourself', but then it eventually went to Luther Vandross. I guess, they are hoping another Grammy will make Luther wake up! =) Tt's supposed to be a joke. Anyway let's move on. I knew Christina is the hot favourite for pop female, I knew she will most probably win it this year, I had predicted it and I was right. Well, congrats to Christina then. I wasn't as mad as in 2000 when she beat Britney Spears to the coveted 'Best New Artiste' category. I was oke with Christina winning this though, although I would very much hope she won't. Still, Justin is a jerk and he won! Damn.. and he took the chance to apologize about the SuperBowl 'incident' again. Justin did not deserve a Grammy at all. He DID NOT! Anyway, I'm not gonna dwell on it because he already won. Beyonce is the huge winner of the night. She tied with Norah Jones, Alicia Keys and Lauryn Hill for the female artistes that won 5 Grammy at once. Beyonce is talented, but she hasn't worked as hard as most other female R&b artistes like Missy Elliott. So I don't think she deserved winning so many. But yeah, I'm happy she won! Kylie finally got her first GRAMMY, so a big big CONGRATULATIONS to her... Wow, I'm really happy that more and more British acts are getting recognition by the Grammy. =) So tt's a good thing. Although, I'm really sure WESTLIFE would never won a Grammy. So tt's the end of this year Grammy, I hope next year Britney would dominate the nomination list. "IN The Zone" is an amazing album, it deserved to be recognised as much as possible. I just hope the Grammy this time doesn't slam hyped album or songs or even artiste anymore... So I'll end here... AVRIL DID NOT WIN AGAIN! Tt definitely cover up my madness of Justin winning it. It gives me some sort of comfort when I was angry with Justin. Ok, scoot...

12:12:00 AM

Saturday, February 07, 2004

It's quite busy i don't have time to really update this i won't be doing the full predicitons on the Rap category for Grammy...anywayz, the grammy award would be tomorrow on American time, so we will be getting the result the next day...i can't wait...but i'm keeping my fingers crossed so that X-tina, Justin and Avril won't win any awards,.... They just don't deserve a GRammy this year. So here's the quickie predictions on the Rap category. (Male Rap) I hope Eminem would win, although 50 Cent would have a high chance as well. (Female Rap) MISSY ELLIOTT for sure. (Dup/Group Rap) Gossip Folks. Missy deserve it... a dark horse would be 50 Cent's Magic Stick. (Rap/Sung) "Crazy In Love", this is a sure category for Beyonce. (Rap Song) 'LOSE YOURSELF'. (Rap Album) Outkast, although I really hope Missy Elliott would win. Yep, done with the rap category predictions..haha.. Anyway, i can't write anymore...cos busy busy busy..anyway, man u match with everton later at 10pm... man u MUST win!

9:29:00 PM

Friday, February 06, 2004

Wow...this is the first time I'm so busy while working... haha..which is why I don't have anytime to update my blog in the here I am with my predictions of the rock category

Best Female Rock Vocal Performance:
1. "Are You Happy Now?", Michelle Branch
2. "Losing Grip", Avril Lavigne
3. "Trouble", Pink
4. "Time Of Our Lives", Bonnie Raitt
5. "Righteously", Lucinda Williams

"I have always thought that this category are for artistes who played their own instruments, particularly guitar. However, I was wrong I think. I have no idea why PInk is nominated here..I did not know that Pink is under the ROCK category? damn... still, I don't wish Pink or Avril to win this. It's ok if Michelle Branch get this because she already won a Grammy last year for Best Pop Collaboration with Santana. So my bet is on Bonnie Raitt. She's classic."

Who WOULD win: "Time Of Our Lives", Bonnie Raitt
Who SHOULD win: "Time Of Our Lives", Bonnie Raitt or "Are You Happy Now?", Michelle Branch

Best Male Rock Vocal Performance:
1. "New Killer Star", David Bowie
2. "Down In The Flood", Bob Dylan
3. "If I Could Fall In Love", Lenny Kravitz
4. "Gravedigger", Dave Matthews
5. "Return Of Jackie & Judy", Tom Waits

"Lenny Kravitz has won this award numerous times, well he won this award the most time compared to any other artistes, so I think he would win this one again. I have no idea who Tom Waits no comment about him...but I think David Bowie would have a high chance of winning this as well."

Who WOULD win: "If I Could Fall In Love", Lenny Kravitz (he had won this like 4 years consecutively)
Who SHOULD win: "New Killer Star", David Bowie or "Gravedigger", Dave Matthews (Dave is talented, I hope he wins)

Best Rock Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal:
1. "Times Like These", Foo Fighters
2. "There There", Radiohead
3. "Calling All Angels", Train
4. "Seven Nation Army", The White Stripes
5. "Disorder In The House", Warren Zevon & Bruce Springsteen

"I HOPE The White Stripes would win, because 'Seven Nation Army' is a fantastic rock song. They deserve a Grammy. Foo Fighters has been winning Grammy for the past years, but I think this year it would go to Warren Zevon and Bruce Springsteen."

Who WOULD win: "Disorder In The House", Warren Zevon & Bruce Springsteen
Who SHOULD win: "Seven Nation Army", The White Stripes

Best Hard Rock Performance:
1. "Like A Stone", Audioslave
2. "Bring Me To Life", Evanescence Featuring Paul McCoy
3. "Straight Out Of Line", Godsmack
4. "Just Because", Jane's Addiction
5. "Go With The Flow", Queens Of The Stone Age

"I think it will go to Evanescence. I mean there's no point for Grammy to give Evanescence so many nominations but not giving one. It will sound to ridiculous. But still, I don't bet on tt to not happen because India.Arie was completely snubbed in 2001 although she was nominated for EIGHT but won none. If Evanescence don't win, then it'll be AudioSlave winning this."

