Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Britney Spears Showtime was two days ago and I hope this will help her increase the sales "In The Zone". Anyway, "Toxic" is gaining quite a lot of spins in America, So I do expect a bounce into the Top 10! =D

Oh yeah, for all those who think Britney can't sing! She sang "Everytime" & "Shadow" LIVE! And she gave us a new rendition of that song and those who think she sang off-key, to hell with you! How is she to sing on-key when she has a totally different rendition from the album version. She hit all the high notes and though, she started off shaky, she went smooth along the way! I love the vocal in this performance, I love it so so much! Nothing anybody can say to make me think otherwise! Anyway, for all those who wanted to hear this different interpretation of "Everytime", go to www.bsdirect.net She sang the song beautifully and I could feel her emotion and I was reading some of the posts her American fans posted in the forum, at the end of this performance, she was about to cry! This songs mean so much for her and I agree with that fan and said: "Don't cry Britney, no use crying over a jerk like JT! You deserve more!" I hate Justin with all my heart! Damn..How could I do that? Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the songs. See ya

5:32:00 PM

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Damn...It's already 3:35am here and I'm getting real bored! Today got nothing much to update, except, for those who don't know, Christina Aguilera is engaged! =D I just hope she doesn't pull a Britney! Anyway, best of luck to her!

4:33:00 AM

Friday, March 26, 2004

Just a quick update! I've been going out with Lissa for the past few days. We actually went to watch two movies (not on the same day): "Torque" & "Along Came Polly". I think "Along Came Polly" is a better show, I like it. Oh yeah, I also watched "Dirty Dancing 2: Havana Nights" on VCD and I LOVE this show. Oh my gawd, I love the dance moves...to borrow from Christina Aguilera, it's "Dirrrrty"! Haha. Although I'm not into such dance, but I enjoy the show a lot.
Britney Spears! "Toxic" fell of two spots from #9 to #11. I wasn't expecting a rise but I was keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay in the Top 10. Nevertheless, I'm happy with its success. I have heard news that "Everytime" will be re-recorded for the single version! If this is true, I'm really proud of Britney and JIVE! I love the song, but the album version doesn't show her vocal well enough. I hope they would re-record it to sound like the SNL performance and if you do not know the difference of both version, you go buy yourself "In The Zone" and listen to track12 then you go bugged PHYOE to lend you his Mp3 and listen to that "everytime" version, that's LIVE and it's much better!
American Idol! So now 2 are booted out and I'm pretty slow because last night I got to watch American Ideol on Star World but it's only the WildCard Show! I think American Idol 3 has many fantastic singers in the Top 12, but none of them can match up the X factor and the star quality that Season 1 and 2 gave! Trenyce is MY ultimate idol, she just captures me totally, make me digging her performances. That is the star quality I was referring to, none of this year contestants have made me sit up and really support them, like Trenyce did last season! But I do hope LaToya will win this competition. It's about time a black woman win this competition. Season 1, Tamyra Gray got robbed! Season 2, Kimberley Locke and Trenyce are both fantastic, but they are simply overshadowed by Ruben & Clay! LaToya is not my personal favourite, but I still hope she wins. My favourite from this year Top 12 is Jasmine! She's a good singer but her performance of "Breathe" was terrible and I don't want Fantasia to win! I hate contestants who talk back to Simon, I think they are really rude and stupid!
I listened and watched "Hey Mama" so many times on MTV in the office! I love the song and did I ever mention that Fergie is HOT? I did! And this is my dunno how many times saying it! Haha...oh yeah, talking about HOT! Britney Spears is voted as the Sexiest Female by FHM Magazine UK! Wohooo....

8:28:00 AM

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

The nominations for the second year TRL Award is OUT! Last year, Britney attended, co-hosted and won the "First Lady Award" and this year, she's up for 3 awards. Please click here to cast your vote for ONLY Britney Spears in these three categories: TRL'S FIRST LADY AWARD, ROC THE MIC AWARD, GRIDLOCK AWARD. Anyway, you can vote for more than once. So go vote for it once a day at least! =D Britney's "ITZ" sold another 47k this week with 0% decline from last week. This is a pretty good figure comparing the rest of the albums who suffered a decline in their album sales. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for "TOxic" position in BB HOt 100. I doubt it will rise to #8, but I still hope it will cos it's still gaining spins in the POP Radio Stations in America! Hehe...

