Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Ok, I actually have written such a long entry for today, but I have no idea why it wasn't saved! Urgh... But nvm, there ain't anything to do in the office at the moment, so I'm kinda free!

Anyway, Cynthia had a row with Jonathan yesterday because he forgot to pick her up after her english tuition. So she had to wait for 2 hours for her father to pick her up. They are always quarelling and 'fighting' and I really wonder how they could become best of friends. It has always been a routine of once every week and I'm getting kinda sick of it because everytime they are in such situation, I'll be the one who are kept busy. Both of them will call me up to complain about each other. Haiz... Mixing around with those friends in Singapore has made me realize not to get 'mad' over trivial matters. They are all jokers, so no point getting 'mad' at them sometimes. haha.

The nomination of MTV Video Music 2004 has been announced and Britney is nominated for 4 Moonmen this year. I think she definitely deserve more, But i'm still happy for her. Anyway, these are the categories she is nominated in:

1. Best Video Of The Year - for 'Toxic'
2. Best Female Video - for 'Toxic'
3. Best Dance Video - for 'Toxic'
4. Best Pop Video - for 'Toxic'

(I think she is definitely robbed off from the nominations for 'Best Choreography' for 'Me Against The Music' and 'Best Cinematography' for 'Everytime'. I really really hope she will FINALLY get to walk away with a Moonmen home this year!)

Oh yeah, does anyone remember the Japanese horror movie, "Ju-On"? I will never forget the experience of watching that movie, because it's not only outrageous, it's also downright hilarious. haha... so WHAMMY, do you remember? haha.. Anyway, Hollywood is remaking that show just like how "The Ring" is remade. The Hollywood version will be titled as "The Grude" and it will be starring Sarah Michelle Gellar. I can't wait for that show, simply because Sarah is such a babe. Hehe...

Anyway, these are the 2 photos of the day:

^The 'Wrong Turn' babe, Eliza Dushku. One of my favourite actresses! ;)

Now, feast your eyes girls, esp. Lydia! haha...

^Hayden Christensen! Anyway, the third instalment of the Star Wars trilogy is titled as 'Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith'. Although, this new version of the Star Wars trilogy has dissapointed me over and over again, I still can't wait for this show. I guess I'm just an ardent Star Wars fans!)

1:33:00 PM

Monday, July 26, 2004

I'm back after being absence for the past week. So I'm here with my updates!

Firstly, I have a new hairstyle. How do I describe my new hairstyle ar... It's like my hair is long but also spiky.. haha.. confused? Well, my fringe is pretty long, but then the top of my hair is short, so it's spiky. Yeah, something like that. And I dyed my hair brown. I didn't quite like how the colour turned out. I actually wanted dark brown then have some lighter brown highlighted. But I guess, I'll just have to get use to this hair colour.

Secondly, I bought quite a few new stuffs. So here it is:

1. Posters - I bought 2 new Britney Spears posters that are extra large. They are really huge. I hung both of them in my bedroom, so Britney could watch me whenever I'm in the room. Hehe...

2. Shoes - I bought a new pair of shoes. They're Hugo Boss - pretty expensive, but I guess it's worth it. Because it's really nice, stylish and looks really cool. So no regrets. ;)

3. Laptop - bought a new laptop - Toshiba! The only difference with my old one is that, this has a bulit-in WiFi thingie and that the memory is much bigger.

Anyway, I have some pictures that I want to put up as well!

Britney Spears & Kevin Federline:

Benjamin Bratt, Sharon Stone & Halle Berry:

^taken from the 'Catwoman' premiere. 

