Friday, April 30, 2004

ok, here I am with another update! The jealous Fredy has landed!!! Arghhh.... who am I jealous with? Here's the guy!

Why am I jealous of him then?
For those who have no idea who this man is, his name is WADE ROBSON! (Get this name in your head) So who exactly this man, Wade? (sounds gay huh?) Well, he's gay! That's what I have heard! But that besides the point!!!!! He is a FANTASTIC dancer, for those who have not seen him dance, he has his own MTV Show called "The Wade Robson Project". You should catch it sometimes because he is great at instant choreography and his dance-steps are always cool! You all know I like to dance and I would love to be able to dance like him but I know myself, I would never be on the same par as him! But I can always dream of wanting to be like him rite? Secondly, he has worked with Britney Spears since 1999. He choreographed most of her dancesteps in her videos, on her performances on MTV Video Music Award 1999-2002, on her Pepsi commercials and even on her "Dream Within A Dream" tour! Oh yeah, he was also the guy who 'supposedly' is the third-party in Britney & Justin relationship! I have no idea how come because as far as I'm concerned, Wade is gay! Maybe it wasn't Britney who cheated on Justin with Wade, it was Justin who cheated on Britney with Wade. No matter which one is true, he is LIVING my dream. I would pay millions to have a life like him! Being able to just see Britney is my ULTIMATE dream, to be able to be like him and work with Britney...oh my god, I won't be able to explain my feelings if that ever happened!

So there ya go! He's the man I'm most jealous of! I'm not even jealous of Justin Throusersnake. It doesn't matter if he took Britney's virginity or not, the fact that Wade supported Britney no matter what happened, makes me think Wade is more of a man than that sissy Justin boy! The irony is of cos Wade is gay and Justin is 'supposedly' str8! ;)

11:14:00 AM

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I received my pay today and according to the rule of any company here in Jakarta, after you've been 3 months working in a company, you'll get a pay rise. So I got my pay RISE! Wohoo... =) Okok, don't be jealous now, cos I don't think this money will last for even 2 weeks. 10% will be in my savings, that's for sure. My mum will take 50-60% of it, then I have the remaining 30% to spend and I got LOTS of things to buy, ranging from CDs, posters, a brand new hi-fi set to a brand new DVD/VCD player.

Oh yeah, I just moved house today and I dun like this new place. This house has been left all alone for the past 4 years and it looks 'dirty'. The good thing is I got a big room for myself, just like the one in Medan. Talking about my house in Medan, I really miss it alot. My lightings, my bed, my britney's posters, my TV, my hi-fi set, my CD collections... Anyway, I need to go Carefour and so some shopping for my new room. I need to make it as similar as my medan's room as possible.

Before I go, I will give you some SCARRRRRRY news:
Contact Music reports Pop babe BRITNEY SPEARS had a shocking near-miss with a shark at the weekend (24/25APR04) - when she found herself swimming with a man-eating fish on California's Malibu Beach.

The TOXIC star was cooling off in the Pacific Ocean on a boogie board when she spotted the shark, and had to scramble to get back to the safety of the beach.

A source tells British newspaper THE DAILY STAR, "Britney was relaxing in the water and just paddling around. Suddenly, she spotted the shark and realised what danger she was in.

"She shouted, 'Oh my God! Shark! Shark! I see a shark out there, someone help me!' But then she soon recovered her cool."

As Britney recovered from the ordeal - while lifeguards warned other bathers to stay out of the sea - she was heard to say, "That was really scary. I was almost fish food."

This is the thing that I DON'T EVER WANT TO READ!! The joke made by one of the American DJs about Britney & Justin had a plane accident is ENOUGH for me. BUt well the difference is this is not a joke, this is real and I hope Britney will be blessed by whoever up there!

6:48:00 PM

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Haven't been blogging for a few days. My girlfriend has left Jakarta for Medan last Sunday, so I will be all alone ONCE AGAIN here, but she promised she'll be back in June or July! That'll be around 2 months from now!!!

