Monday, June 28, 2004

I watched the match between Andy Roddick and Taylor Dent for the Wimbledon Championships. I have no idea why, but I'm really enjoying watching tennis matches nowadays. Euro 2004 is a total bore... to me at least. Some results are way too predictable while some results are way too unpredictable that I'll just shun it off as 'fake'! So Wimbledon Championships serve as a GREAT alternative. Anyway, in case those of you who didn't watch, Andy won the match (6-3, 7-6, 7-6) and managed to get into the fourth round. So congrats to him! I'm a newbie on this sport, so I don't quite know all the rules of it. So if there's any tennis fanatics out there, do tell me.

Ok, I know people have different opinions on different artistes. There are people who love Britney, like Britney, dislike Britney and hate Britney. It goes the same to other artistes too. While I used to get all worked up with people who are bashing britney, but I'm not like that anymore. Every person has his/her own opinion and if he/she wants to share your opinion with others, do think about how the others will feel about your opinion. Statement like, "Britney sucks" is an opinion and if you are stating that opinion to someone who also dislike Britney, that's ok. But if you are stating that opinion to someone who loves Britney, then you are not actually thinking about how that person will feel. It's not only not sensitive, you are being pretty ignorant. Now, if some strangers come to me and say "Britney's a slut". It won't matter to me, afterall, I don't know them. So I don't give a damn. But if someone whom I know, someone whom I call 'friend' tell me the exact same thing, that will make a huge difference. If you are my 'friend', you would know that I'm a Britney fanatic. By stating your opinions such as "Britney's a slut" or "Britney sucks to the core" is pretty 'harsh'. If you really dislike her, then keep your opinion to yourself, at least, don't openly 'bash' her in front of me. If we're friends, I'm sure there are more things we could talk about besides you bashing britney and I defending her.

Anyway, I don't have any pics for today. So I guess this post is pretty boring.

4:38:00 PM

Friday, June 25, 2004

Gone are those days when I spend my entire working hours surfing the net, updating my blog & making my website. After being promoted, I've been getting busier as days gone by! Still, I can always have an hour or two to do my own thing on the computer. Before I post the pictures for today, let me tell you about my Orlando-Britney Website!

There aren't many changes on the site yet, but I'm happy to announce that my site statistics have been going up and up since 16th May 2004! I'm glad there are people who actually visit that site of mine that I've spent lots of time on. So if you did visit my site, just drop me a line on thye guestbook. I would appreciate it. Anyway, in order for my visitors to keep checking back my website and so that they could interact with me and other Britney & Orlando fans, I've made my very own message-board (Forum). I hope this forum will be a success as time goes by. This forum has no limitation, you can actually talk about ANYTHING AT ALL besides of course topics regarding Britney & Orlando. If you would like to participate, you can always go to my site an click on the "Forum" section on the side navigation bar! If not, click here! I'll be more than happy to hear all of you in there!

So as I promised, it's pictures time! Anyway, these pics are taken from the premiere of "The Notebook".

^If you know me well enough, you would know that I don't quite like Kristin Kreuk that much. However, if I were to think about it, I PASSED her off fast is due to the fact that I'm not a 'Smallville' fan. There is no denying that she's a sweet girl. And I think she looked great in those 2 pics. :D

^Chubby? Judge it yourself. I lose alot of respect for Michelle when she posed for a men magazine wearing almost nothing. I know Britney do that too and I'm not hating her. That is because Britney has NEVER said that she won't pose sexily and that she's all about music. She DID NOT, while Michelle DID! When she first came out, she said something along this line, "Britney can be sexy, that's her! I respect that. But I won't be bold enough to pose sexily for millions to see. I'm about the music, not the image". I guess she should know now that nobody is just about the music. There are tons other artistes who said along those lines but yet appear on men magazine wearing barely-there costume, eg. Jessica Simpson. Now, It's about time to see when Avril will just pull that off.