9:35:00 PM

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

I was complaining to most of my friends about my parents yesterday, but now I think all hopes are up! =D London School in Jakarta looks really promosing and it offers MASS COMMUNICATION! Wohooo... Furthermore, their facilities are really good - with thier own internal radio station, broadcasting station & etc. They even have lots of clubs - DJ-ing, Acting and lots more.. I think I'll most probably be going to that school and I hope I can pass its entry test and go through the interviews. Damn.. I can't wait. The registration is in May, so I got like 2 more months to go. Oh yeah, the website is: www.lspr.edu. Lydia, why don't you come over and study! Haha... Better than waiting for next year to KL? Haha.. Okok, I'm just giving you more options, that's all! Anyway, I'll keep all of you updated about my application. See ya!

8:34:00 PM

Monday, March 22, 2004

I saw Maroon5's new video, "THis Love"! I love the song and the video as well. I remember Lydia was saying about Enrique's video being too raunchy, but I think this also very 'sexy'? Haha. I haven't seen Enrique's video, so I dunno which is raunchier. I finally bought The Calling's CD after so long and I think I might grab myself Maroon5's CD "Song About Jane" as well..but it will have to wait until I get my pay for this month.

"I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again"

Oh yeah, if you wanna see that sexy video I was talking about go to www.maroon5.com. Very boring. It's public holiday here in Indonesia, but I'm still working and it's a long day today. I'll only be off at 11pm and it's only 12 noon now!

1:00:00 PM

Sunday, March 21, 2004

It's Sunday and I'm working. It's really quiet in the office, so I spent most of my time watching VCDs and surfing the net. I have finally watched "Scent Of Love" till the last episode. As I was expecting, it was a sad ending - the female lead died. Although she died, I like the ending very much, it created a really impactful ending and the whole story become so 'real'. A really nice TV series, I would recommend it to anyone. Stay on for the first few episodes, it gets more and more interesting. I would really want to knwo my past lives too if that is possible. Haha.
I'm real excited about Britney's new video, "Everytime" and I have heard that Christina's new album will be titled "Double Penetration". It's just a rumour, I seen it on a Christina's forum. I think it is a pretty sick title. "I was stripped in my previous album and now I would deliver a double penetration". Yuckz....

4:40:00 PM

Friday, March 19, 2004

I managed to catch American Idol on StarWorld! It was the Group 4 performing and I wasn't really impressed any of the performers in group 4 except for that Hawaii girl. She sang well and has a good voice, but her voise is a little over the top, no control over her upper register yet...think Christina Aguilera! But Simon is DEFINITELY the highlight of this show..like he has ALWAYS been! There are a few really hilarious comments. There was one where he said, "I Have never seen anyone open their mouth THAT wide" and he even said something like he could drive a car through her mouth. Really funny but I do agree on this one though. She opened her mouth DAMN FREAKING WIDE... Worse than Jessica Simpson...There was one where he said to a performer (girl), "You are a beautiful girl, but you are ugly when you performed"...Haha.. That cracked me up too! I have no problem with her facial expressions while she performed, I mean since Simon didn't give that comment to Trenyce last season, he shouldn't have said it to this girl. Trenyce's facial expression was way more over the top than that girl, but still Trenyce can SING while she can't! Oh yeah, talking about facial expression, I remember Simon mentioning to Clay in Season 2 saying, "I prefer watching you with eyes closed".
Now, come my FAVOURITE:
Simon: "So Ryan, since you are an expert. Do you think he can?"
Ryan: "I think he can!"
Simon: "And do you think everyone in the room can?"
Ryan: "Yeah, I do think everyone in the room can because they're good!"
Simon: "Oh yeah, which is why you're the host while I'm the judge" (I was laughing freaking hard at this)
Ryan: "Ok ignorant! But you put them through till this stage, they must be good!"
Simon: "Ryan If you can find me 32 stars in a competition, you will then be a millionaire instead of a thousandaire" (I burst out laughing again at this comment) Haha.. This is hilarious! American Idol wouldn't be the same without HIM.. I love this guy...he is the MAN!
Now, Britney Spears! "In The Zone" up a spot at #14 this week on Billboard Top 200! And the damn good news! "Toxic" up a spot at #9 this week on Billboard Hot 100... This is AMAZING! This tied with "Oops!" peak and if it was to climb up the chart again, it will officially be Britney Spears' second top selling single after "Baby One More Time". =D