Who WOULD win: "Bring Me To Life", Evanescence feat. Paul McCoy
Who SHOULD win: "Bring Me To Life", Evanescence feat. Paul McCoy (it is the best rock song of this year definitely or maybe the most hyped)

Best Metal Performance:
1. "Did My Time", Korn
2. "mOBSCENE", Marilyn Manson
3. "St. Anger", Metallica
4. "Smothered", Spineshank
5. "Inhale", Stone Sour

"Marilyn Manson SHOULD NOT win this! Their music is more scary and stupid than enjoyable or cool or metal? Geez... Ok, Metallica has a high chance of winning this because they are METALlica because "St.Anger" isn't their best single. So if Metallica doesn't win, it will be KOrn then."

Who WOULD win: "St.Anger", Metallica
Who SHOULD win: "Did My Time", Korn

Best Rock Song:
1. "Bring Me To Life", David Hodges, Amy Lee & Ben Moody, songwriters (Evanescence Feat Paul McCoy)
2. "Calling All Angels", Charlie Colin, Pat Monahan, Jimmy Stafford & Scott Underwood, songwriters (Train)
3. "Disorder In The House", Jorge Calderón & Warren Zevon, songwriters (Warren Zevon & Bruce Springsteen)
4. "Seven Nation Army", Jack White, songwriter (The White Stripes)
5. "Someday", Chad Kroeger, Mike Kroeger, Ryan Peake & Ryan Vikedal, songwriters (Nickelback)

"Isn't the first four nominees have been nominated together in Best Rock up/Group Performance? hehe.. well, like i said "Bring Me To Life" is this year's best rock song in my opinion, so I think Evanescence would win. As I mentioned before, "Seven Nation Army" is a great song and that The White Stripes deserve a Grammy. 'Calling All Angels' is a nice song, but to mellow for rock song."

Who WOULD win: "Bring Me To Life"
Who SHOULD win: "Seven Nation Army"

Best Rock Album
1. "Audioslave", Audioslave
2. "Fallen", Evanescence
3. "One By One", Foo Fighters
4. "More Than You Think You Are", Matchbox Twenty
5. "The Long Road", Nickelback

"This is a tough category for me. I love Matchbox Twenty and Nickelback. I think they have churned out a VERY GOOD album...However, It'll be battle between Evanescence and Foo Fighters. So....... my pick would be Foo Fighters. Although, I think "Fallen" is a great album as well."

Who WOULD win: "One By One", Foo Fighters
Who SHOULD win: "More than You Think You Are", Matchbox 20 (this is a fantastic album, I really hope it will win. BUt i doubt MB20 chances)

Best Alternative Music Album:
1. "Fight Test", The Flaming Lips
2. "Hail To The Thief", Radiohead
3. "Untitled", Sigur Rós
4. "Elephant", The White Stripes
5. "Fever To Tell", Yeah Yeah Yeahs

"I'll put of my money on The White Stripes. They deserve this award more than anyone else nominated. So enough said..."

Who WOULD win: "Elephant", The White Stripes
Who SHOULD win: "Elephant", The White Stripes

Ok, I'm done.... i'll be back for the Rap category predictions..I won't do the country category cos I don't listen to country music... =) so see ya

8:52:00 PM

Ok, here's some good news this early in the morning and it's all about BRITNEY SPEARS! Wohoooo.... Firstly, Britney Spears fourth No.1 album, "In The Zone" jumped from #10 to #6 selling over 63k copies after 11 weeks... This is amazing... If this is to be compated with "Britney" which is at #23 in Billboard after 11 weeks is FANTASTIC... I'm really proud of Britney and I hope this album will do well and be certified 3x platinum soon.... Wohoo... =) As for "Toxic", it also made a big jump in Billboard Hot 100 from #36 all the way to #29, this has surpassed "Me Against The Music" peak in Billboard Hot 100. I hope by next week, it will enter the TOP 20, if this happens, she also has passed the peak of "I'm A Slave For You" which is at #27. "Toxic" is currently doing well and I hope this will booze the album's sales. Britney has not have a Top 10 single in Billboard HOt 100 since "Oops! I Did It Again" at No.9. The strongest single after "Oops!" is "Stronger" which peak at No.11 in the Billboard Chart. All the singles in "Britney" are major-flop besides "I'm A Slave For You", but the album still sell over 4 million copies in AMERICA...which is not a flop...but compared to Britney's previous record's down a's about it... I'll be back for the grammy predictions later in the afternoon... so see ya then...

12:40:00 PM

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Hey back, Still nothing to do in the office.. hehe... so here is my Grammy's predictions for the R&B category:

Best Female R&B Vocal Performance:
1. "Rain On Me", Ashanti
2. "Back In The Day", Erykah Badu
3. "Dangerously In Love 2", Beyonce
4. "Ooh!", Mary J. Blige
5. "I Wish I Wasn't", Heather Headley

"It will be the showdown of Mary J.Blidge and this year's most nominated artiste, Beyonce. But from I am aware of, "Dangerously In Love 2" isn't a single out of Beyonce's album, so I have no idea why she can be nominated here. Still, it doesn't hurt Beyonce's chances in winning this category. But I hope Mary J.Blige will get it. As for Ashanti, she is talented, but not as good as others. Oh yeah, Grammy loves Erykah Badu, she might get it. Damn...I'm confused now."

