Friday, May 28, 2004

Just posting some pictures during the premiere of "Harry Potter & The Prisoner Of Azkaban". I can't wait to watch this show. I know it won't be as great as LOTR or even Troy, but I love the book and I know I'm gonna enjoy this show tremendously as well.

^Ok, I'm not Phyoe, he likes 'cute girls', but really I can't help but notice that Emma Watson will be a fine woman 5 years down the road. I think she looks great for someone her age! ;)

^Your favourite wizard, Harry Potter! Daniel Radcliffe looks very weird, he seems to put on a lot of powder on his face, reminds me of Michael Jackson!

^Now HORROR!!!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT SHAGGY DO? I guess Rupert Grin must have loved Matthew Lillard's performance of Shaggy in Scooby Doo 2!

^Last but not least, a group photo! Emma & Daniel have very sweet smiles! What's wrong with you Rupert? Unhappy or something?

2:45:00 PM

Really, instead of complaining, I will try to look at the brighter side of my life at the moment and that I will have to say a huge thank you to Darius & Syahirah!

If there's anything that could really comfort me, that would be seeing Britney Spears doing well on chart! It may sounds stupid, but I'm tired of people saying that Britney's so over and yesterday! The media, the press said the same thing way back in 1999 when she released "Baby One More Time", labelling her as a one-hit-wonder and now 5 years down the road, she has had FOUR CONSECUTIVE NO.1 ALBUMS so far and more to come I'm sure! So who IS over?? Now, back to the good news. I'm REALLY surprised to see "Everytime" doing very well on the Billboard Hot 100! It actually jumped 25 spots from #51 to #26 and if it made another 25 spots jump next week, she'll be #1..haha.. I know it won't happen, but really, this is by far the best performing ballad for britney on the chart and the highest jump for any singles of Britney's. I'm proud of her!!! And now, I'm just hoping that "In The Zone" sale will start to pick up soon and pass the 3 million mark!

Next, I've watched quite a few shows a few days ago: "Troy", "Shrek 2" & "Mean Girls". "Troy" is a big blockbuster production as I have expected a year ago! It doesn't disappoint, but it really doesn't give much time for the characters to shine and for us to really go and understand the characters. Still, I enjoyed the show tremendously. "Shrek 2" is surprisingly good and funny. It's already breaking box-office record and it is one of the few sequel that is actually better than the original! In case those of you who have watched "Troy" and don't understand why they have "JUstin photo" on top of the bed Shrek & Princess Fiona sleeping on. Let me explain!!! Who voiced Princess Fiona? CAMERON DIAZ. So does that makes more sense now? Haha... Even Princess Fiona is with Shrek, she still has this passion for Justin. It makes sense to me, but dunno to all of you! "Mean Girls" is good, nothing more than that! LIndsay Lohan is ALSO good, and nothing more than that as well. I really hope Lindsay will stay out of this teen flick and get some serious roles, but I don't see any difference among "Freaky Friday", "Teenage Drama Queen" & "Mean Girls". They are pretty similar to me.

Lastly, AMERICAN IDOL 3 FINALE! I haven't watched the show, but really it doesn't surprise me to see Fantasia winning it. I prefer Diana to Fantasia, but I don't think Diana deserve to actually win this! Diana is just 16 and she doesn't really appeal to the older crowd, although she has been described as an 'old soul' by Simon. Jumping and screaming of joy when you are 'save' while the other two are nervous listening to their fate is not a 'mature' act and Diana did just that! Furthermore, what's the difference between Kelly Clarkson to Diana? Even Christina Aguilera to Diana? Absolutely nothing! So do you think Diana will appeal to the crowd more than Christina and Kelly? I don't think so! I'm sure Diana will have a bright future ahead of her and like Simon said, if Diana entered this competition at the age of 19, she will win this competition easily!!! i agree with him!

9:45:00 AM

Saturday, May 22, 2004

^Happy family?

^Happy Couple?