12:44:00 AM

Thursday, March 18, 2004

The Things I did from 11pm yesterday till now:
1. Surf the net (Mostly in Britney Spears Forum)
2. Watch HBO ('The Tuxedo' & 'The Teenage Cavemen')
3. Watch MTV, Channel V ('Hey Mama" I love the song and Fergie is freaking hot. wow)
4. Replying Darius' Email
5. Read Blogs
6. Writing this post in my blog!

So everything's pretty boring. My gf still in Bandung and I'll be meeting up with Lissa tomorrow for a movie or something... =D

9:38:00 AM

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

I was browsing through the net, nothing to do in the office right now. I found a funny drawing featuring Good Charlotte killing Avril Lavigne. Haha... Well, I'm not a huge fan of Good Charlotte, but I'm a huge Avril Lavigne hater! So I'll be glad if they would really kill Avril "Miss-Punkster-turning-nice-n-sweet" Lavigne. Anyway, I posted the picture up as well. It's at the side bar! Pretty cool!
Latest update on the sales of "In The Zone"! It sold approx. 50k copies this week and rises to Top 15 again! I guess her tour must have helped and keep a look out for "Toxic" to rise again in Hot 100! Amazing stuffs there for Britney! Wohooo..I'm happy now!

6:40:00 AM

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Wow.. I started digging The Calling... =D Rock has always been my least favourite music, although I do like some of the songs. I was listening to "Adrienne" last night and I really like it. I guess, I'll go buy their debut album once I receive my pay for this month... haha... Oh yeah, just to mention, I only own 2 rock Cds: Linkin Park's "Hybrid Theory" and Nickelback's "Silver Side Up"...=D
I received an sms from Phyoe and I have no idea what was his intention for sending me that sms... =D Nevertheless, thank you for keeping me updated... and Yesh, I've emailed her and I hope she'll fell better.
Watching Man U match... They have let me in fact all their fans down match after match for the past month, with Chelsea and Arsenal at the Top 2 position, I expect Man U to try their best to catch up, but their current score is Man City (2) - Man U (1).....

10:30:00 PM

Saturday, March 13, 2004

It's going to be a LOONG day today! It'll be fricking 14 hours in the office (from 9am till 11pm) and I'm really bored at the moment. =( Anyway, I replied Darius' super long email which include a little bit on friends that I think I would want to keep. I was thinking since most of my friends are in Singapore and I am in Indonesia, how am I going to actually keep our 'friendship' alive. Yeah, the INTERNET! I could email (Darius), I could sms (Phyoe/Tae Chang), or update my blog and read their blogs to know their everday lives (Lyd, Wham, Leen, Reine, Jas) and of course chat through the MSN (most of them), but then we couldn't see one another and I HATE that! I just HOPE....really HOPE... that we could still be friends no matter what... So guys, don't forget me oooookkkkk? Haha... I'm always happy to receive smses, emails or whatever.. haha.. I was smiling broadly to receive "Yoz, guess who's this" sms from Tae Chang! Anyway, I'll just stop here.. I'm going to have my lunch now... PEACE!

3:01:00 PM

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Still can't get over the fact Man U got kicked out... but still, I got to move on because MY Britney Spears is waaaayyyy more important. =D Britney Spears' "IN The Zone" stayed at the Top 20 at #16 this week selling at an estimated 50k. This will total up to be around 2.2 million copies of her album in America alone. In total, "In The Zone" has sold over 6 million copies worldwide according to BMG! So this is great news... =D Fans in America have been working their butt off to keep on requesting for "Toxic" in their local radio stations. Their effort pays off because "Toxic" is Britney's biggest hit since "Oops!" and I would want to give a biiigggg hug to all Britney fans in the states... THANK YOU!!!!