4:42:00 PM

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Firstly, it was my birthday yesterday in case some of you forgot! haha.. But it doesn't matter becos it's already over. I went out for dinner last night. It's a pretty 'boring' birthday I guess, but I'm glad to receive cards and mails from all of ya! Hehe... And surprisingly, Manisha called me all the way from Australia. I really appreciate it. It was very thoughful of her... Aw... Hehe...

Now it's time for some news and pictures! "Harry Potter & the Order Of Phoenex" has already begun filming and it is rumoured to be released on November 2005! As always, every Harry Potter books will have new characters, thus there will be new actors featured in every movies, so this fourth movie isn't an exception. Here are some confirmed & rumoured actors/actresses that will be playing some new characters in the movie.

Here I go:

1. KATIE LEUNG - Cho Chang (confirmed)
(Cho Chang supposed to be featured in the third movie, but I guess they couldn't cast an appropriate actress. Cho Chang played a pretty 'heavy' role in the fourth book!)

2. ROBERT PATTINSON - Cedric Diggory (confirmed)
(In case those of you don't know who Cedric Diggory is, I'll tell you! He's Hufflepuff hero and one of the competitors in the Triwizard competition. He is also Harry's love-rival and he is Cho's boyfriend)

3. BRENDON GLEESON - Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody (confirmed)
(Moody is the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher! He plays a vital role in this fourth book, just like Sirius Black being vital role in the third book.)

4. CLEMENCE POESY - Fleur Delacour (confirmed)
(Fleur is a french student from the other school of witchcraft & wizardry, Beauxbaton Academy. She is also one of the competitors in the Triwizard Tournament.)

5. ROSAMUND SPIKE - Rita Skeeter (rumoured)
(Rita is the journalist for the Daily Prophet! She always writes all the 'bad' stuffs on Harry the Prophet!)

6. STANISLAV YANEVSKI - Viktor Krum (I can't find any pictures of him! Anyway, he is a bulgarian teenager and he won the audition process for Viktor in Bulgaria)
(Viktor is the bulgarian student from another school of witchcraft and wizardry, Durmstrang. He falls in love with Hermione Granger and he is also one of the competitors in the Triwizard Competition.)

7. FRANCES DE LA TOUR - Madame Maxime (I can't find any pictures of thi actress)
(Madame Maxime is the headmistress of the Beauxbaton Academy. She's also a half-giant, just like Hagrid)

That's all that I have. There are one more important character in the book I can think of and that is Bartemius Crouch Jr! He is the evil character in the fourth book! Thus, I think he needs to be featured. Oh yeah, how can I left out Lord Voldermort. I'm wondering who will be playing Lord Voldermort because in the fourth book, he is all powerful already which means he will be in full-form, unlike in the first movie. I'm really excited for this fourth movie - the Triwizard Tournament, the Quidditch World Cup & more...

1:47:00 PM

Monday, June 21, 2004

Ok, it's pictures time!

I'm feeling really sad now! I hope she's doing ok! And can anyone help me ask Kevin to back off? *angry* *mad*

^In case you don't know who she is! She's a new singer from America. Her name is JoJo! Weird name? Yeah, I think so too! Anyway, she's only THIRTEEN and I think she has a great voice and I really like her first single titled "Leave (Get Out)". Ain't she cute? hehe...

I'm done with pictures! So FREDY OUT!!!

3:17:00 PM

"Shrek 2" pushing its total to $378.3 million this week and it has passed "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" to become No. 6 on the all-time domestic chart. Can you believe that? I'm surprised! 'Shrek 2' actually passed 'Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King" making it the 6th biggest movie of all time!