11:18:00 AM

By Christopher Bahn
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 6:35 p.m. ET May 18, 2004

We’ve got one more year before George Lucas finishes up his “Star Wars” prequel trilogy with the as-yet-untitled Episode III, and he certainly has his work cut out for him. Not only does he have to resolve the ongoing storylines of “Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” in such a way as to lead directly into Episode IV, the original 1977 “Star Wars,” but he has to overcome two of the most soul-killingly dull storylines ever put on film. I mean, really — I’ve seen more interesting films on sandwiches I left in my fridge too long. Is there any way for Lucas to salvage the series in a single movie? It would take a great disturbance in the Force, but it’s not impossible.

Hire some real behind-the-scenes talent
Considering that most of the worst ideas in the last two films came from Lucas himself, he might start by handing over the reins to another filmmaker.

It might be difficult to convince Lucas to go along with it, but if necessary Lucas could probably be tricked by telling him that Joseph Campbell is waiting with a documentary crew to massage Lucas’ ego by interviewing him about his wonderful mythic imagination. When Lucas shows up, knock him out, encase him in a block of frozen carbonite and put him out of the way somewhere until the movie is out in theaters.

Give creative control entirely to a new directing and writing team — it almost doesn’t matter who — and tell them to ignore “Phantom Menace” and “Attack of the Clones” entirely. Rethink Episode III as a standalone story with one simple plotline: Anakin Skywalker has just married Padme (who is, unbeknownst to him, pregnant with the twins Luke and Leia who’ll show up in the next film). Seduced by ambition, Anakin leaves behind his wife, his life and even his own name to join the evil Emperor Palpatine as Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith.

It’s a story that lives or dies depending on how skillfully and sensitively a filmmaker can deal with the emotional content, and Lucas is not a filmmaker who appears capable of doing that anymore. Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia in the original trilogy, has said that “When George was directing, he'd only say two things: 'faster' or 'more intense.'” Fire Lucas as director, who has no sense of control over his storyline, encourages flat and affectless acting, and shellacs every scene with such a frenzy of special effects that they assault your senses like a strobe light.

While you’re at it, fire Lucas the writer, who has not come up with a single witty or memorable phrase in the four hours of prequel trilogy out so far. The first trilogy didn’t have this problem: For instance, “The Empire Strikes Back” had the help of the great noir writer Leigh Brackett.

Having better writers would save Lucas from amateurish nonsense like his decision to give Anakin Skywalker the emasculating nickname “Annie.” Perhaps he was planning to have him break out into a rousing chorus of “The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow”?

Or the totally unnecessary invention of microbial “midichlorians” to explain how the mystical Force gives Jedi knights their powers, perhaps the stupidest idea to come out of “Phantom Menace.” And that's really saying something considering all the cringe-inducing, thinly disguised sci-fi rehashes of racial stereotypes like Jar-Jar Binks. Thankfully, the “midichlorian” concept quietly dropped from the story in Clones.

Recast Darth Vader
Alfred Hitchcock’s dictum that “the more successful the villain, the more successful the picture” is of primary importance to Episode III, since the rise of Darth Vader is the heart of the story. Lucas has already done more than enough work on another Hitchcock maxim, “Always make the audience suffer as much as possible.”

Fire Hayden Christensen, whose single emotive capacity is sullen petulance, and whose attempts to put on the magisterial rage that must become Darth Vader’s hallmark instead sound like a tenth-grader whose dad won’t let him borrow the car. This is essentially the story of a guy who becomes Space Hitler, which is already hard enough to get people to take seriously without casting a scowly teen. And cut off that stupid-looking ponytail too, for crying out loud.

Clear out the dead wood
While you’re at it get rid of Natalie Portman, who as Queen Amidala has all the regal presence of a mallrat shopping at her local Fashion Bug. Keep Samuel Jackson, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, and Ian McDiarmid, and thank your lucky stars that you’ve got Christopher Lee, who’s been showcasing his considerable talent in Z-grade horror flicks for decades and knows better than perhaps any living actor how to pull a terrific performance out of truly awful material. Tell Ewan Macgregor, who’s proven elsewhere he’s a fine actor, that it’s safe to come out and emote now. Fire everyone else.