2:54:00 PM

Saturday, July 17, 2004

It's only 5 minutes left before I'm off from work. So I was thinking of not updating my blog today. But then I changed my mind!!! ;)
I can't wait for my dance class at 4pm. That's the only thing that I've been looking forward for the past week, because as you all know I've had a shitty week - flu, fever & etc..... So I'll be picking up Cynthia at around 3 plus before heading to the dance studio.
The ONLY reason on why I want to update today is because I've pictures that I want to put up! Haha... So here they are:
(These are all taken from 'A Cinderella's Story' premiere)

^Firstly, the lead actress, Hillary Duff! I never liked Hillary much because I'm a Lindsay Lohan fan...haha...sounds childish huh? haha... All I want to say is that I prefer Lohan to Duff! That's all. But Duff's alright to me and this pic proves it! She looks cute!

^The lead actress & actor! (Hillary Duff & Chad Michael Murray) In case some of you don't know, Chad Michael Murray has also acted with Lindsay Lohan before in "Freaky Friday". haha.. See? There's just too many similarities between Lohan & Duff!

^In case you don't know who she is! Her name is Alexa Vega! She's the young actress that acted in the Spy Kids trilogy! I think she looks great too! ;)
(This next picture is not taken from the premiere of 'A Cinderella's Story')

^Jojo! hehe.. isn't she the cutest 13 year-old in the world? Aw....

2:54:00 PM

Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm feeling much better now! Although, the flu is still here, my throat is getting better and the fever has simmer down. So that would mean that I won't need to skip my dancing class this week. ;)
Paraguay or Uruguay? Paraguay or Uruguay? Damn.. I can't seem to decide on the two. I personally think Paraguay is better and would have a better chance of winning. However, some of my colleagues are saying that Uruguay would win! Ehmz... I'll need to really think about it today..haha.. because I don't want my Rp50,000 to go to waste!

^Britney & Kevin buying Epsom Salts! Haha.. How cute...
Anyway, here is an eyewitness' account of the paparazzi frenzy when Britney bought Epsom Salts:
"Saw Britney and Kevin that evening at Whole Foods supermarket that evening, they were both sober and nice and this bullshit with the paparazzi has to fucking stop!The publicity hunger camera guys practically caused 3 traffic accidents tailing them into the parking garage, a line of cars (including mine) couldn't get in for a few minutes, and they not only waited in the underground parking structure for them to come out (private property, right?) but also attempted to come into the store to snap some photos. Seriously, enough already."

^That is the close up pic of Britney's knee. The scar seems pretty long.. It must have hurt alot. :( I hope Britney's alright!
Anyway, that's all I have for today! I like this new blogspot thing! ;) See ya!

3:13:00 PM

Thursday, July 15, 2004

I was reading all my previous posts from the first till the most recent. When I first started, I seem to have so many things to write about, well at least about my life, but nowadays I don't seem to have anything to write about my life. It's pathetic.

I was supposed to meet up with Jonathan and Cynthia yesterday after work for dinner or something, but I went straight home because I was feeling really sick. It's been freaking four days that I've been sick and I'm sick of being sick. So I smsed Jonathan to go on with their plan without me. Although, they complained, but I think they wanted me to get well soon enough as well because if I'm not going to feel any better before Saturday, my mum will never allow me to attend the dancing class this week. And it'll be the last thing that I want to miss!

Anyway, I found something and I want all your comments about what this person said. Here it is:

"You can't negate hate. It's part of human nature. All you can do is suppress it and make it less ugly.

I dislike Christina because she is unable to suppress her anger effectively and acts out to fill out her "diva" image. Many artists, including Avril Lavigne, also enjoy wallowing in their uglier side and I don't support it. Support the music and you support the image + attitude and all.

Thus I support Britney, whose attitude has never left me cringing with distaste. Her private life is none of my business. She can be a Christina or Avril at home all she wants"

(So what do you think about this comment made by one of the poster in the EFG Forum? I'm on the fence. I do angree on some things she said, but not completely. What she said about Christina might be on the bias point of view, which is why I disagree with what she said about Christina. However, I agree completely with what she said about Avril. So tell me what you all think?)

11:17:00 AM

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I'm not feeling really well at the moment! Sore throat, flu and fever all hit on me at the same time, so I'm feeling rather dead. But since I'm just such a hardworking person, I'm still in my office, wating for my time to go home. I don't even know what to write right now, so I'll just give you the two pictures that I have for today. Hope you guys like them!