Who WOULD win: "Ooh!", Mary J. Blige or "Dangerously In Love 2", Beyonce
Who SHOULD win: "Ooh!" Mary J. Blige (She's much more talented than Beyonce, she worked harder to get where she is. Therefore, she deserves this award more than Beyonce)

Best Male R&B Vocal Performance:
1. "Step In The Name Of Love", R. Kelly
2. "Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda", Brian McKnight
3. "Superstar", Ruben Studdard
4. "How You Gonna Act Like That", Tyrese
5. "Dance With My Father", Luther Vandross

"Firstly, I'm glad that Ruben is nominated here while Clay isn't nominated in the POp category. So this will refresh the memories of everyone that RUBEN won the American Idol 2. I doubt he would win though. Luther Vandross would have the highest chance in winning this award, following R.Kelly."

Who WOULD win: "Dance With My Father", Luther Vandross
Who SHOULDW win: "Step In The Name Of Love", R.Kelly & "Superstar", Ruben Studdard (R.Kelly is talented, noone can deny that fact while Ruben is a great vocalist and he made "Superstar" sounds so smooth)

Best R&B Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocals:
1. "The Closer I Get To You", Beyoncé & Luther Vandross
2. "Where Is The Love", Stanley Clarke Featuring Glenn Lewis & Amel Larrieux
3. "Say Yes", Floetry
4. "I'll Stay", Roy Hargrove & The RH Factor Featuring D'Angelo
5. "Busted", The Isley Brothers With Ronald Isley aka Mr. Biggs Featuring JS
6. "Hands Up", TLC

"Hands down, if nothing goes wrong with the voting, Beyonce and Luther Vandross would win this award for sure. I mean it is one of the most-hyped collaboration of the year, well besides "Me Against The Music of course. However, sometimes, the more hype a song gets, its chances of getting a recognition will be lower. TLC is great, I love their "FanMail" album. However, "Hands Up" isn't one of their best songs."

Who WOULD win: "The Closer I Get To You", Beyonce & Luther Vandross
Who SHOULD win: "Say Yes!", Floetry (Floetry is the most under-rated artiste. They are fabolous, but did not much recognition)

Best Urban/Alternative Performance:
1. "Danger", Erykah Badu
2. "Milkshake", Kelis
3. "J'veux D'la Musique", Les Nubians
4. "Forthenight", Musiq
5. "Hey Ya!", OutKast

"When a nominee from "Record Of The Year" is up against other nominees that are not nominated in there, what would you think the result will be? "Hey Ya!" would win this award definitely. I mean, it is a nominee for "Record Of The Year". If anyone could cause an upset, which is quite impossible, it will be from Erykah Badu. "Milkshake" is another over-rated song, the song is actually really annoying. Hate it! But then, Kellis is going to open for Britney's new tour. =( Musiq makes beautiful music."

Who WOULD win: "Hey Ya!", Outkast
Who SHOULD win: "Forthenight", Musiq

Best R&B Song:
1. "Comin' From Where I'm From", Mark Batson & Anthony Hamilton, songwriters (Anthony Hamilton)
2. "Crazy In Love", Shawn Carter, Rich Harrison, Beyoncé Knowles, songwriters (Beyoncé Feat. Jay-Z)
3. "Dance With My Father", Richard Marx & Luther Vandross, songwriters (Luther Vandross)
4. "Danger", Erykah Badu, J. Poyser, B.R. Smith & R.C. Williams, songwriters (Erykah Badu)
5. "Rock Wit U (Awww Baby)", A. Douglas, I. Lorenzo & A. Parker, songwriters (Ashanti)

"It's between "Crazy In Love" and "Dance With My Father"! But my bet wil be on "Dance With My Father" winning this award. Both Richard Marx and Luther vandross are legendary songwriters."

Who WOULD win: "Dance With My Father" or "Crazy in Love"
Who SHOULD win: "Dance With My Father"

Best R&B Album:
1. "Worldwide Underground", Erykah Badu
2. "Bittersweet", Blu Cantrell
3. "So Damn Happy",Aretha Franklin
4. "Body Kiss", The Isley Brothers Featuring Ronald Isley aka Mr. Biggs
5. "Dance With My Father", Luther Vandross

"This will be Luther Vandross' category. The only one who poses a threat on Mr.Vandross would be Erykah badu. But I still think "Dance Away With My Father" is more deserving."

Who WOULD win: "Dance With My Father", Luther Vandross
Who SHOULD win: "Dance With My Father", Luther Vandross

Best Contemporary R&B Album:
1. "Chapter II", Ashanti
2. "Dangerously In Love", Beyoncé
3. "Love & Life", Mary J. Blige
4. "Comin' From Where I'm From", Anthony Hamilton
5. "Chocolate Factory", R. Kelly

"Beyonce should NOT win this! 'Dangerously In Love' is a let-down. The album isn't as good as expected. I'm a beyonce fan, but I'm disappointed with this album. So I don't think she deserve to win this. I really hope Mary J.Blige will win it though. R.Kelly's chances of winning this is quite ok, but with the kid-molest allegation, I have no idea if Grammy will give it to him."