Hire Ed Wood
In many ways, “Phantom” and “Clones” were the answer to the unasked question “What would the director of ‘Plan 9 From Outer Space’ have done with a talented effects crew and a $200 million budget?” Well then, why not bring Ed Wood back from the grave to direct Episode III? Sure, it’s a farfetched idea, but it’s easier to swallow than “midichlorians.” We can see it now: Darth Vader develops a sudden fetish for angora sweaters, and mocks people who fall for his Jedi mind tricks with “See! It’s your stupid minds! Stupid! Stupid!”

Rip off more Kurosawa
It’s no slur on the genuinely great first “Star Wars” that much of the plotline and characterization was lifted straight out of Akira Kurosawa’s “The Hidden Fortress.” Reusing older plotlines is a terrific way to shore up the fact that you have no interesting plots of your own. And after all, the extremely talented Kurosawa dipped into Shakespeare’s well of ideas more than once — and Shakespeare himself lifted many of his plots from earlier plays. For Episode III, rip off Kurosawa’s ripoff of Shakespeare’s “Macbeth,” and retell the “Throne of Blood” storyline as Darth Vader’s journey into evil.

Parody the whole concept
Maybe the best thing to do would be to get Anakin to embrace the Dark Side as quickly as possible, perhaps by forcing him to confront some terrible disappointment that will haunt him for the rest of his days. We suggest this two-line scene set in a Coruscant restaurant:

WAITER: Here’s your green salad, sir.
ANAKIN: What? You fool, I told you NO CROUTONS! Aaaaaaargh!

Anakin puts on his black helmet and storms off to his local county clerk’s office and fills out the paperwork to have his name legally changed to “Darth Annie Vader.” (He later quietly drops the middle name, realizing it doesn’t help his macho image.) And then for the next two hours, it’s all special-effects spaceship battles, which is the real reason most of us will go to the theater anyway. Fade to black.

"I'm a huge fan of Star Wars, but really "PHanton Menace" & "Attack Of the Clones" did nothing to impress me. Hell, I was even more impressed with "Pirates Of The Carribean"! George Lucas really needs to heed all the advices this article is giving for the third movie, because if he fails to impress Star Wars fans, Star Wars legacy will FALL! This is because this third episode will need to tie in very closely to the FIRST original STAR WARS! And I hate to see this movie flops. It's heart-breaking enough to see Matrix Reloaded & Revolution didn't do well."

10:36:00 AM

Friday, May 21, 2004

My blog has been dead for the past few days! I've been busy with my Orlando & Britney website! I've added my link to Yahoo & Google directory and I'm still trying to put it up to more sites! I still have lots of graphics to do, but I'm really not in the mood!

I'm NINETEEN and I'm working and I dare say I don't need my parents to support my life at the moment! Despite all that, I don't have the power to decide on my own life and that is PATHETIC!

Let's go to 7 years back in 1997! I was a happy 12 year-old kid with a good life and lots of friends. I was among the popular kids in my primary school (Medan). I made mistakes (but which 12 year-old doesn't make mistakes?), and I was forced to have a new life! I protested, complained and grumbled, but still I was forced to go! Living in Singapore is bliss but it was a whole new chapter in my life. I was again 'forced' to adapt and to 'create' a new me. Nevertheless, I succeeded and had the best 7 years of my life in Singapore and met the most awesome people there! But 7 years seemed so yesterday as again I was 'forced' to have a NEW life. I completed my secondary school education in Singapore, but I wasn't allowed to continue on. You must be wondering why? But You weren’t the only one, because I'm wondering why too! I had to leave the life I have had for the past 7 years and leave the people I have spent my entire 7 years with, I can't use words to describe that feeling, but it definitely wasn't a great feeling. I put those 'sad' thoughts behind me and again tried my very best to adapt to my current life. Sometimes, I thought I succeeded, but I don't think I have because I felt LONELY! Yes, I have my girlfriend, my parents, my sisters, my colleagues, my party people & my friends here, but SO WHAT? They can’t help me forget the fact that I hated my life at the moment. I can't stay here in Jakarta, I felt so out of place! I want to go, go anywhere besides Jakarta! But I’m not allowed to. WHY? "Mum & dad needs you!" my sister said! I love them but that’s not a good enough reason!

Bukannya gua ngak berusaha, tetapi semua usaha saya menjadi sia sia!