^Isn't Tara Reid gorgeous? Damn, she's damn fine!!! I love her....

1:18:00 PM

Monday, July 12, 2004

I watched "Spider-Man 2" for the second time on Saturday and I got to say I enjoyed watching "Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban" the second time much more than watching Spidey 2 for the second time. The movie is still very exciting, but I guess I didn't enjoy it much because of the audience. The audience was rowdy and I hate it! I was on the edge of leaving the theatre, but Jonathan wanted to watch the show badly and it would be very ignorant for me to just walk out of the theatre like that. So I tried my very best to glue my butt on the seat for 2 hours.

I bought 2 new albums: JoJo and The Rasmus. Out of the two, I enjoy JoJo's album more. If JoJo is to be a little older, I think she would have Avril Lavigne's success. She can sing, she writes her own lyrics, but nobody is going to take a 13 year-old's music too seriously. Well, "Leave (Get Out)" is the best song off the album and I kinda like "Breezy" as well. It has a little R&B feel to it. The Rasmus' album is pretty good too, but nowhere compared to Maroon5's. "In The Shadow" is easily my favourite song in the album and it was that song that led me to buying their album.

What's with Russia churning out singing groups with gay and lesbians? Ok, I have nothing against gay and lesbians, in fact, I'm quite homosexual-friendly because I do have quite a few friends who are. T.A.T.U first got all the attention from the world when they 'announced' that they were lesbians and they were seen lip-locking in their video. I didn't jump to the conclusion that they are lesbians because they kiss each other,(Britney & Madoona kiss and they aren't lesbians) it's because they told the world that they are. I thought T.A.T.U would be enough. Now come, SMASH! Urgh... Well, they are also from Russia and the only song I've heard from them is "Talk To Me" and yeah, they are gay! Haha... The world's turning homosexuals... erm... But I think I do know what I want... So I'm not at all confused!

2:13:00 PM

Saturday, July 10, 2004

I'm really pissed right now in the office. Assuming someone is free is a selfish, unsensitive and arragont act. NO ONE can make me do something that I don't want to do and I said NO ONE! Even if I have to be kicked out of my company the next day, it doesn't matter to me. But hey, I'm 100% positive that no one DARES to kick me out and I won't even get reprimanded for my action. Because I'm RIGHT!

As I promised, today I will be posting the last part of the exclusive interview with Britney & Kevin. So here it is!

Part 4:
(Spears shrugs off the tabloid reports that her team worried that she'd gain weight while she's on break.)

Britney: You can't always be perfect and skinny. It's sad you get judged like that. I think when people put on a few pounds, it can be a sign of happiness and contentment. Not that I'm going to become some lardass. I like the way I am right now. I don't worry about it. I eat what I want to eat.

(While Spears has met Federline's parents, she has not met Kori, the 2-year-old daughter he has with his ex, actress Shar Jackson, who is pregnant with their second child.)

Kevin: By [the time I met Britney, that relationship] was already done. I love my children more than life itself. If there's anything I want people to understand, it's that: My kids will always be part of my life.

Britney: I plan to meet his daughter. I love little ones. I think the situation is good.

(What about childrean of their own?)

Britney: I'm not pregnant. [But] I definitely want to have some kids. I see myself with four or five.

Kevin: I'm not going to say if it'll be soon.

Britney: We're starting with a dog. I just got a Maltese named Lacy.

(Anything else going on?)

Britney: Here's something new. I love cleaning. I really do. I'm like Suzy Homemaker. I'm starting to learn how to cook. He's a really good cook. He can cook anything - macaroni and cheese, fried chicken. I'm learning how to make all my mom's salad... I love it. Cooking and cleaning. What's with me?

Kevin: I'll mess the whole place up and she'll clean it up. Really, I help.

Britney: You cook, baby.

Kevin: We don't really watch TV. I can sit and talk all day. That's what I love to do.