Who WOULD win: "Dangerously In Love", Beyonce (Sad but true, I think Beyonce has the highest chance in winning this. She is everyone's sweetheart)
Who SHOULD win: "Love & Life", Mary J. Blige (he deserve this more than anyone else nominated)

Ok, I'll end be back tomorrow for the Rock category.... seeya

1:17:00 PM

I knew Justin is going to say something... I knew he's going to seek for sympathy votes to pull him out of trouble... Can you believe he got his grandma and friends to talk to the press that he had no IDEA about the "baring breast" stunt. He's such an ASSHOLE... Can you belive that he's actually BLAMING Janet on the accident by saying that he has NO IDEA that when he pulled off her top, it will reveal her breast... His friends told the media that Janet lied to him and used him to do that stunt... I was appalled after reading that article.. Why would he always try to push his responsibility to others? I mean, if he IS a gentleman which i doubt, he would not have done that "tearing off my top" stunt.; HE WOULDN'T even agree doing it in the first place regardless if it's going to show a red-laced bra or a breast. I strongly believe there's no woman who is in her right mind would want to reveal her breast on national television... I felt sorry for Janet that she had to take on the full responsibility while Justin has all her friends and family members to speak up for him... a disgusting guy i would say.. read the article here if you want....
I will be back later in the afternoon for my Grammy predicitons on the R&B category.

9:42:00 AM

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

woke up early today at 6am... I guess because I've already slept for 6 hours yesterday afternoon... So yeah, did my usual morning routine...bathe and breakfast... Left my house at around 7:15 to fetch one of my relatives who is also going to work in the same office as me from today onwards... Reached the office at around 8:35... So I started training her and giving her backgrounds on our office and so on... Taught her how to count and so now giving her here I am updating my blog... =) I'll continue with my Grammy predicition then...for the POP category. Before that, Just wanna explain something: The grammy nomination is "For recordings released during the Eligibility Year October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003" So this explains why Britney isn't nominated, so she WILL be NEXT YEAR!

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
2. "Miss Independent", Kelly Clarkson
3. "White Flag", Dido
4. "I'm With You", Avril Lavigne
5. "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan

"I REALLY HOPE that Sarah Mclachlan win this award again. She had won this award before in 2000, beating the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. So I hope she will win again. However, I think the hot favourite for this category is Christina Aguilera. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she won't win this. Why? She doesn't deserve it and "Beautiful" is over-rated. I'm glad that Kelly and Dido are nominated, they deserve to be recognized, although I don't think they will win it. As for Kelly, she is not even nominated for Best New Artiste, therefore I doubt her chances in winning this. I guess the Miss-Punkster-Lavigne isn't happy with this nomination because last year she said 'I don't give a damn about being nominated i a Grammy, although I wanna win the Rock category.' But mark my words, Avril doesn't stand a chance, she's worse than Miss X-Tina."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan or "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah Mclachlan

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Any Road", George Harrison
2. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", Michael McDonald
3. "Send Your Love", Sting
4. "Cry Me A River", Justin Timberlake
5. "Keep Me In Your Heart", Warren Zevon

"Sting had won this award the most time and I'm quite sure that he will win this award AGAIN. I don't think he has any competition at all in this category. Furthermore, he's getting the legendary award this year, so it won't be tough to get this as well. Warren? Michael? George? Who? I have no idea who the hell are they. I'm glad Clay isn't nominated. As for Justin? Ehms, does he even deserve to be nominated in the first place? So enough said about him!"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting

Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal:
1. "Misunderstood", Bon Jovi
2. "Hole In The World", Eagles
3. "Stacy's Mom", Fountains Of Wayne
4. "Unwell", Matchbox Twenty
5. "Underneath It All", No Doubt

"It'll be No Doubt who will win this award. I mean, they have the highest chance in winning it. They had won it last year and I think they will win it again this year. The biggest threat got to be from Matchbox Twenty. Like i said, "Stacy Mom" is rubbish and I'm ashamed that Grammy is even regocnising them."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Underneath It All", No Doubt
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Unwell". Matchbox 20 (I hope Matchbox 20 will win this though)

Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals:
1. "Can't Hold Us Down", Christina Aguilera & Lil' Kim
2. "La Vie En Rose", Tony Bennett & k.d. lang
3. "Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking", Bob Dylan & Mavis Staples
4. "Feel Good Time", Pink Featuring William Orbit
5. "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

"OK, I have no idea how PInk's "Feel Good Time" got nominated. "Feel Good Time" did not even enter the HOt 100 Top 50. Anyway, I think "Me Against The Music" doesn't come under the eligibility for this year's grammy nominations. I hope it will be for next year. I think either "Can't Hold Us Down" or "Whenever I Say Your Name" win this award. But I hope it'll be Sting & Mary J.Blidge (one is pop legend, the other is R&B Diva), so it is a more rare collboration compared to X-Tina and Lil'Kim (both are skanky girls). Hehe"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

Best Pop Vocal Album:
1. "Stripped", Christina Aguilera
2. "Brainwashed", George Harrison
3. "Bare", Annie Lennox
4. "Motown", Michael McDonald
5. "Justified", Justin Timberlake

"I hate to say this but I think Justin Timberlake's 'Justified' will most probably win this. I mean the rest of the four nominees aren't nominated in 'Album Of The Year' category. So if 'Justified' did not win this, won't it be funny if it is nominated in 'Album Of The Year'? So if Annie Lennox's "Bare" wins, will it makes more sense if 'Bare' is nominated in 'Album Of The Year' than 'Justified'. Understand what I'm talking about? I'm shocked that Sting's 'Sacred Love' isn't nominated here. 'Stripped' is too commercial, i hope it doesn't win either."