BUt who really cares, right?

1:56:00 PM

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

I can't believe I can finish the website in 3 days! One of the reasons is because I work my ass off for this website! Most of the links in the website is up, except for 'The Couple' secion! I'm still coming up with ideas to put onto that section. I need help, people. If you have any suggestions, come tell me ok? My website: The Perfect Couple: Orlando & Britney Do visit there and tell me what you think. I'm putting the link at my side bar too. Thankz.. see ya soon. ;) HBO's showing "Spider Man" and I'm watching that show for the...ehms... 3rd time I guess... So see ya!

11:16:00 PM

Monday, May 17, 2004

Surprise Surprise, I decided to make another website! What???? You are not surprise at all?????? Haha... Come on give me credit! I was really bored and I came out with a very smart way to make a website that is very complete and very up-to-date! So no worries that this new website will be like my previous personal website which I have not been updating for a long long time! So rest assure that this website will be up-to-date and you'll get to see alot of pictures. Wait Wait...Have I told you what is my new website is all about? Damnit, I haven't! Sorry Sorry.... My new website is all about..............................BRITNEY SPEARS (Not shock still? :sad: :sad:) & Orlando Bloom (I can see some jaws dropped onto the ground) Hehe.. Yeah, the title of my new website is: "The Perfect Couple: Britney Spears & Orlando Bloom". There will be up-to-date news on both Britney Spears & Orlando Bloom, there will be wallpapers, lots of pics in the gallery sections, a section I called "The Couple" & some fan-fictions! The website is only halfway done, so I hope you all will be willing to wait for it and once it's up, go visit it often! I'm trying to make this website 'big' because I'll be PAYING to put my website up on search engines! :)

10:43:00 PM

Saturday, May 15, 2004

It's off to a very slow start this morning. It's only 10:10am here and I got till 5pm before I'm off work and I'm already very bored!!!

Now, my first update will be on Britney Spears! "Everytime" entered the BILLBOARD Hot 100 at #61, making it a hot shot debut. It's Britney's third consecutive hot shot debut on the Billboard Hot 100 and "Everytime" is set to be the most successful Britney's ballad! I'm happy for "Everytime" and I'm very proud of Britney! The sales of "ITZ" is looking pretty positive this week with a bit of sales rise! "ITZ" has sold more than 2.5 million copies so far and I dare say it will supass the 3 million mark in a month or 2 months time! ;)

Now, my next update is on JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! Surprise? Don't be cos I'm not going to say anything nice anyway! In case none of you know, Justin will be in a new movie titled, "Edison"! I think he's one of the luckiest dude out there because he's co-starring opposite Kevin Spacey (Oscar winner), Morgan Freeman (Oscar nominee) & LL Cool J! I haven't watched this show, hell, it's not even out yet! But I will admit it if he did a good job, as for now, I'll just show you how expressionless he is!

^This is the movie's poster!

^This is one of the photoshoots he had on "Justified"

You see anything similar? Haha... The face expression! It's similar!!!!!! Enough said about Justin, so until I've watched the movie, I won't be bashing Justin up on how badly he had done! But I will after I watched the show!

I watched "Van Helsing" and I'm disappointed! It was like a "so-what" movie, nothing impressive, nothing jaw-dropping and nothing ground-breaking, just a good movie! Now, I'm looking forward to "Troy". Damn, I have never been so enthusiast in watching any shows this year since "LOTR:ROTK"!!! "Troy" will be the movie of the year and with Orlando Bloom & Brad Pitt in skirts, they will bring in an amazing number of screaming girls into the cinemas! I know my girlfriend will be one pf them! haha.

So that's it for today! I had fun writing this post, but I'm bored again now!

11:06:00 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Firstly, Blogger's changed? Haha.. I just noticed it today! But I don't see that many differences though, except for the overall look of it, No idea if there's any added menus!

Secondly, remember I told you about my application on my very first credit card? It has been APPROVED! Wohooo... I'm happy now! This is my very FIRST credit card with my name on it and I guess I'm one of the youngest human on earth who has my very own credit card. Haha... 21 is the eligible age! ;) Oh yeah, It's HSBC card!