(Despite this image of domestic bliss, a lot of people might think they're rushing into marriage. What do they say to those who think it't too fast?)

Britney: I say I'm sorry you don't have what I have. I knew instantly. I kissed a bunch of frogs and finally found my prince. I feel like I've found my happily ever after.

"I'm done with the exclusive interview with Britney and Kevin in 'PEOPLE' magazine. So from tomorrow onwards, my blog will be back to erm...NORMAL?"

1:44:00 PM

Friday, July 09, 2004

It's getting really boring over here in my office. I just had my lunch and there's nothing else that I need to do. So here I am updating my blog with the next part of the exclusive interview with Britney & Kevin. Before that, I just saw Jessica Simpson's latest video, "Angel". Well, her video is nothing impressive but I kinda like it. But now I dislike her version of this song as much as I hate her version of "Take My Breath Away". I wonder why she needs to do so many covers. Don't she have enough money to hire some songwriters to write her original songs? Songs like, "Angel" & "Take My Breath Away" are un-touchable. They shouldn't be covered, not even by the greatest singers out there, not Jessica Simpson definitely.

Part 3:
(When they returned to the U.S., Spears' knee injury during a video shoot brought them even closer.)

Kevin: I saw her collapse to the ground, and at first I thought she was joking. It wasn't like she fell real hard. But when I saw her stay down, it shook me up. I kind of freaked.

Britney: I've hurt my knee before, but this time was worse. The inital X-ray didn't show any damage, but I had an MRI, and the next thing I knew I was in surgery. The ironic part is that Kevin met my mother about five minutes before I went into the operating room.

Kevin: I said, "Hi, I'm Kevin. How are you doing?" Then she stayed with Brit, and I went with her brother to breakfast, where he gave me the whole family speech. H told me what to look out for and not to be nervous. It helped a lot. Later on the night I finally got to sit down and talk with her mom. We hit it off from the start.

(The injury meant Spears had to cancel the last leg of the tour. During her four months rehab, she will be prepping a greatest-hits album, due Nov.16.)

Britney: I was ready for a little break. It had been a great tour, but my head wasn't really into it.

"There will only be one more part to the interview. So after tomorrow, I've completed typing the whole interview. I hope you guys would appreciate it! Anyway, I'm sure she doesn't mean anything bad when she said, "It had been a great tour, but my head wasn't really into it." I'm sure it's because of all the pressure she has gotten during the tour. If she wasn't really into it, she wouldn't have a tour in the first place. No matter what, I still very much in love with Britney and will support her always."

2:18:00 PM

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Previously, I told everyone that I might have time off after Euro2004 is over, but I was so wrong. Right after Euro2004, there is Copa America going on, so my company will stay busy. I doubt I can take any leave to go back Singapore. Haiz... *sad sad* If I can't go back Singapore anytime soon, I'm sure to be there in December as I promised Manisha!

Anyway, as I promised! I'm going to give you Part 2 of the 'PEOPLE' magazine interview with Britney & Kevin!

Part 2:
(the engagement capped a whirlwind courtship that started in April. Out with some girlfriends during a break from her tour, Spears spotted Federline at Joseph's, a favourite Hollywood club.)

Britney: I always sit at the same table. On the far right. In the corner. Where I can see everything. And I saw him. He was just standing there. I was like, "Hi, just come with me."

Kevin: Actually, I'd met Britney before. She just doesn't remember. It was a long time ago, at my first actual dance job. I was dancing with [pop group] LFO, and we were opening for her.

Britney: We saw each other in passing but never really talked. He thought I was cute.

Kevin: Yeah, I did think you were cute. But It just wasn't the right time. I think everything happens at the right time. That's why we met at Joseph's.

Britney: We liked each other right away.

Kevin: There was something about the whole thing.