After watching the whole series of "The Outsiders", there wasn't any more series I could watch. "Snow Angel" is getting really draggy, I've watched till episode 16. Now, I'm patiently wating for TWO taiwanese series titled, "Say Yes! Enterprise" and "Summer Scent". "Say Yes! Enterprise" will have lots of sections. One section includes Hebe & Vaness acting as lovers (Lee Wei, Blue Lan, Da S, Xiao S, Wu Bai will also be in this series). "Summer Scent" will be acted by Roy Qiu (Starry Starry Night) & Rainie Yang (Xiao You in Meteor Garden)

Besides all these Taiwanese series, I'm also very much into Chinese music nowadays. I've bought the soundtrack of "Snow Angel" and I don't enjoy the album at all. I guess I chose the wrong album. I'm still waiting for Roy Qiu's third album, "Remember" & the soundtrack for "The Outsider" to hit the stores here in Jakarta! Oh yeah, I've just bought the special eddition of 1998-2003 ShinHwa's album and I enjoy it very much. Their dancesteps are really cool. Hehe.. =)

Oh yeah, I'll be getting my pay very soon, I guess it'll either be today or tomorrow. I'll be getting Usher's "COnfession" album and Janet Jackson's "Damita Jo" album. What else should I buy? Anyone??? =P I think I'l stop here, as usual, it's very boring here in the office..

PS: I don't like OC. sorry Jiss and Lydia. I caught an epsiode of it here and I don't like it. Different people have different taste eh?

10:43:00 AM

Saturday, April 24, 2004

I hate sad ending, I hate sad ending, I hate sad ending! I can't stand sad ending anymore!!!! Damn those film-makers, why can't they make more happy endings? Those Taiwanese dramas with a f*cking sad ending should NOT be released!!!!! I just want to let that out!!!! I was moved to tears a total of THREE times in a single episode!!!! Anyway, the show is "The Outsiders"! I like this show alot, there are a few of the characters and events in the show that do reflect my life which is why I felt so connected with the show! So here's the poster and a review by one of the show's many fans!!!

I'm tired watching typical idol dramas which only try to sell pretty/great looking stars but have weak storyline. Surprisingly, The Outsiders offers something different (well, of course still with great looking actors). The story is very touching and full of morale lesson. Also, the soundtrack is just great, it flows perfectly with the drama. The drama has quite a lot of violence scenes (compare to other idol dramas which are sweet, cute, etc), but afterall, this is a gangster drama. However, the storyline does not focus on the violence. It focuses on the strong storyline especially the relationships between all of the main characters from love, friendship,life and how it affects each other. I rate this drama 9 out of 10 because starting episode 11 to 17, the story becomes draggy (the story a little bit weaken), but its starting to reach its climax again in episode 18. So overall, this drama is highly recommended for someone who's looking for something different and fresh.
Reviewer: Rich
Submitted on: Sunday, March 21, 2004

6:13:00 AM

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I have not been going out with my girlfriend for the past 3 days and she's going back to Medan THIS sunday! =( I think I need to spend more time with her for the next 2 days, but she promised she'll be back around June! =P

Anyway, I'm on night shift today and I got nothing to do, so I was browsing thru the net and found one very funny joke! So here it is:

Catching The Blonde:
This fat guy sees an ad for a new gym guaranteeing to reduce anyone's weight by 5, 10 or 20 kilograms on the first day. So he goes and tells them he wants to lose 5 kg. They strip him and lead him into a huge gym with all kinds of ropes and parallel bars and ladders and tell him to wait a minute. He's standing there when on the far side of the gym a door opens and out steps a gorgeous blonde, stark naked, with a sign saying

"If you catch me, I'm yours."

He starts running, and just as he gets close, she starts picking up speed. Before he knows it, he's running all over the gym, up the ladders, down the ladders, across the parallel bars, here and there. And just as he's about to catch the blonde, pop, she disappears through a door. In comes the management who lead him to the showers, and then weigh him. Sure enough, he lost exactly 5 kg.

He's back on the street and starts to think.

"Jesus, I was so close to catching her. If I had a little more time..."

So he races back to the gym and says, "I want to lose 20 more kg."

"No problem," says the manager.

Again he strips, and is led to the large gym. This time he's standing by the door when it opens. Out comes a gorilla with a sign

"If I catch you, you're mine."