Thirdly, "Everytime" is off the a really good start in America and I hope it would be Britney's biggest ballad all over the world. It simply her best ballad and I'm sure it will.

Lastly, I'll be posted to a new department in my company. Guess Guess Guess? Haha.. I'll be put into the overseas finance department! I can't believe this. It's because I know both English & Chinese, but I know nothing about accounting at all! But I'm a fast learner, as long as my boss teach me once, I'm sure I'll get it! And I'll be holding my company's overseas banking account: Malaysia, Singapore & Hong Kong! And of cos with different posts, my salary would be different too! ;)

Everything has been on my sides these few days after weeks of "down" for me here in Jakarta! I'm starting to enjoy it here, although I still miss all the folks there in Singapore.

8:25:00 PM

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Here's the fanfic that I've found on Orlando's forum. It's posted by britney_reality. He said that it doesn't explain how Britney and Orlando met, nor anything that happened during their relationship. It's quite angsty, and it's a songfic: Britney's very own "Everytime"

"Notice me, take my hand
Why are we strangers when
Our love is strong
Why carry on without me?"

Looking at the open casket before him, Britney Spears felt a tear sliding down her face as he looked at the man who lay inside. Orlando Bloom was beautiful in life, but perfect in death. His eyes were closed, long feathery eyelashes shadowing his icy face. His lips, once so red, had gone pale and Britney imagined tinges of blue on them.

She held a single red rose in her hand, feeling inadequate when surrounded by all the beautiful bouquets of flowers around the casket. She knew some were staring, wondering why she hadn't brought a proper bouquet like everyone else, but Orlando had once told her about how he hated it when his fans surrounded him with huge scary flowers, and how he preferred the daintiness of a simple single rose, how it held more meaning than any floral arrangement.

"Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face; it's haunting me
I guess I need you, baby"

As she placed the rose not outside, but inside the casket, she made the mistake at gazing at Orlando's face a second time, a moment too long. In that moment, she knew that she would never sleep again without having Orlando's spirit by her side in her dreams.

She wasn't sure if she was comforted by that thought or not.

"I make believe that you are here
It’s the only way I see clear
What have I done?
You seem to move on easy"

Barely a month later and Britney was already gazing hopefully at the knife that sat on the kitchen table. The newspapers had moved on to other stories, and the people had stopped their mourning. Britney had lost almost all contact with her friends, as well as Mrs. Bloom. These days, she was content to sit at home and allow the memories and guilt wash over her as she remembered how Orlando had died.

Died in a car accident on his way to see her.

She felt tears, hot this time, running down her face again, molding with the heat of her face as she directed her anger upon herself. Words along the lines of murderer, selfish *****, and insecure idiot had been flying around ceaselessly in her head, and it didn't look like it was about to stop anytime soon.

"And everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face; you're haunting me
I guess I need you, baby"

Britney had been right about Orli haunting her dreams. Ever since the funeral, she hadn’t had a decent night's sleep, instead spending her time playing with him in whatever scenery her mind decided to give them.

Orlando never conveyed any emotions in these dreams, and that was the worst part. In Britney's opinion anyway. She never knew if Orlando regretted coming over to see his girlfriend that night, or if he still loved her regardless. Britney often wanted to grip Orlando by the shoulders and ask him what he was feeling, ask him if he could feel at all.

But she didn't.

She was scared.

"I may have made it rain
Please forgive me
My weakness caused you pain
And this song's my sorry

At night I pray
That soon your face will fade away"

Slowly, Britney's wishes changed. She no longer wanted to ask Orlando what he felt; she just wanted Orlando to leave her alone. But that would never happen, she knew that right away. And so, she decided that it wasn't fair for Orlando to have to always come to her.

She wanted to bridge the gap between them.

And should there be nothing after this to gap, then she would find peace at last. Either way, she would win.

That day, a picture of her and Orlando, so carefully placed on the mantelpiece, fell and shattered into pieces and Britney stared at it as if it were an omen.

Her omen.

She picked up the picture and the frame, but the glass was gone, lying on the ground. Then she picked up a shard and raised it to her left wrist. The picture of her and Orlando began to slide out of the frame and floated downwards. Britney kept her eyes trained on it, made no move to stop it, and when it touched the ground, she gasped in pain.