Here are some of "Toxic" accomplishment:
#1 On Billboard's Airplay Monitor Top 40 Chart
#1 On Radio & Records' CHR Pop Chart (with an amazing 81 million audience impression)
#1 On UK CHart (making it her 4th No.1 single in UK! ..since "Oops!")
#2 On Top 40 Mainstream (new peak! still going up, hoping to reach #1 by next week)
#2 On Hot Digital Tracks (peak at #1)
#2 On Top 40 Tracks (new peak! still going up, hoping to reach #1 by next week)
#2 On ARC Weekly Top 40 (new peak! still going up, hoping to reach #1 by next week)
#8 On Hot Dance Music/Club Play (zoomed from #18! new peak!)
#11 On Billboard Hot 100 (if it doesn't lose spins and her fans keep voting, she will break into the Top 10)
#1 On Indonesia Radio Station (I'm sure it'll top the POwer98 Top 30 countdown and Perfect 10 countdown as well in Singapore)
#1 On Australia, Boston Chart! (I not sure about the rest of the world, but I'm sure it went to #1 in a few other countries)
#1 On MTV TRL (for the VIDEO)

Anyway, her third single is going to be "Everytime". Although, most of her fans in the states are worried that she will lose the steam that "Toxic" created by releasing a ballad and Britney's ballad has never done well in the states (except for "From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart"). Still, with so much hype "Toxic" has been getting, I think it's a smart move to slow things down with "Everytime". It's a beautiful song, although I would like the song to be re-recorded with stronger vocal. There was also a big hoo-haa over "Everytime" video concept. "Everytime" video concept is going to have suicide theme! =) Ok, I have no idea what's the big deal with the theme. Britney is NOT the first artiste to do a suicide video - think Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life", Good Charlotte "Hold On" and I'm sure there are lots of others. Although I'm fine with the idea, I hope she doesn't do it. I hate videos that try to make a statement, I just what the video to have Britney looking extremely glamarous playing the piano. =)

Her tour is still going strong...and it's the biggest tour in 2004! Wohoo...Britney all the way... I'm happy now, though still wondering what happen to the 'mighty' Manchester United.....=(

1:46:00 PM

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

wtf....damn... If I could, I would go all the way to Old Trafford to kill anyone... I mean anyone at all... This is disappointing, let alone embarassing... Damn... I'm mad but I don't know who to blame, I have noone to blame!!!!! AAAARRRGGGGGHHHHH..... Can someone please enlighten me what happen to the Manchester United who managed to face great obstacles and win the premiership last season? tell me what happen to the Manchester United who once won trebles?

5:38:00 AM

MU is leading currently, so I'm happy and I hope nothing screw up in the second half. =D Oh yeah, don't focus on the negative things, zoom into the positive parts of anything you read, do or whatsoever. Really... eg. Britney Spears' "The Onyx Hotel Tour"! See the show as one of Britney's most emotional concert. "The past six months have been a rollercoaster ride. There have been a lot of ups and downs. But I think that's made me who I am right now....Ultimately we get to know how to cry, laugh and know heartbreak. The world keeps moving. Above everything, we know life is good... I wrote this song and it means alot to me. I hop you like it," Britney said before she went on to play the piano and sang "Everytime" live. Focus on that... I wish I could be there and experience the feeling and the atmosphere during that performance. The audience singing along with her and feeling her totally. I want that feeling as well, I want to be able to sing along to such an emotional song with her and her fans because only by experiencing such feeling with Britney and all her fans then I could call myself a true-blue Britney SUPPORTER. I LLLOOOVEEEE Britney Spears. She took half of my heart away. Damn...

4:42:00 AM

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Very tired now... Watched "Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers" special extended version that I bought in Singapore. Wow, there are so many scenes that are actually cut, so for all those die hard LOTR fans, you should get the extended VCD or DVD version because it is so much more understandable. There are just plenty of scenes that were totally not shown in the cinema. The ending was a little longer! After Gandalf led the army and saved Rohan. The orcs actually tried to run away and they ran into the woods. However, at last they were killed by the trees in the woods. That was not shown in the cinema. Also, after the ancient trees attack Saruman's towers, the place was actually flooded and Pippin was hungry and to their surprise they found a kitchen full of foods. Haha..That was pretty funny but it wasn't shown. There was also this Rohan lady (the one that like Aragorn). She cooked some food and gave it to Aragorn during their journey from Rohan City to Helms Deep. Aragorn didn't like it, so he lied and said it was nice and after the lady turned away, he was trying to throw the food away... There was actually quite a significant scene (to me) that was cut from the cinema. It shows Boromir, Faramir and their father. It was the father who asked Boromir to go to Rivendell and take the ring for their benefit. The father entrusted the task to Boromir as he did not trust Faramir which explains why the father had no love for Faramir and didn't care if he died in the last instalment. That scene was totally out, I wonder why! Haha..Anyway, I think all those deleted scenes made up at least 45 minutes to 1 hour. So go grab yourself the entended version. It's worth it! I'm waiting for the third instalment to come out!
I'm really tired now...so I guess I'll take a nap for an hour or two... see ya...