Who WOULD win: "Justified", Justin Timberlake (as much as I hate Justin winning any Grammy, this would be his category if he were to win at least ONE grammy)
Who SHOULD win: "Bare", Annie Lennox (Grammy loves comback, I hope they love Annie enough to give it to her instead that Mr. JT"

Best Dance Recording:
1. "Love One Another", Cher
2. "Easy", Groove Armada
3. "Die Another Day", Madonna
4. "Come Into My World", Kylie Minogue
5. "Breathe", Télépopmusik Featuring Angela McCluskey

"Oke, I think Cher will get this. She already won this with "Believe". However, 'Easy' by Groove Amanda might get it as well. I was sad that Kylie did not win this last year, so I was happy that she's nominated again this year and really hoping that she would win."

Who WOULD win: "Love One Another", Cher
Who SHOULD win: "Come Into My World", Kylie Minouge (it's about time she get a Grammy. She's better than Madonna."

ok, i'll stop here. be back tomorrow for the R&B category predictions. =)

12:30:00 PM

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

woke up early today at 6am... I guess because I've already slept for 6 hours yesterday afternoon... So yeah, did my usual morning routine...bathe and breakfast... Left my house at around 7:15 to fetch one of my relatives who is also going to work in the same office as me from today onwards... Reached the office at around 8:35... So I started training her and giving her backgrounds on our office and so on... Taught her how to count and so now giving her here I am updating my blog... =) I'll continue with my Grammy predicition then...for the POP category. Before that, Just wanna explain something: The grammy nomination is "For recordings released during the Eligibility Year October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003" So this explains why Britney isn't nominated, so she WILL be NEXT YEAR!

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
2. "Miss Independent", Kelly Clarkson
3. "White Flag", Dido
4. "I'm With You", Avril Lavigne
5. "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan

"I REALLY HOPE that Sarah Mclachlan win this award again. She had won this award before in 2000, beating the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. So I hope she will win again. However, I think the hot favourite for this category is Christina Aguilera. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she won't win this. Why? She doesn't deserve it and "Beautiful" is over-rated. I'm glad that Kelly and Dido are nominated, they deserve to be recognized, although I don't think they will win it. As for Kelly, she is not even nominated for Best New Artiste, therefore I doubt her chances in winning this. I guess the Miss-Punkster-Lavigne isn't happy with this nomination because last year she said 'I don't give a damn about being nominated i a Grammy, although I wanna win the Rock category.' But mark my words, Avril doesn't stand a chance, she's worse than Miss X-Tina."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan or "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah Mclachlan

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Any Road", George Harrison
2. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", Michael McDonald
3. "Send Your Love", Sting
4. "Cry Me A River", Justin Timberlake
5. "Keep Me In Your Heart", Warren Zevon

"Sting had won this award the most time and I'm quite sure that he will win this award AGAIN. I don't think he has any competition at all in this category. Furthermore, he's getting the legendary award this year, so it won't be tough to get this as well. Warren? Michael? George? Who? I have no idea who the hell are they. I'm glad Clay isn't nominated. As for Justin? Ehms, does he even deserve to be nominated in the first place? So enough said about him!"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting

Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal:
1. "Misunderstood", Bon Jovi
2. "Hole In The World", Eagles
3. "Stacy's Mom", Fountains Of Wayne
4. "Unwell", Matchbox Twenty
5. "Underneath It All", No Doubt

"It'll be No Doubt who will win this award. I mean, they have the highest chance in winning it. They had won it last year and I think they will win it again this year. The biggest threat got to be from Matchbox Twenty. Like i said, "Stacy Mom" is rubbish and I'm ashamed that Grammy is even regocnising them."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Underneath It All", No Doubt
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Unwell". Matchbox 20 (I hope Matchbox 20 will win this though)

Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals:
1. "Can't Hold Us Down", Christina Aguilera & Lil' Kim
2. "La Vie En Rose", Tony Bennett & k.d. lang
3. "Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking", Bob Dylan & Mavis Staples
4. "Feel Good Time", Pink Featuring William Orbit
5. "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

"OK, I have no idea how PInk's "Feel Good Time" got nominated. "Feel Good Time" did not even enter the HOt 100 Top 50. Anyway, I think "Me Against The Music" doesn't come under the eligibility for this year's grammy nominations. I hope it will be for next year. I think either "Can't Hold Us Down" or "Whenever I Say Your Name" win this award. But I hope it'll be Sting & Mary J.Blidge, it is a more rare collboration compared to X-Tina and Lil'Kim"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

Best Pop Vocal Album:
1. "Stripped", Christina Aguilera
2. "Brainwashed", George Harrison
3. "Bare", Annie Lennox
4. "Motown", Michael McDonald
5. "Justified", Justin Timberlake

"I hate to say this but I think Justin Timberlake's 'Justified' will most probably win this. I mean the rest of the four nominees aren't nominated in 'Album Of The Year' category. So if 'Justified' did not win this, won't it be funny if it is nominated in 'Album Of The Year'? So if Annie Lennox's "Bare" wins, will it makes more sense if 'Bare' is nominated in 'Album Of The Year' than 'Justified'. Understand what I'm talking about? I'm shocked that Sting's 'Sacred Love' isn't nominated here. 'Stripped' is too commercial, i hope it doesn't win either."