Her blood dropped and hit the picture only a second later.

"Everytime I try to fly, I fall
Without my wings, I feel so small
I guess I need you, baby
And everytime I see you in my dreams
I see your face; you're haunting me"

She wasn't scared.

"I guess I need you, baby"

So there ya go! Hope you enjoy reading it! ;) That's all for today!

1:50:00 PM

Friday, May 07, 2004

Firstly, NICOLE! It took me TWO days to complete your blend. It'll be so much easier if you choose the pics you want in that blend! Anyway, use it for whatever you like, as long as you credit me! Hope you like it! Here's the blend:

I'm really bored these few days, been watching the new Taiwanese series, "At The Aeagen Sea", by Tomy Su & Chae Rim (Korean actress)! Pretty good, but nowhere the standard of "The Outsiders". I went to buy Britney's "ABC SPecial DVD" and I love it alot!

Sometimes, I felt I can't go on with my life at the moment, but I knew I had to, there's no 2 ways to it and only NOW I felt how 'sucky' can that feel! I have never in my life having a no way out and now I'm feeling it! Some people just brush it off as 'immature', 'practical', 'spoilt', but having to adapt to something that you have NEVER experienced in your whole life before is TOUGH AS HELL!

8:39:00 AM

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

This is VERY old news, but I'll just put it up - The MTV Movie Awards 2004 nomination list is OUT! Hehe. As you all know, I like making predictions, so here's my prediction! Eh, before that, for all those American Idol lovers, it'll be good if you can read all the articles posted in thsi website: The articles are all very good read!

Best Male Performance:
1. Johnny Depp, "Pirates Of The Carribean: Curse Of The Blackpearl"
2. Bill Murray, "Lost In Translation"
3. Adam Sandler, "50 First date"
4. Jim Caviezel, "Passion Of The Christ"
5. Tom Cruise, "The Last Samurai"

"My vote all goes out to JOHNNY DEPP. This is more of a popularity contest because it based on votes and Pirates Of The Carribean is a Disney movie and I think Jhonny will have a good chance of winning this one, besides he's FUNNY in the movie. Bill Murray's performance is more for Oscar, not an MTV Award!"

My Pick: JOHNNY DEPP or Tom Cruise

Best Female Performance:
1. Halle Berry, "Gothika"
2. Drew Barrymore, "50 First Date"
3. Charlize Theron, "Monster"
4. Uma Thurman, "Kill Bill Vol.1"
5. Queen Latifah, "Bringing Down The House"

"Halle Berry & Queen Latifah won't win. I'm not racist, but I just don't think they would! Charlize Theron already had an Oscar and usually MTV only gives to Oscar losers, so Charlize might not win this too. So it's down between Drew Barrymore and Uma Thurman! Looking at how successful is Kill Bill Vol.1. I'll go with Uma Thurman, but Drew might just give an upset. I mean the numbers of teenagers who watch "50 First Date" will most probably be more than those who watch "Kill Bill Vol.1" and so Drew might just come out winner."

My Pick: UMA THURMAN or Drew Barrymore

Best On-Screen Team:
1. Jack Black & the School of Rock 'Band' , "School Of Rock"
2. Johnny Depp & Orlando Bloom, "Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl"
3. Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore, "50 First Date"
4. Ben Stiller & Owen Wilson, "Starsky & Hutch"
5. Will Smith & Martin Lawrence, "Bad Boys 2"

"I'm not even going to talk about the others because I'm very sure Jhonny & Orlando will win this! "Pirates Of The Carribean" is a huge hit all over the world and Orlando is a rising new actor, while Jhonny Depp has always been voted as the sexiest man alive, these two will triumph over the rest!"


Best Villain:
1. Lucy Liu, "Kill Bill Vol.1"
2. Geoffrey Rush, "Pirates Of The Carribean: Curse Of The Black Pearl"
3. Leatherface, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
4. Demi Moore, "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle"
5. Kiefer Sutherland, "PHonebooth"

"My favourite villain is Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) from "Pirates Of The Carribean". BUt Geoffrey is more of a veteran actor, so I doubt his chances of winning is high. Then my next pick would be Lucy Liu. Her sword-fighting in "Kill Bill Vol.1" is FANTASTIC! I love it!"