6:24:00 AM

Monday, March 08, 2004

Athough I'm really busy, I still have to post this up! TWO fantastic reviews on Britney Spears' "The Onyx Hotel" Tour... Please read on, you'll be pleased! Haha..and I'll reward you as well..hahaha. =)


The Sun ("Britney Raunches New Tour")

BRITNEY SPEARS is back. And she's boobier, brassier and better than ever. I was in the audience for the first night of her world tour and I wasn't disappointed.

Britney ... boobier
Never mind the Princess Of Pop. This girl is the Queen Of Raunch.If there were any CHRISTINA AGUILERA fans in the 11,000-strong crowd at the San Diego Sports Arena on Tuesday, I reckon they might have been converted. Yes, she was that good. Showing off her curves in a PVC catsuit, Britney kicked off with new single Toxic, which is set to be No1 here [UK].

Better than ever ... Britney
She should have issued a health warning, too. I'm surprised fellas didn't pass out as she writhed on stage with near-naked dancers. Miss Spears captivated the crowd throughout her 90-minute set in a sexy French maid outfit, slinky underwear and her birthday suit - well, almost. As she performed in a bathrobe, she slipped it off to bare all... wearing a flesh-coloured body stocking. Threesomes, masturbation, bondage, man-on-man and woman-on-woman action - nothing was off limits. And when she warned fans the show might not be suitable for children, she wasn't joking. It was a far cry from her days dancing on Disney Channel's New Mickey Mouse Club. Britney only sang a few older songs - preferring tracks from her fourth album, In The Zone.

On top ... Queen of Raunch
But she treated fans to a sultry, jazzy version of ... Baby One More Time and Oops! ... I Did It Again. She might not have the voice of MARIAH CAREY or the track record of MADONNA, but as a package Britney's hard to beat. The UK leg of her Onyx Hotel Tour is already sold out and kicks off at London's Wembley Arena on April 27. She will also play Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow.

What she [Britney] said to her fans [during the concert]:
1. "The past six months have been a rollercoaster ride. There have been a lot of ups and downs. But I think that's made me who I am right now"

2. "Ultimately we get to know how to cry, laugh and know heartbreak. The world keeps moving. Above everything, we know life is good"

[Then she performed 'Everytime' live and played the piano]

3. Making fun of her 55-hour marriage: "Here's my band. If we're lucky I might marry them. Are you from Milwaukee? Do you wanna marry me?"

[She showed her funny side as well by cracking this joke! =D]

The Daily Star ("Britney Blows 'Em Away")

She's back on top with outrageous stage show. Brilliant Britney Spears blew away memories of her marriage disaster by putting on her sexiest stage show ever. The Sizzling single forgot her troubles as she thrilled fans with skimpy outfits, simulated sex and girl on girl action on the first date of her world tour. Her outrageous show, due in Britain next month, saw scantily-clad Britney being groped by her dances. One US fan said afterwards: "It was Awesome." And now bubbling Britney is set to seal her comeback this week by topping the UK charts with her new single Toxic.

Britney, 22, squeezed into a figue-hugging PVC catsuit to wow the 11,000 strong crowd in San Diego. Bell Boys and French maids pawed her as she sang her new single Toxic, The blonde beauty had seven cosutume changes during the 90 minute show; including matching pink bra and panties.

She even appeared on stage wearing a bathrobe with nothing underneath - and fans were amazed when daring Britney let it slip from her shoulders. But the sneaky star was wearing a flesh coloured body stocking underneath.

An X rated sleepover scene followed with stimulated sex, threesomes and girl on girl fun. And the cheeky star even poked fun at her 55 hour marriage to old school pal Jason Alexander when she cracked an onstage joke. She said of her five piece band: "If we're really lucky I might marry them!"