Britney: A boyfriend was the last thing on my mind. But he was like a magnet. I was being pulled. It was so beyond my control. we stayed with each other for a week. I was supposed to get on a plane to go on tour. I told my mom I didn't want to go on tour. I was like, "I want to stay in L.A." At the time, I didn't think he'd come with me because we'd just met. Then I was supposed to get on a plane. Then I canceled my flight. I turned to the car around, called Kevin and said, "Where are you at?" The next week I was like, "Kevin, get your passport and come out with me."

(The pair say they realized they were falling in love in London. But they won't reveal who was the first to say, "I Love you.")

Britney: I don't want to say what happened. It's personal. Let's just say it was really beautiful and romantic and special between us. This is just deeper. My other loves were like puppy love. They were like practice for the real thing.

"Anyway, that is part 2 of the exclusive interview. I'll be posting Part 3: Britney's knee injury tomorrow. I just hope they are really in love and I hope Britney will prove everyone wrong and settle with him happily. Whenever someone come 'shunt' at me saying that Britney is pulling another publicity stunt, I will just shut up. I'm not going to comment because I just hope with time, she'll help me prove them wrong. Although, I still hope they won't get to the point of walking down the aisle."

11:09:00 AM

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Firstly, as you all can see I changed my blog skin! ;) Actually, this skin is taken from as well, but I made a few changes onto the html code of this skin and make it more 'different'. The Britney Spears header is made by me! It was actually my very first blend that I made using Photoshop. Anyway, I hope you guys like this new skin because I like it very much and I think I'm gonna be using this for a pretty long time.

Anyway, I finally bought the latest issue of 'PEOPLE' magaine with Britney & Kevin on the cover. So I decided to put up their interviews on my blog. But I'm gonna do it bit by bit, so that you guys can keep checking back.

("How the wedding comes about")
Britney: It was about three weeks ago and we were on airplane to New York from Ireland. I'd finished the European part of my tour and I was going home. I was ready to get back to the States. I was really happy. Kevin was with me, so I'd had lots of fun on the tour. We were a couple hours into the flight and we'd been talking the whole time, stuff about life, wanting to have kids, the future and everything like that. It was an intimate conversation. And we'd always talked about how some people don't have to get married when they're in love.

Kevin: You can spend the rest of your life with each other if you're in love.

Britney: Then all of a sudden I said, "What if you want to get married?" And I kind of went from there asking him if he would marry me. I asked him.

Kevin: And I said no.

Britney: He said no because he thought it wasn't the right way to do it.

Kevin: It wasn't like a "Will you marry me?" It wasn't that straightforward. The way she said it was kind of beating around the bush. Still, I was taken by surprise. I thought the guy was supposed to ask the girl. So a couple minutes went by and then I asked her.

Britney: But I'd been rejected and I was a little put off. [She laughs] No, not really. I kind of knew he was going to come back and ask me. And I said yes, of course.

Kevin: My head was spinning. Oh my God, I was happy. I wasn't really thinking about asking her right away but I did without reservation. I'd known for a while that she's the one.

Britney: Oh baby. [She kisses him] Really?

Kevin: Yeah.

Britney: Baby. [More Kisses] But I wasn't even thinking about doing something like this because of the big stink that had happened in Las Vegas [she wed Jason Alexander in January, then had the marriage annulled 55 hours later]. I had no idea it would become that big of a deal. That thing was a total ugh. I was not in love at all. It was seriously my friend from home and we got crazy in Vegas. So marrying Kevin was the last thing I was thinking about doing. But then I said, "You know what? This is my life and I don't care what peopel think. I'm going to get married. I'm in love with him." We didn't tell anyone till the next day. First I told my assistant Felicia. Next, I told my mom. I was very nervous, but I knew this was what I wanted to do. I was just a little nervous about sharing such a big feeling. I kind of just told her directly: "Look, this is what I'm doing. I'm engaged and I'm going to get married." She was happy for me.

Kevin: I hadn't even met Mom by that time. I was real nervous.