Best Comedic Performance:
1. Johnny Depp, "Pirates Of The Carribean: Curse Of The Black Pearl"
2. Jim Carrey, "Bruce Almighty"
3. Jack Black, "School Of Rock"
4. Ellen Degeneres, "Finding Nemo"
5. Will Ferrell, "Elf"

"This is the toughest category for me. I love Johnny Depp's character, Captain Jack Sparrow and I think he is VERY funny. But I'm torn between him and Ellen Degeneres who was the voice of Dory in "Finding Nemo". Dory had me laughing like mad when I watched the show. As for the rest, NO CHANCE!"

My Pick: ELLEN DEGENERES (I pick Dory because she is just a very loveable character and Johnny should be satisfied with the Male Performance)

Best Dance Sequence:
1. Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu & Cameron Diaz , "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle"
2. Sean William Scott, "American Wedding"
3. Steve Martin, "Bringing Down The House"
4. Omarion, Marques Houston & The Lil' Saint's Dance Crew, "You Got Served"
5. Ben Stiller & Jennifer Aniston, "Along Came Polly"

"This is TOUGH! Drew, Lucy & Cameron aren't much dancing, they are just goffing around, shaking their asses and body. It goes the same to Sean William Scott & Steve Martin. Omarion's dance is more to Hip/Hop & Breakdance, so they will have a high chance of winning. Ben & Jennifer did a pretty good jod doing their dirty dancing. Jennifer Aniston has me convinced that she has been doing that alot with Brad Pitt. She's good!"

My Pick: Ben Stiller & Jennifer Aniston (I go with my heart! My mind says that Omarion will most probably win this cos they do Hip Hop, but my heart goes all out for Ben & Jennifer!)

Best Kiss:
1. Owen Wilson, Carmen Electra & Amy Smart, "Starsky & Hutch"
2. Charlize Theron & Christina Ricci, "Monster"
3. Shawn Ashmore & Anna Panquin, "X2: X-Men United"
4. Keanu Revees & Monica Belluci, "Matrix: Reloaded"
5. Jim Carrey & Jennifer Aniston, "Bruce Almighty"

"Weird kisses always win this award! The upside down kiss of Tobey Macguire & Kristen Dunst won this before. The man-to-man kiss of Sean William Scott & Jason Biggs won this award before. The female-to-female kiss of Sarah Michelle Gellar & Selma Blair won this award. So I'll pick the two weirdest kiss to win this award! Charlize Theron & Christina Ricci or the threesome Owen Wilson, Carmen Electra & Amy Smart"

My Pick: Owen Wilson, Carmen Electra & Amy Smart! (If Christina, Madonna & Britney kiss was in any movie, I'm sure they will win this! hehe)

Best Action Sequence:
1. Escape From Mongolia, "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle"
2. Battle On Gondor, "Lord of The Rings: Return Of The King"
3. Champion Crane Chase, "Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machine"
4. Intercoastal Freeway Pursuit, "Bad Boys 2"

"Battle on Gondor will win this hands down!"

My Pick: Battle on Gondor!

Best Fight:
1. Uma Thurman VS Chiaki Kuriyama, "Kill Bill Vol.1"
2. Hugh Jackman VS Kelly Hu, "X2: X-Men United"
3. The Rock VS Kontiki Rebels, "Rundown"
4. Queen Latifah VS Missy Pyle, "Bringing Down The House"
5. Keanu Reeves VS Hugo Weaving, "Matrix: Reloaded"

"My favourite is the fight between Uma Thurman & Chiaki Kuriyama. I always like girls' fight and the swinging balls played by Chiaki is really impressive. Hugh Jackman & Kelly Hu isn't the best fight sequence I've seen! So my second pick is Keanu Reeves VS Hugo Weaving. But looking at how most people don't like the Matrix sequels, I doubt they will win although the fight is pretty impressive too. Unlike Uma Thurman & Chiaki's fight, the Matrix depends on computer graphic too much"