Then the emotional Britney revealed to the crowd: "The past six months have been a rollercoaster ride." "There have been ups and downs. But I think thats made me who I am right now."

Fans feared for the troubled singer after her brief marriage to Jason at a 5am Las Vegas ceremony. And controversy surrounded her on stage lesbian snog with Madonna at the MTV Music Awards. And last month she was snapped bawling her eyes out at a church ceremony. Britney even admitted she was seeking help for her problems.

And some critics thought she could be finished after thousands of seats went unsold at gigs last year. But one concert goer said last night: "Britney is back to her brilliant best." Judging from the amazing reaction she got she'll be around for a while.


Wow, you made it! CONGRATULATIONS...You're the best! =)

3:09:00 AM

Went to a pub last night! =) Well, it more of a discot***** (i don't know how to spell. Hehe) The song was fantastic cos the DJ was really really good last night. The atmosphere and the people were AMAZING too. So I had a great time last night. Although I didn't drink (I didn't want my mum to find out), I still have a wonderful time dancing to the music. The crowd went mad when Beyonce's "Baby Boy", "Crazy In Love" came on and the crowd was singing to "Where Is The Love" as well. It's a great experience. =)
Woke up at 10 am this morning and my mum, my aunties and grandmother went out! I didn't follow cos I was very tired..Well, that's what I told them...haha.. I invited my girlfriend to my house to keep me company. If not, I'll be damn bored at home alone cos I'm in the night shift today at 11pm! We watched a Japanese movie by Takeshi Kaneshiro and then played Play Station for hours and hours... Wow, I didn't know she can cook! She made a few dishes for lunch...haha..although it wasn't my grandmother's standard, but I'll still give her a passable grade!
Super busy tonight..So many people transferred money tonight...haha... So, I'll just stop here... =)

1:14:00 AM

Friday, March 05, 2004

oke...nothing much to write today! Woke up at 9am and then watched VCDs, "Scent Of Love" & "Snow Angel". "Scent Of Love" is beginning to get very interesting, I can't wait for the next few episodes to come. The more I look at the Korean actress who acted in the show makes me like her even more and more. She isn't the Song Hyi Kyo's pretty, neither Boa's sweet or Kim Hee Sun's elegance, but I like her alot! Went off to work at 4pm and have been doing practically nothing in the office even right up to this point besides chatting with my friends in spore and updating this blog.
GREAT NEWS! Britney Spears' "Toxic" jumped to #11 this week in Billboard Hot 100. It tied with her previous single, "Stronger" and if it going to enter the Top 10, it will become Britney's third Top 10 singles. It has been such a LOOOONG time since Britney's singles do well on the chart. So it's pretty amazing that "Toxic" is a HUGE smash. Also, words have it that "Toxic" will debut at the top spot in the UK single chart. It is currently leading the pack with a whopping 500,000 copies sold. That's a HUGE amount, people! Haha, I'm happy for her! "In The Zone" has sold 2,126,450 copies (the exact figure sold in Us) in like 3 months. Amazing! Ok, just feel like doing some comparisons. Christina Aguilera's "Stripped" sold 3,581,537 copies (exact figure sold in US) and it was released a year ago? I'm not bashing Xtina, I just stating the fact! Also, Beyonce sold an estimated 2.7 million copies (i don't have the exact figures) and it was released way before "In The Zone". Now comes to Justin! "Justified" sold an estimated 3.8 million copies and it was released over a year! The point is "Britney" was definitely not a flop! It sold over 4.8 million copies and "In The Zone" won't be a flop too!
Anyway, I'll go off...see ya next time...

9:26:00 PM

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Britney Spears' "The Onyx Hotel Tour" started yesterday! Wohoooo...Although, I won't be able to watch it, I've been searching through the net for the review of the concert and from what I had read, everything's good! Lots of reviews were saying that this current tour is better than "Dream Within A Dream" tour, so I'm really happy! Oh yeah, Britney Spears' sang 16 songs in this order:
1. "Toxic"
2. "Overprotected (DarkChild Remix)
3. "Boys" (Co-Ed Remix)
4. "Showdown"
5. "Baby One More Time" (Cabaret Version)
6. "Oops! I Did It Again" (Jazz Version)
7. "Crazy" (Album Version)
8. "Everytime"
9. "The Hook Up"
10. "I'm A Slave 4 U"
11. "Shadow"
12. "Touch Of My Hand"
13. "Breathe On Me"
14. "Outrageous"
15. "I Got That Boom Boom"
16. "Me Against The Music" (The Version of AMA Performance)