Here are the Top 10: (this week isn't included in yet, this 'Shrek 2' is still at #9!)
1 Titanic - $600,788,188
2 Star Wars - $460,998,007
3 E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial - $434,949,459
4 Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace - $431,088,295
5 Spider-Man - $403,706,375 5/3/02
6 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - $376,958,965
7 The Passion of The Christ - $370,025,697
8 Jurassic Park - $357,067,947
9 Shrek 2 - $353,333,317
10 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - $341,748,130

(side news: "Finding Nemo" is at #11 and is the second Top-Grossing Animation Movie of all time behind 'Shrek 2'. I personaly prefer "Finding Nemo")

3:09:00 PM

Monday, June 14, 2004

I finally got to watch "Harry POtter & the Prisoner of Azkaban" yesterday! I have no idea why people won't like this show! For those who didn't read the books and didn't watch the first two shows, It's forgive-able not to like this show. But for those who actually read the books and did watch the first two shows, I'm sure you'll have to like this third instalments of the franchise.
If you expect it to be ground-breaking like "Lord Of The Rings", then you'll be utterly disappointed because this movie is just as simple as the book! CHRIS COLUMBUS (director of first 2 movies) did a great job in adapting the books for the movies. He did a fantastic job by following the books as closely as possible. Thus, he usually will just cut out an entire chapter! But I give lots of props to ALFONSO CUORON who directed this third movie because he definitely used the style of PETER JACKSON for LOTR in this third instalment. He did not follow chapters to chapters in the book just LOTR movies, but he still manage to bring the message across to viewers. Maybe this is what TAE CHANG meant by 'changing the story too much'. But i don't see this as changing the story, just another way of interpretation with the same message.
The extraction is pretty obvious, but what I give two thumbs up for this movie is the flow! I think it's smoothly edited and done. The message that JK Rowling wants to bring across to readers are clearly portrayed in the movie! This is MISSING in the first two movies which is why I don't quite like them!
Daniel Radcliffe, although looks a little more mature, but you still can recognize it's him! Emma Watson & Rupert Grin look the same. The biggest shocker is NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM! He looks extremely different! If you were to recall in the first movie, he was the one who unable to control his broomsticks and fly out of the castle. He was this chubby, fat guy but in this third movie, he grew so much taller and his face is so much thinner. His chubby cheeks are gone! Haha... He looks really weird tho. Then, do you remember who is Crabbe & Goyle? They are the two friends that are always with Draco Malfoy! The are the two whom Harry & Ron changed into in the second movie with PolyJuice Potion? Remember? The guy whom on changed into looks the same, but the guy that Harry changed into looks VERY different in this third movie. I suspect it wasn't the same guy afterall. And Draco Malfoy, no difference in his looks, just a different hairstyle. This new hairstyle actually makes him look like a nice guy, so I didn't like it.
NOW, NEW CHARACTERS! Professor Lupin is what I have always imagined! It fits perfectly with my imagination! So I like Prof. Lupin! A nerdy, careless, yet fun and understanding person. As for Sirius Black, I kinda like him, but now exactly what I thought him to be. But maybe because I've read till book 5, so my perception maybe a little different. Still, if I were just to see his characters traits just in Book 3, I think GARY OLDMAN (Sirius Black) did a fantastic job! He is this reckless guy, who do things without thinking twice, but still very caring person. The conversation of him with Harry did just that! So it's all good!
NOW COMES THE BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT! The Dementors! Hell, that looks like a rip-offs of Lord Of The Ring's Raiders without the horses. Urgh... I don't like it. And theys hould have cut the part where Dementors are attacking Hermione and Harry saved her life! Becos if that is cut, then if the fifth book is made, Harry Potter couldn't use this line: "You didn't think i was acting Hero when I tried to save your father from the snake and Hermione from the Dementors!". We'll see how it goes because according to the actors, they initially signed a contract to do up to the 4th book!
All in all, this is 3 1/2 out of 5 stars!

(FREDY'S OUT! Did I impress you again peeps? hehe...)

12:44:00 PM

Monday, June 07, 2004

Not Britney's pics! Not Daniel Radcliffe either! Not Emma Watson too, Whammy! Not those shaggy-do Weasley duded either! So who is it? Today Christina Aguilera better known as Xtina graces the front cover of my blog. Wohooo.... You all not surprise? Ok, I like Christina more and more compared to last time, but hey, she's nowehere close to Britney Spears. I still think she has an attidude and personality problems! Here's the pic:

^The forum I got this pic from are all complementing on how good she looks with this new hairstyle. I beg to differ! I don' see anything glamarous about it. I just think she's weird. With that weird hair-do and fake tan! She needs to get real!!!