5:36:00 AM

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

All I know is that Manisha will leave around 7pm from Darius! So I reached the office at 5pm which is 6pm in Singapore! I called Manisha's no, but I was diverted to "The singtel your are calling...". So the next person who came to my mind was Darius! So I called him, but he didn't pick up! After that, I tried calling Reine's hp too, but she didn't pick up! I even called Lydia's hp, but it was again diverted to "the singtel you are calling...". So I smsed both Phyoe and darius asking them if they sent Manisha off. Not long after that, I received two simultaneous smses - "Dude, she's already gone" from Darius & "guess who is this? This is not duck. Yeah, we sent her off and it was so sad." from Phyoe (actually Tae Chang was the one who smsed!) So you get my point? I MISSED saying my "LAST GOODBYE" to Manisha! Damn....I'm already miss that girl and if she doesn't have internet access there in Perth, I would have missed her even more! Damn... I dunno what is the chances of her coming to my blog, but I just leave the message that I wanted to tell her here:

"Manisha, I hope you'll have a great time there in Aussie. You're a smart girl, you just need to start believing in yourself more and I'm sure you'll do extremely well and excell in everything you set your goal to! Do keep in touch, send me emails. I will be very happy if I were to receive even ONE from you! =) Good luck and I'll miss ya!"

So another good friend of mine left for another country. It'll be so interesting to know whether we will still keep in touch 5 yrs from now and if we do, I would want a gathering. It'll be so cool! ;) Maybe I'll see the lawyer Manisha, the businessman Phyoe & Tae Chang, The IT whateva Barry, the footballer Joshua, the PE teacher Darren, the sportsman Jason, the famous Lydia, the model Lucy, the scholar Whammy, the rock-band Darius, the sportswoman Reine or whoever!

Ok, just to make a shout-out! I miss all of you! =(

9:45:00 PM

Sunday, April 18, 2004

So here's just some animations on Britney Spears' new video "Everytime". The second one would have the MOST impact one me. I got these from members of the EFG Forum! So enjoy!

10:34:00 PM

I'm really bored, so I made myself a banner. It's not the best looking banner I have ever done, in fact it is one of the ugliest I had ever done. But no matter, I just want to put it up, since I wasted 15 mins to do this! Hope you all will like it.

7:39:00 PM

Saturday, April 17, 2004

It has been a REALLY boring day!

First of all, I just want to comment a little on American Idol 3. I'm extremely shocked to see Jon Peter Lewis (JPL) got booted out of the show. I'm not his fan, but I always thought that he has a HUGE fanbase that will have him staying in this competition till the end! Adding to the fact that he was voted through to the final during Wildcard Round was through America votes, which means he is the SAME as Clay Aiken last year. So seeing him leave is like seeing Clay Aiken left even before the TOP 5! To be honest, I don't like him at all and IMO he's as bad as William Hung, but I really thought he would stay on longer than John Stevens. So since JPL gone now, John Stevens got to be the NEXT to go. I think John is riding on Clay's fame! That's just a guess!

Next Update: "Carmen Rasmusen, Trenyce, and Kimberly Caldwell from American Idol 2 were on On Air with Ryan Seacrest and said who they thought would win American Idol 3, and who they think is going tonight. Trenyce and Kimberly said that they think John Stevens is going tonight. They said they like him, but he's not right for this contest. Carmen said she thinks Jasmine is going tonight. Carmen and Kimberly say that Fantasia will be the winner, and Trenyce voted for LaToya. Trenyce threw in a plug that she's starting her album" from Fans of Reality TV Forum (I'm so so happy that Trenyce will be starting her album, I CAN'T wait for the album to come out! I'm gonna love it. I knew it!)

I'll just stop here. It's 3:15pm here, so it'll be like another 1 3/4 hrs before I can go off. Love ya'll!

4:07:00 PM

Friday, April 16, 2004

Tanggal: 14-April 2004
Perihal: Akses Internet Inobet
No: Indobet/SK/04/104
Kepada: Seluruk Karyawan

Dengan sedemikian banyaknya Virus, SPAM, dan serangan para hacker akhir-akhir ini yang menggangu system komputerisasi dan beratnya akses internal Indobet, maka dengan ini pihak Manajemen memutuskan untuk memakai computer hanya untuk kerja, email dan browsing internet indobet.

Untuk hail-hail lain seperti download, chatting, install dan sebagainya untuk saat ini ditutup dulu. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

PT Indobet Online

In case, you are wondering what the hell I am writing, this is latest letter issued by my company to the staff! To summarize, it simply says that the computers of the company cannot be used for download, installation, chatting! It only can be use for emailing, work and access to my company's website! This sucks BIG TIME. But nothing gonna stop me from visiting Britney Spears Forum, so if they caught me, I'll be out of this company!