Britney: Later that day we went on the Internet and started looking for the wedding planner. But I ended up calling my assistant and she hooked me up with someone, and I started planning right away. I got my ring about a week ago. The woman doing the planning brought us over a selection to look at. There were about 10 rings. I was going to take my mom's engagement ring for the sake of tradition and change it up a bit so it would be my taste but more sentimental. Then I saw this ring. It's kind of spectacular. Even thought it's really big diamond, it's still simple and elegant. It's gorgeous and classic.

Kevin: I thought, "Oh my God!"

"I'm done for Part 1. Like I said, Britney must have fallen for him because he was there for her. It's only natural when you are feeling down and if you have a figure whom you can turn to, you would fall for that person easier. The next part would be how they met each other and what they first thought of each other."

2:55:00 PM

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

anyway, I forgot to add. I was pretty sad that Andy Roddick lost! But hey, losing temper on court isn't a good sign. Still, both played well. Here I thought Serene Williams will be unbeatables, there she was losing the cup that was in front of her. She is STUPID definitely.

Ok, now, Britney Spears has planned to marry Kevin Federline in November and that will be when she will released a greatest hit album. It's definitely a phase of Britney I will never forget and I'm sure she'll have the next phase of her in the future. I'm both sad and happy to hear the news that she is getting married. If she is happy, good for her. "Loving somebody doesn't mean owning her, as long as she's happy, I'll be happy!" If there is anybody who can made me shed my tears, it would be Britney Spears. I hope she'll have a fantastic wedding and that she will live happily with Kevin. Now, don't come blasting at me and saying that this would be another 'publicity stunt' just like her 55 hr annulment. That was a shock. She has nothing planned and the next day it blew up in the news, but this is different. They got enganged and planned to have a wedding in November. The important thing is they actually PLANNED! So it won't come as a surprise and shock! I hope everything work out well with her and if Kevin is to ever EVER to break her heart, I SOLEMNLY SWEAR I will send death threats to him! As for now, I can see Britney has finally settled loving a man who loves her back! So I'm done! ALL THE BEST BRITNEY!

12:21:00 PM

I watched "Spider-Man 2" on Sunday with Cynthia! I enjoyed it. ;) The effect is as usual cool, but what I was most impress is the fight sequence. Usually with so many effects in a movie, the fight sequence will make it 'unreal' and I think Matrix trilogy answered that for us. However, I was in awe at how the camera angles got the fighting sequences just right. IMPRESSIVE. I always go for the storyline in every movie and I got to say, I was pretty happy with the storyline of "Spider-Man 2". The 'losing' of power due to not believing in yourself that you could do it or the fact that you lose interest in what you are doing is great! I like it. So "Spider-Man 2" OWNED! Anyone who wants a spinning good ride in the cinema, this movie is a MUST WATCH!

Next, I don't like Paris Hilton and I'm not giving reasons for it. Haha. I don't like her fashion sense as well. She's NO Beyonce Knowles and she's definitely NO Halle Berry & Jennifer Aniston. These ladies are always glamorous and they always have great fashion sense, but Paris Hilton doesn't!

Here's an example:

oh yeah, my MSN isn't working. I have no idea why. There's always this "Troubleshoot" thingie that keep re-appearing. Does anyone Msn messenger has the exact same problem? Please tell me. Thank you!

12:01:00 PM

Saturday, July 03, 2004

There will be election for President on the 5th of July (Monday). Although, I'm of age, but I'm not voting! It's not that I didn't bother, but my whole family didn't manage to register for the election! But I couldn't care less if any of the nominees is to be elected as our president. By the time our country can end corruption within the government and the people, I think it'll be our next Ice Age! :rolleyes:

I have more pictures for all of you today, so here they are:

^Kristen Dunst during the premiere of "Spider-Man 2"

^Sarah Michelle Gellar in the premiere of "Spider-Man 2" as well.

^Sarah & Jason Berh (actor of 'ROSWELL') in the premiere of "Spider-Man 2"

^Jennifer Love Hewitt in the premiere of 'Garfield'!