Anyway, I came across a very detailed and good review, so click here to see the review and I'm sure you would LOVE to be there. haha... Ok, She sang a few songs live, so it's an improvement to her previous concerts and with so much chorepgraphy in her performances, I don't hole any grudges even if she were to lip synch. I would be fine with it! And the HIGHLIGHT of the concert would be Britney Spears is PLAYING the piano when she sang "Everytime". THAT was AMAZING! I heard her play the piano for part of the song in the MTV Exclusive but not the whole song. I really hope that the VCD of the concert will be released soon, I CAN'T WAIT! Well, the most controversial of all the performances got to be from "Touch Of My Hand" and "Breathe On Me", but hey, they are suggestive songs, so I guess it's only appropriate to be done that way. Anyway, she wore a skin-coloured suit with diamonds on it just like in "Toxic" video, so she wasn't nude with ONLY diamonds covering her for the "Touch Of My Hand" performance. Another very sensual performance is "Breathe On Me". But still, she's BRITNEY! So I'm neither angry, shocked nor suprised! What makes me angry is that people thought she was faking the piano playing bit! I could not believe those people who said it! They would just SAY anything to bring her down. She was definitely singing live and was playing the piano in that performance, but people thought she was "finger-synching"..if there is such a word. To all those haters, get a life! Don't keep bashing people just because someone learns new thing! RIDICULOUS! Anyway, all in all, I hoped the concert will bring in more sales for her latest album. Best of Luck Britney and I"m waiting for the VCD to come out.

12:07:00 PM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The Oscar! Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King sweeps all the Oscars it was nominated in. They tied with Titanic and Ben Hur to win 11 Oscars! My prediction was all correct except for the Best Actor category. I guess the rest were right that Sean Penn would win, I just thought that it's about time Oscar reward a comedian like Bill Murray! But still, Oscar is an even bigger snoozefest compared to Grammy!
I'm sad...crushed! I want to go Poly.. I really do.. but then my parents asked me not to... I can't describe what I'm feeling right now..but I know it's not a good feeling...

1:15:00 PM

Monday, March 01, 2004

Tired!!!!! But still, I promised the Oscar Prediction, so here it is!

Keisha Castle-Hughes - WHALE RIDER
Samantha Morton - IN AMERICA
Charlize Theron - MONSTER
Naomi Watts - 21 GRAMS

Who WILL win: Charlize Theron! (Oscars love the ugly! =) Charlize did a complete makeover in this movie and Oscars love that. Take a look at previous winners: Nicole Kidman (the nose) and Hillary Swank (the tomboy girl). To prove my point further that Oscars love the ugly, Nicole Kidman was snubbed this year because appearantly, she was too pretty in 'Cold Mountain')

Who SHOULD win: Diane Keaton. (Oscars love comeback but then last year proved that they love newcomer even more! Who would have thought Adrien Brody would have won the Best Actor statue? Everyone's rooting for come-back king, Daniel Day Lewis. I did! So this might not be good signs for Diane!)



Who WILL win: Bill Murray! (I will put my guts and say Bill Murray would walk away with the statue this year! Every other predictions that I read on Oscar winners, they put Sean Penn to walk away with it! However, this comedy star gave a heard-wrenching performance! Bill deserves an Oscar!)

Who SHOULD win: Jhonny Depp (I guess Jhonny is the most under-rated actor in Hollywood? He is an amazing actor and he played Jack Sparrow with charm! He brought Jack Sparrow to life and made him one of the most memorable characters in the movie history!)

Shohreh Aghdashloo - HOUSE OF SAND AND FOG
Patricia Clarkson - PIECES OF APRIL
Marcia Gay Harden - MYSTIC RIVER
Holly Hunter - THIRTEEN
Renée Zellweger - COLD MOUNTAIN

Who WILL win: Renee Zellweger! (This is a sure win category for Renee unless Oscar voters screwed up again! It's about time she got an Oscar and the time would be NOW! This is her third consecutive nominations in an acting category. Oscard would give it to her after passing out on her in last year's 'Chicago'!)