11:58:00 AM

Firstly, I went to watch "The Day After Tomorrow" with Helen yesterday and I'm impressed! This is by far one of the most enjoyable movies this year, with 'Troy' & 'Shrek 2'. Wait till I watched "Harry Potter & the Prisoner Of Azkaban", I'm sure it will be on my list as well. Ok, now my review of this show. Forget about the storyline, it may be over the top, but what do we know about end of the world? What do we know about Ice Age? This may NEVER have heppened before, but does it mean it will NEVER happen? We will NEVER know! The fact that we survived the previous Ice Age shows that this maybe a posibility! Still, this movie is too 'unrealistic' for us to believe, but hey it's a movie for people to enjoy NOT to believe. The acting is definitely NOT Oscar-worthy! Dennis Quaid gave a good performance, just like his any other movies, it won't impress the Oscar voters anytime soon. And Jake Gallenhaal is 'ok'. I just can't make myself to believe that he's 17! Dennis is already 50, why can't he have a son who is 23? Why make Jake 17? Geez... Now, come to the most impressive part! The FX Special Effects of the show is AMAZING! It is impressive. I was like 'WOW'! A truly enjoyable show.

Secondly, the MTV Movie Awards! I think I'm very good at predicting because most of my predictions are CORRECT! So, Johnny Depp got the 'Best Male Performance' (1 point) & Uma Thurman got the 'Best Female Performance' (2 points). Lindsay Lohan took the 'Best Breakthrough Female' & Shawn Ashmore took the 'Best Breakthrough Male' (4 points). 'Best Kiss' went to Carmen Electra, Amy Smart & Owen Wilson! (5 points, I told you 'weird' kiss always win). Lucy Liu won 'Best Villain' (6 points). 'Best Action Sequence' & 'Best Picture' went to Lord of The Rings (8 points). 'Best Fight' went to Chiaki VS Uma (9 points). Well, I was so sure that Orlando Bloom & Johnny Depp will win the 'Best On-Screen Duo', but I was wrong for this because Adam & Drew won (but hey, I did think they would win). So Carmen Electra liplocked with Paris Hilton, but I don't see news blasting all over! Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT BRITNEY SPEARS & MADONNA! Now you know why I'm mad when people are just putting her on the cover to sell! I FREAKING HATE IT!

Next, "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban" topped the Box Office with 93 million copies in its 3 days week-end opening. I'm impressed. This is the best first-week opening by any Harry Potter franchise and the best reviewed too. Now, I CAN'T WAIT to watch this show.

I'm done, FREDY OUT!

10:34:00 AM

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Oooh, no more drama in my life, so what's the use of this blog right? Haha.... Anyway, there are a few people that I know are coming back to Jakarta, so I'll try my very best to catch up with them, tho I'm only free on Saturday & Sunday now. Firstly, the almight Laksa (a.k.a LISSA), She'll be coming back this wednesday and I'll sure to meet her. Not because I so want to see her, but because she is so 'kind' to help me get some magazines from Singapore and to tell you the truth, I prefer taking the magazines to seeing her, but well, it goes together, so no choice. Secondly, another one is HELEN! I don't know when exactly she'll be coming back! Lastly, Jessica will be coming back this week too - Jessica (the giant as Phyoe has always called her).

Anyway, I don't really have much to update for now, so I found more pictures that I want to post it up here!

^ Emma Watson is so 'grown-up'! This is such a lovely picture of them together and in case if you didn't notice, they are holding hands, and does this tell us that they're dating? Haha... I obviously don't know, still very cute pic and Daniel still reminds me of Michael Jackson!

^ In case you don't know who these two are, they are Ronald Weasley's twin brothers, Fred & George. They also have that shaggy-do and I begin to wonder why is the shaggy-do attacking the Weasley brothers?

That's it for today! FREDY OUT! (Oh, I sounded like Ryan Seacrest from American Idol!)

10:44:00 AM

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