3:37:00 PM

Thursday, April 15, 2004

The new video from Britney, "Everytime" has already been premiered on MTV! and I got to say it is a very moving video! I hate to admit this, but my tears actually rolled down my cheek. The video may not be very sad, but as an ardent fan of Britney Spears, the video says it all. If she wasn't Britney Spears, I'm sure she will have died a long time ago just because of the madness she got from the press and the medias! And of cos I'm a Britney fanatic and to have Britney dead will be the LAST thing I wanna see, hear or know! I will drop dead right away if that ever happened! *touches wood! If you were to see the video closely, even after Britney was on the stretcher, about to be brought to the hospital, the papparazis still didn't give her a break, there was one who tried to force himself into the ambulance to have a word from Britney! (BUt she's unconscious you JERK!) So she didn't stick to the suicide theme that MTV reported, because she was mysteriously bleeding and then drowned but at the end of the video, she actually came out of the water, gasping for air and then smile! That is another impact to me! She is a strong woman, she doesn't let the medias bother her TOO much, so she made up her mind and actually RE-BORN in the process. This is a deep and meaningful video and I'm glad Britney Spears made the video this way, instead of trying to make this video the answer to "CRy Me A River". This is what professionalism is all about! Never mix your personal life into your work and Justin definitely failed to do so!

For those who haven't seen the video, go download it from HERE. Download the .mpg version then you can view it from your windows media player! I hope you like the video as well and PLEASE go click here to vote for "Everytime" on TRL! Byez!

12:41:00 AM

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

I haven't been blogging for the past few days, so here I am with my brand new entry! Just to clear things up: Prefering Christina Aguilera over Britney Spears is NOT true and No No No...I'm not trying to punk anyone (*eyes stared at Darius), so here is the entry to explain why I wrote that! I just want to point out certain 'excuses' that many people used for Britney Spears! Come on people, I'm pretty sure deep down inside your heart, the points I gave were your excuses for 'disliking' Britney Spears! Britney Spears is well-known as an artiste whom everyone loves to hate! As for Christina, I'm not trying to 'bash' her, I'm just using her as an example! So I've cleared everything up! =)

So here's the update: I've been pretty busy lately! I applied for credit card, but I'm not sure if they will accept my application!
BankGirl: "Hello, Mr.Fredy! YOu are 19 years old? I'm afraid you are too young to apply for a credit card"
Me: "So my application failed?"
BankGirl: "Not really. If you don't mind, I can change your age for you."
Me: "Is that possible?"
BankGirl: "Yeahz... I can help you edit your year of birth to 1980, so you'll be 24 years old. Are you fine with that?"
Me: "I mean if that is possible, I'm fine with it!"
BankGirl: "No problem, everything will be fine! So Mr.Fredy, don't forget that you are born in 1980 and you are 24 years old."
Me: "Yeah, I will! Thank you very much"
So, I think my application is under process, she will call me back in a week time to see if I'll be issued a credit card! My very OWN credit card people...hehe... =)

Oh yeah, I changed my blogskin and as I promised, I removed all the Britney&Orlando pics as my blog took too long to appear acc. to Lydia! So I only have ONE pic and that is MY pic which I took in Tokyo Tower! and to all the people who want to visit Indonesia, do keep me updated oke? Hehe... If not, I'll let you stay on the road-side!

12:53:00 AM

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Ok, my life for the past 6 years revolves around Britney Spears and I think I'm gonna put a stop to that! I finally realize that I have more practical things to do than worshipping someone who doesn't even give a heck about me. Yeah, I will still support her by buying her CDs because I think I will still enjoy her music in years to come - "In The Zone" is by far one of my MOST favourite albums of all time. There's just something about Britney that I grow tired of and It's hard to like her if I want to be honest. Here's a few examples:

1. It's so hard liking her without getting 'backlash'.
2. It's so hard to say that she got a nice and cool voice when she lip-synchs most of the time (well, ppl forget the times when she actually sang LIVE)
3. It's so hard to convince people that she dances extremely well when most of the times she wore skimpy and tacky costumes on stage while dancing (do you think ppl are more concern of her dancesteps or her b**bs?)
4. It's even harder to say that I LOVE Britney Spears without people trying to tell me I go for her face, her eyes, her nose, her b**bs or whatever part of her bodies.
5. It's so so hard to listen to actually sing-a-long with her songs without people laughing at me. (They assume it's not 'manly' to sing her songs)