Who WOULD win: "Justified", Justin Timberlake (as much as I hate Justin winning any Grammy, this would be his category if he were to win at least ONE grammy)
Who SHOULD win: "Bare", Annie Lennox (Grammy loves comback, I hope they love Annie enough to give it to her instead that Mr. JT"

Best Dance Recording:
1. "Love One Another", Cher
2. "Easy", Groove Armada
3. "Die Another Day", Madonna
4. "Come Into My World", Kylie Minogue
5. "Breathe", Télépopmusik Featuring Angela McCluskey

"Oke, I think Cher will get this. She already won this with "Believe". However, 'Easy' by Groove Amanda might get it as well. I was sad that Kylie did not win this last year, so I was happy that she's nominated again this year and really hoping that she would win."

Who WOULD win: "Love One Another", Cher
Who SHOULD win: "Come Into My World", Kylie Minouge (it's about time she get a Grammy. She's better than Madonna."

ok, i'll stop here. be back tomorrow for the R&B category predictions. =)

12:09:00 AM

woke up early today at 6am... I guess because I've already slept for 6 hours yesterday afternoon... So yeah, did my usual morning routine...bathe and breakfast... Left my house at around 7:15 to fetch one of my relatives who is also going to work in the same office as me from today onwards... Reached the office at around 8:35... So I started training her and giving her backgrounds on our office and so on... Taught her how to count and so now giving her here I am updating my blog... =) I'll continue with my Grammy predicition then...for the POP category. Before that, Just wanna explain something: The grammy nomination is "For recordings released during the Eligibility Year October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003" So this explains why Britney isn't nominated, so she WILL be NEXT YEAR!

Best Female Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
2. "Miss Independent", Kelly Clarkson
3. "White Flag", Dido
4. "I'm With You", Avril Lavigne
5. "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan

"I REALLY HOPE that Sarah Mclachlan win this award again. She had won this award before in 2000, beating the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. So I hope she will win again. However, I think the hot favourite for this category is Christina Aguilera. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that she won't win this. Why? She doesn't deserve it and "Beautiful" is over-rated. I'm glad that Kelly and Dido are nominated, they deserve to be recognized, although I don't think they will win it. As for Kelly, she is not even nominated for Best New Artiste, therefore I doubt her chances in winning this. I guess the Miss-Punkster-Lavigne isn't happy with this nomination because last year she said 'I don't give a damn about being nominated i a Grammy, although I wanna win the Rock category.' But mark my words, Avril doesn't stand a chance, she's worse than Miss X-Tina."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah McLachlan or "Beautiful", Christina Aguilera
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Fallen", Sarah Mclachlan

Best Male Pop Vocal Performance:
1. "Any Road", George Harrison
2. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough", Michael McDonald
3. "Send Your Love", Sting
4. "Cry Me A River", Justin Timberlake
5. "Keep Me In Your Heart", Warren Zevon

"Sting had won this award the most time and I'm quite sure that he will win this award AGAIN. I don't think he has any competition at all in this category. Furthermore, he's getting the legendary award this year, so it won't be tough to get this as well. Warren? Michael? George? Who? I have no idea who the hell are they. I'm glad Clay isn't nominated. As for Justin? Ehms, does he even deserve to be nominated in the first place? So enough said about him!"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Send Your Love", Sting

Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal:
1. "Misunderstood", Bon Jovi
2. "Hole In The World", Eagles
3. "Stacy's Mom", Fountains Of Wayne
4. "Unwell", Matchbox Twenty
5. "Underneath It All", No Doubt

"It'll be No Doubt who will win this award. I mean, they have the highest chance in winning it. They had won it last year and I think they will win it again this year. The biggest threat got to be from Matchbox Twenty. Like i said, "Stacy Mom" is rubbish and I'm ashamed that Grammy is even regocnising them."

WHO WOULD WIN: "Underneath It All", No Doubt
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Unwell". Matchbox 20 (I hope Matchbox 20 will win this though)

Best Pop Collaboration With Vocals:
1. "Can't Hold Us Down", Christina Aguilera & Lil' Kim
2. "La Vie En Rose", Tony Bennett & k.d. lang
3. "Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking", Bob Dylan & Mavis Staples
4. "Feel Good Time", Pink Featuring William Orbit
5. "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

"OK, I have no idea how PInk's "Feel Good Time" got nominated. "Feel Good Time" did not even enter the HOt 100 Top 50. Anyway, I think "Me Against The Music" doesn't come under the eligibility for this year's grammy nominations. I hope it will be for next year. I think either "Can't Hold Us Down" or "Whenever I Say Your Name" win this award. But I hope it'll be Sting & Mary J.Blidge, it is a more rare collboration compared to X-Tina and Lil'Kim"

WHO WOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige
WHO SHOULD WIN: "Whenever I Say Your Name", Sting & Mary J. Blige

Best Pop Vocal Album:
1. "Stripped", Christina Aguilera
2. "Brainwashed", George Harrison
3. "Bare", Annie Lennox
4. "Motown", Michael McDonald
5. "Justified", Justin Timberlake

"I hate to say this but I think Justin Timberlake's 'Justified' will most probably win this. I mean the rest of the four nominees aren't nominated in 'Album Of The Year' category. So if 'Justified' did not win this, won't it be funny if it is nominated in 'Album Of The Year'? So if Annie Lennox's "Bare" wins, will it makes more sense if 'Bare' is nominated in 'Album Of The Year' than 'Justified'. Understand what I'm talking about? I'm shocked that Sting's 'Sacred Love' isn't nominated here. 'Stripped' is too commercial, i hope it doesn't win either."