My Pick: Uma Thurman VS Chiaki Kuriyama (it's more real)

Breakthrough Female:
1. Scarlett Johansson, "Lost In Translation"
2. Jessica Biel, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
3. Evan Rachel Wood, "Thirteen"
4. Kiera Knightley, "Pirates Of The Carribean: Curse Of The Black Pearl"
5. Lindsay Lohan, "Freaky Friday"

"This is tough also! I love Lindsay Lohan in "Freaky Friday" & Kiera Knightley in "Pirates Of The Carribean". They have a good chance of winning but I think Scarlet Johansson would win this. She starred in a critically-acclaimed movies and have won quite a number of prestigious awards and she seems to have quite a huge fan base. But i'm confused because Lindsay Lohan has a big fan base too with "Mean Girls" topping the box office!"

My Pick: Scarlett Johansson or LIndsay Lohan (either one!)

Best Movie:
1. X2: X-Men United
2. Pirates Of The Carribean: Curse Of The Black Pearl
3. Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King
4. Finding Nemo
5. 50 First Date

"What I'm sure of is that X2 & 50 First Date WON'T win! So it's a tough fight between the three! "LOTR" won Oscar and it's one the best movie last year! Finding Nemo is one of the funniest movie I have ever watched and "POTC" is my favourite movie! But LOTR has won in 2002 & 2003 & Maybe MTV would want to make it complete by making it win in 2004 too. I will never know!"

My Pick: Finding Nemo/Pirates Of The Carribean/Lord of The Rings

5:59:00 PM

Monday, May 03, 2004

Ok, so here's the blends I've promised, in two different colours, Orange & Blue!

Not much to update now. Maybe I'll come back in the afternoon!

11:14:00 AM

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Jiss & Lydia, I got a surprise for the two of ya...ehmz...say MONDAY! I'll be having my off day today and I'll be back working on Monday which means I'll update my blog by then. Aiyah, I'm not good at giving suprises, so I'll just tell you guys what is it. I know the two of you love OC so much rite? So I had two blends of OC made by one of the posters in the Britney Spears Forum. They are in two different colours. So I'll just present them to the two of you on MOnday. Choose your favourite colour oke? Hehe... I want to sleep now..dead tired! Going for massage later...wohooo... =)

4:54:00 AM

Before I go on with today update, I just want to clear things up! I'm NOT turning into a homosexual! ;) Yeah, I'm jealous of Wade and I do want to be like him, but it's not becos I want to be gay. If I want to be gay, I would turn myself into ehem... Leo (the dancer who make out with Britney on stage!) I just want to be as cool a dancer as him and I want to be someone 'close' to britney. So Jissele, nothing's like what you said. Hehe... and like I said, what is the point of me turning homosexual anyway? issit just becos the world has gone GAY? haha..NONO...I always find women more attractive and there are SO many beeaaauuuutiful women out there... =)

So here's my update for today! I went out today with one of my students whom I thought last time. I still keep in touch with them. Just walk away the whole shopping center aimlessly! Anyway, I bought myself TWO CDs today - Janet Jackson's "Damita Jo" & Usher's "Confession"! Firstly, let's talk about Janet's! It's a very good album, the whole production is really clean and I enjoyed the songs in the album alot, my least favourite track is "Just A Little While" which happened to be the first single. My favourite is "Warmth" took guts to sing such songs and I salute her for that... As for Usher's... very normal Usher's stuffs.. NOTHING ground-breaking..nothing very exciting... and I think this will lose its steam after a couple of spins..

Oh yeah, this student of mine, her name is Paulina! For those who know, she was the 'stalker' that I was talking about..ok, I'm not Britney Spears, so I won't have a stalker rite u say? Actually, I don't, but it's pretty scary when she keeps calling my house to look for me...I guess it's my fault too..cos I lied... but not that I'm a lier...but I had to..if not, I would still be stuck at teaching and receiving a monthly salary of $500 while at the moment, I can chat, watch VCds and still receiving a monthly salary of around $2000! Anyway, I've explained to her and she seems to understand..she's sweet about the dinner was on me! Hehe... Anyway, I'll stop here!

1:23:00 AM

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