So with these few points, I decided to let myself go and worship Christina Aguilera instead! Ah, don't call me a hypocrite now, cos I have a few good examples on why it's much easier liking Christina than Britney Spears! So here's the examples:

1. It's so easy to say that Christina is a fantastic singers because she sang LIVE most of the time (and forget about the oversinging and the cracks during her performances)
2. It's so easy to say that Christina is a true artiste instead of a wannabe or simply performer because she doesn't dance her hell out unlike some *cough* artiste (forget about the skimpy clothes that she wore)
3. It's even easier to sing Christina's songs without being laughed at because her songs are well-written ("Beautiful" anyone? Or maybe "The Voice Within"? they are positive songs. Well, forget about "Dirrty" of cos)

So there ya go! Xtina will be my goddess now. I will put all these Britney's pics in my blog for another week to remind people and myself that I have worshipped BRITNEY for the past 6 years. Ah, I'm done with this!

2:03:00 PM

Monday, April 05, 2004

I was really bored! I was so bored that instead of watching soccer matches, I watched a Tennis match. I have no idea what the match name was but it was between Andy Roddick & Coria (Argentina). The result? Well, RODDICK won! Ah, I'm still sad that he splitted with Mandy Moore. They made a good couple. Oh yeah, enlighten me anyone... why does the winner got crystal cup? and they even mentioned the amount it was worth?

2:29:00 AM

Sunday, April 04, 2004

I went for Cd-spree today! Well, not much of a spree but I bought 4 new CDs today! I bought Maroon5's "Song About Jane", Ruben Studdard's "Soulful", JC Chasez's "Schizophrenic" and Gareth Gates' "Go My Own Way". The one that I'm most ashamed about is Gareth's cos I'm so not into straight-cut POP music at the moment, but well Gareth is pleasing to the ears, so it's ok! I enjoy Ruben's album, very 'Soulful', I still love "Superstar" - very haunting! The best of the four got to be JC's! I enjoy the album very very much. It's a much better album compared to Justin's, but he just doesn't get that much recognition. The album is SUPER SEXY! With song title, "Everyday I dream about sex", he took the words right out of every guy's minds!

"All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you
All day long I dream about sex
And all night long I think about sex
And all the time I think about sex with you, with you"

Ah...I love this album. Hehe... And he outdid Britney's "Touch Of My hand" by singing his version to ode of masturbation in "COme To Me":

"Walking with my fingers and I'm creeping down real slow
Reaching for the places that no one could ever go
Pushing me to ecstasy, you touch my very soul
So come to me
So come to me, yea

Thinking of you
What can I do
I'm thinking of you

Cause when I'm all alone
I lay awake and masturbate
I love to hear the sounds you make
Baby here I come
Baby here I come"

Yeah, so I got the SEXIEST album of 2004! If you feeling horny, "naughty, sexy, bitchy" (Tata Young), go get yourself a JC Chasez's album!

11:17:00 PM

Friday, April 02, 2004

The former N'SYNC superstar Justin Timberlake was recently turned down a song request from R&B's most controversial figure R. Kelly.

The request for the song was made by Timberlake to Kelly's publicist following the Grammy award ceremony in Feburary.

"I truly admire and respect R. Kelly in every single way musically" Timberlake said while signing autographs outside of Dolce' in Beverly Hills. "Say what you want about him, but he is without a doubt the best R&B singer/producer/songwriter in the game right now. I look up to him and hopefully I can get a chance to work with him someday"

When asked if he would work with Timberlake, Kelly, who was chatting with producer Terry Lewis at the Damita Jo Album Release party following the Soul Train Awards, blunty stated "I refuse to write hits for someone who does not appreaciate the gift of the music. I refuse to write hits for someone who turns their back on someone who showed you the ropes of touring, marketing and the game itself. I refuse to write hits for someone who uses and abuses this thing called R&B music just to gain respect and acceptance from their opposite conterpart. I refuse to write hits for someone with the name of Justin Timberlake."

"Aw... Justin Timberlake definitely deserve that! I guess after the SuperBowl Halftime 'accident', he has lost alot of respect from the people in the music industry and one of them is of cos R.Kelly and I think Janet has always been turning her back on him! I so love this, I want all the Justin backlash. Come on, more articles like this, I will be the happiest person alive! =D"

10:30:00 PM

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