Who WOULD win: "Justified", Justin Timberlake (as much as I hate Justin winning any Grammy, this would be his category if he were to win at least ONE grammy)
Who SHOULD win: "Bare", Annie Lennox (Grammy loves comback, I hope they love Annie enough to give it to her instead that Mr. JT"

Best Dance Recording:
1. "Love One Another", Cher
2. "Easy", Groove Armada
3. "Die Another Day", Madonna
4. "Come Into My World", Kylie Minogue
5. "Breathe", Télépopmusik Featuring Angela McCluskey

"Oke, I think Cher will get this. She already won this with "Believe". However, 'Easy' by Groove Amanda might get it as well. I was sad that Kylie did not win this last year, so I was happy that she's nominated again this year and really hoping that she would win."

Who WOULD win: "Love One Another", Cher
Who SHOULD win: "Come Into My World", Kylie Minouge (it's about time she get a Grammy. She's better than Madonna."

ok, i'll stop here. be back tomorrow for the R&B category predictions. =)

12:09:00 AM

So here is my first Grammy predictions on General Field:

Record Of The Year:
1. "Crazy In Love" Beyoncé Featuring Jay-Z
2. "Where Is The Love" The Black Eyed Peas & Justin Timberlake
3. "Clocks" Coldplay
4. "Lose Yourself", Eminem
5. "Hey Ya!" OutKast

"I think "Hey Ya!" will walk away with this award, but I really hope Eminem win this. He deserves the award because "Lose Yourself" is simply the best hip hop number I had ever listened in my entire life. I also glad that Coldplay is nominated in this category because it is time they get recognised. "Clocks" is a beautiful piece of work. If there's any upset, it will come from Beyonce's "Crazy In Love" because it IS the huge record of 2003 all over the world."

Who WOULD win: "Hey Ya!", OutKast (Everyone's in the industry thinks this song is great, though I think this song is way over-rated)
Who SHOULD win: "Lose Yourself", Eminem

Album Of The Year
1. "Under Construction", Missy Elliott
2. "Fallen", Evanescence
3. "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below", OutKast
4. "Justified", Justin Timberlake
5. "Elephant", The White Stripes

"OutKast will definitely get this award. Everyone thinks that the album is cleverly done and that they are super-talented. The sure thing is Justin Timberlake will not win this award. He doesn't deserve the nomination, let along winning it."

Who WOULD win: "Speakerboxxx/The Love Below", OutKast
Who SHOULD win: "Under Construction", Missy Elliott (Missy Elliott is talented, she has churned out hits after hits, who can deny the hits this album has come out with -- "Work It", "Gossip Folks")

Song Of The Year
1. "Beautiful", Linda Perry, songwriter (Christina Aguilera)
2. "Dance With My Father", Richard Marx & Luther Vandross, songwriters (Luther Vandross)
3. "I'm With You", Avril Lavigne & The Matrix, songwriters (Avril Lavigne)
4. "Keep Me In Your Heart", Jorge Calderón & Warren Zevon, songwriters (Warren Zevon)
5. "Lose Yourself", J. Bass, M. Mathers & L. Resto, songwriters (Eminem)

"This is an Eminem category. "Lose Yourself" will have the highest chance in this category. I mean "Lose Yourself" has already won an Oscar, so I think Grammy will be on the way. However, if there was any upset in this category, it got to come from Luther Vandross' "Dance With My Father". He's a legend, Grammy loves legend. "Complicated" is Avril's biggest hit, so "I'm With You" doesn't stand a chance. "Beautiful" is boring, it will NOT win this award."

Who WOULD win: "Lose Yourself", Eminem
Who SHOULD win: "Lose Yourself", Eminem

Best New Artist
1. Evanescence
2. 50 Cent
3. Fountains Of Wayne
4. Heather Headley
5. Sean Paul

"This is the most ridiculous category of all. Fountain of Wayne? who? Their music's rubbish and Grammy is recognising them? Heather Headley? Who? Is she nominated just to fill in the space? Or just to show that Grammy's nomination is versatile? I mean where's Kelly Clarkson? Ok, It'll be a fight between Evanescence and 50 Cent. I really have a hard time in deciding who would win this award. For many past years, there are NO Rap and Rock Artiste that win this award. 2003: Norah Jones, 2002: Alicia Keys, 2001: Shelby Lynne, 2000: Christina Aguilera. See the trend, all female acts. So does that mean Heather Headley gonna win? Cos I have no idea who she is."

Who WOULD win: 50 Cent (He is the BEST NEW ARTISTE of 2003. He had won numerous awards and sold lots of records)
Who SHOULD win: 50 Cent or Evanescence (Both deserve the award, I guess a Rap artiste will be recognised as more talented than a Rock artiste?)

Ok, I'll end here. I'll be back again to post my predictions of the other categories...

12:09:00 AM

I was having my usual day. Reached my office at around 10:30, expecting for another boring day of work. There's so live soccer matches today, so I guess there won't be anyone in the office except for my other 2 colleagues. The good thing is my bosses aren't around, so I get to surf the net and chat anytime I want.