Who SHOULD win: Renee Zellweger! (As much as I think there'll be an upset in this category. Renee deserve the Oscars!)

Alec Baldwin - THE COOLER
Benicio Del Toro - 21 GRAMS
Djimon Hounsou - IN AMERICA
Tim Robbins - MYSTIC RIVER

Who WILL win: Tim Robbins (I didn't watch 'Mystic River' and I have no idea who Tim Robbins is! However, he is the hot favourite in this category and he had won the Golden Globe, so he might just get this one as well!)

Who SHOULD win: Alec Baldwin (This is his best performance ever! He steals the show away!)


Who WILL win: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (This movie deserves an Oscar! Ever since the first movie came out, We knew that Oscars would wait till the third movie to award it 'Best Picture' for the whole saga! Furthermore, LOTR is the best trilogy in the movie history and it's the only movie that got its second and third instalments selling like crazy!)

Who SHOULD win: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (enough said! It's the most deserving and should win it!)

So there you go! Haha....I always have not much luck in predicting Oscar compared to Grammy, but still, I hope my predictions were right! "Finding Nemo" would win the 'Best Animation Picture' hands down! =) Anyway, got to go!

7:29:00 AM

Spent the past 3 days in Singapore catching up with all my friends. =) Time past so so fast and how I wish I could spend more time in Spore and to be with my friends... Well, I just hope there'll be a break ion July after the Euro2004 and I'll sure to visit Singapore again and I hope none of my friends would forget me. Haha. Anyway, just some summary of my days in Singapore.
On My first day, I went for lunch with my classmates. I didn't know there would be so many people. I thought it'll be the same old people that would come, but then almost all the guys in my class came. =) So it was a good first day reunion. Everyone was nervous cos the next day would be the release of our result. However, it didn't seem to affect us much. Most of us did not want to go home, so after we played soccer in Pek Kio CC and got chased away by 3 policemen (we supposedly disturbed the neighbourhood), we went to the hawker center to TALK! We talked crapz though and play some pretty 'stoopid' games.. =) But it was a lot of fun. Just a mention of who were there: Boon, Jason, Barry, Hantu, Eileen, Kerui, Loo, Josh & ME! hehe...
My second day! Our 'doom' day! I was really nervous and I'm really scared that I wouldn't do well. However, it was partly disappeared when we met Peisin in the bus-stop telling us (Wham, Loo and Me) that the top student is WHAM and the rest of the top scorers. So before I even reached the school, I had known that I'm getting either 3 distinctions or less. =( ..The time had come: I walked towards Mrs.Kwok expressionless! When she passed me the result, I covered it with the booklet that came with it. I sat down still expressionless then I took a peak of my result slip! I got a THREE for English! Then I plucked up all my courage to reveal my result slip and there I was....stoned...not knowing what to say or even feel. I had NO A1s....the highest I got was A2s for both my maths. I only got TWO distinctions and BIO! I knew I wasn't going to do well in it, but I expected a THREE and I got a FIVE! Just with that, my tears just rolled down my cheek. I was disappointed definitely, but there's nothing I could do about it. So I moved on..furthermore, i did improve in my Chemistry and Physics! So that helped me overcome my sadness as well. Anyway, Phyoe promised a meal...so I was 'happy' again and went for dinner with him along Wham, Chang, Darius and Jason!
My third day! Woke up early to send my auntie to the bus stop cos she wanted to go Johor! After that, went to meet up with Manisha and do our 'usual' stuffs: ice cream at McDonal! =) After that, went to watch "Honey" with her and Tim (an acjc guy). The movie was good, nothing fantastic, just good especially the dance steps! Anyway, I think the highlight wasn't Jessica Alba, but Missy Elliott. She was hilarious! =) Then met up with the rest and went to Marche for dinner! Lyd, Andrew, Boon, Loo, Tan, Phyoe, Junni, Lucy and Jason!
My fourth day! Met up with Loo at 12 to return his shoes then met up with manisha and Tae Chang! Followed by Phyoe and Wham then went to the airport and met up with Lydia and Junni! =) Glad to see them and I really do not want to leave then! =( Anyway, I'm sure we'll be able to meet again! So here I am in Indonesia working and updating my blog. I might be back in the morning later for my Oscar predictions.. haha =)

2:37:00 AM

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