So as usual, I was surfing the net for the newest and latest Britney Spears' news. Then, I say something rather interesting in a Britney's Forum. They were talking about what Britneys should do to top off the stunts that Justin & Janet did in the SuperBowl Half-time. I was curious about what they are talking about - the stunts that Justin & Janet did. So I went to Justin Timberlake's Forum and hell, I was extremely SHOCKED. I mean, I never imagined that they would ever do such thing on a live broadcast. Wow, I mean, it's so unbelievable, yet it happened. So are you ready for the "stunts"?

Justin Timberlake was the surprise performer at the event and so he sang, "Rock Your Body". As the song goes, "I'll get you naked by the end of this song", Moments later Justin ripped off Jackson's top, exposing a bare breast -- the nipple covered by a metal 'solar' nipple medallion- Yep, you saw it RIGHT. He ripped off Janet's top and exposing Janet Jackson's right breast with nothing but a sun-shaped metal thingie covering it. If you wanna see the pic, here's the website: Well, Justin later apologised by saying that it was the wardrobe mulfunction. but would you believe that i wasn't planned? According to those watched, Justin wrapped his hand around it and ripped it and that it was so planned! If it wasn't planned, Justin wouldn't even put his hands anywhere near Janet's breast. Furthermore, it ain't easy to rip some costume showing only her right breast, I mean the outfit had to be specially made to do that.

I think both Justin and Janet are desperate to top off the kiss that Britney, Madonna and X-Tina had on VMA03. However, having girls kissing for a short while is not as bad as having a guy ripped of a girl's top to reveal her breast. Furthermore, the kiss was on cable, while the SuperBowl Halftime Performance was nationally broadcasted! Like i said, I can't even believe it happened. However, i can't believe they are trying to cover it up now with some bullshit story. I mean, at least own up to it, this is so pathetic and I guess it is predictable in Justin's part because he's such a pu$$y! I mean, they did it because they want some publicity, but it didn't create any publicity, and now the stunt was getting lots of backlashes and many people are angry and ashamed that such thing could happened on a nationally broadcasted programme. So Justin found out that his plan wasn't working and now he created some lies. Geez... I hate Justin Timberlake to the core! First he grabs Kylie's butt, now he rips off Janet's boob shield thingy. Then he bashed Britney twice and then he gave a "threat" on wanting to sell Britney's letters to the media. You call him a GUY?

Lastly, I got to put Britney in here somehow. I mean if Britney did that it'd be a publicity stunt, and most people would say that it was a desperate stunt. However, when Justin Timberlake did it's "performing" and chemistry between 2 heterosexual people... MY ASS... This is so unfair... I just hope Britney don't do anything to try to take a revenge of them for their action because Britney is a WOMAN... She has her believes and morale to keep.

I guess I'll stop here then. I hope this stunt will affect Justin somehow. It already that's good. He's a real scumbag... Gotta scoot.

12:09:00 AM

Monday, February 02, 2004

Reached home at 10 am this morning from work... Took a bath before I went to sleep...woke up at 6 pm and had my dinner...after that took a bath and watched Avril Lavigne's "Try To Shut Me Up" concert. I got to say her concert is well...ORDINARY...yes, she sings live...yes, she plays her own instruments.... yes, she is energetic on stage... but it's ORDINARY..the set of the stage is simple..she doesn't have costume changes... she doesn't dance (I bet she can't)... and she doesn't SMILE... so that sums it all up.... and well... I can't shut her up definitely....but if I could, I would.'s amazing...I was watching the match between Valladolid and Real Madrid... Valladolid was leading Real Madrid by 2 balls in half-time..while I was chatting with Barry on MSN...Real Madrid has already leveled the game by scoring 2 goals within a short period of 20 minutes..amazing... haha...and Arsenal currently leading by one ball over Manchester City...but I hope this match would be a draw game..then Man U will lead Arsenal by a point..but then Arsenal ain't that easy to beat... still..i'm keeping my hopes high at the moment...

Oh yeah, Grammy Award is coming in a week time..So I guess I would be making my prediction on the Grammy Award for this whole week...haha... =) anyway, sign off now first then...

1:08:00 AM

Sunday, February 01, 2004

woke up at 2 pm..went out with my mum to the near-by supermarket to get something for dinner...went back home and watched some VCDs before turning the channel to watch "American Idol 2" at 5:30pm. I've watched the show already but I just feel like watching it watch my favourite, Trenyce performed of course. It was the "Disco Week", the week that Corey got thrown out of the competition due to some charges and the week where Trenyce sang "I'm Every Woman" and got herself into the bottom 3 for the first time in the Finals. I have no idea which part of the performance was bad, after watching it again today, I tought Trenyce's performance was FANTASTIC. I got to agree totally with Verdine White, the guest-judge, that Trenyce got "star-quality and has the whole-package". Anyway, the show's over and there's even American Idol 3 going on right now. =)

I was supposed to get into office at 11pm today. However, my parents, my uncle, aunties and grandmother wanted to send me to the office, so they followed. Haha.. Found it so ridiculous that so many people followed in sending me to work. =) Anyway, becos of that, I left the house at 7:30 pm..went to borrow some VCDs first before sending me off to work. So, I reached the office one and a half hour earlier. I guess I got to repay my colleague for the time that I was late yesterday. =)

So at the moment, I'm in my office, doing pratically nothing, except for a few calls here and there. Manchester United beat Southampton 3-2. Bremen won 3-0 and currently Liverpool and Newscastle are sill playing at Espn and Star Sports respectively. Liverpool match is so boring...not much excitement..still goaless....while Newscastle is currently leading Birmingham by one ball......wohooo...England is raining right now... got to scoot then... see ya...

12:14:00 AM

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