Oh yeah, talking about 'GARLFIELD', it wasn't as good as I expected and the only funny part of the show was when Garfield danced to 'HEY MAMA' (by Black Eyed Peas). I laughed my ass off and Garfield is pretty good dancer! Haha... I can't wait to watch Spidey 2 tomorrow... Surprising, Jakarta release this show on the same day of the release in America. I'm surprised, but yet excited! Haha... And I was feeling very 'sad' towards Jennifer Love Hewitt when she got punk'd! But It was all for the fun of it. She nearly cried! haha...

12:15:00 PM

Friday, July 02, 2004

Just a quick update from me!

^taken from July's issue of 'PEOPLE' magazine!

I was pretty mad & sad when britney announced that she was engaged with Kevin Federline. I wasn't mad because she was getting engaged, but I was mad she was getting engaged with HIM (Kevin). I don't know him personally, but hell, he has a girlfriend or rather ex-girlfriend who is currently having his second child. I'm not going to bring Britney's in the picture for the relationship between Kevin and his ex gf (Shar) because even Shar said that it wasn't Britney's fault, rather it was Kevin's fault. But hey, people say that "Love makes people do crazy things", so I guess britney is just following her heart. And please don't call her a whore because in normal or rather real life, People do get divorce, and people also re-marry even if they already have kids, so Britney is just as normal as anybody else in this world. But I feel for Britney. Her heart was crushed when she broke up with Justin and the constant backlashes and kiss&tell from Justin must have made her feel, if possible, WORSE! Then, there's this new dude who comes around you, comforting you when you're in need, giving you all the care & concern that you need, giving you all the love that you've lost! If I were Britney (a girl), I would have fallen for Kevin! And that is what exactly Britney is feeling (I guess). Anyway, if you have extra money, do get this month's issue of "PEOPLE" magazine because the exclusive interview inside with the couple is so pure, true and sweet.


4:48:00 PM

Thursday, July 01, 2004

As I promised yesterday, I will be posting Christina's pictures today! I didn't quite like her new look (MTV MOvie Award), but surprisingly she looks really hot in these pics that I've found! I admit, she is looking better these days, more so than Britney. but hey, no one should blame britney. If britney is to dress up all glamorous like Christina while going to a beach, then I think she's mad! All the pictures that are taken of Britney are after she had her knee surgery and I don't think she would wear a versace dress with the crutches!

Anyway, here's the pics:

Now for a more 'delicious' pic! Girls, I'm just trying to make a statement with this pic, so don't think I'm all 'crazy' AND guys, sit still! haha...

here ya go:

^As much as I hate to admit Britney most probably had a boob-job a few years back, there's no denying that Christina had her boobs done too! If you were to look back during her "Genie" days, her boobs are practically not 'noticable' even until she released 'Stripped'. Her boobs seem just normal! Then, the video of "The Voice Within", if you look carefully, you'll notice the size of her boobs was amazingly 'huge'. Ok, so I think both Christina and Britney have a boob job! I guess all of you must be wonderig what issit that I wanna say? I WANT TO POINT OUT THAT, BRITNEY GOT HELL A FEW YEARS BACK WHEN SHE POSED 'PROVOCATIVELY' IN THE ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE AND THE PRESS/MEDIA WAS GIVING HER HARD TIMES SAYING SHE HAS HER BOOBS RESIZED! THIS PIECE OF NEWS/RUMOUR WERE KNOWN ALL OVER THE WORLD. NOW, I DON'T SEE THE PRESS GIVING HELL TO CHRISTINA. POINT IS: TABLOIDS WANT TO MAKE MONEY AND PUTTING BRITNEY IN THE HEADLINES WILL MAKE IT A SOLD OUT TABLOID. NEXT, THE KISS WITH MADONNA! BOTH CHRISTINA AND BRITNEY KISSED MADONNA, BUT WHO WAS IN THE HEADLINE NEWS THE NEXT DAY? IT WAS BRITNEY! I WONDER WHY! I'm not hating on Christina, but I'm just hating on all those stupid press. Five years ago, they were saying Britney is going to be a one-hit wonder and she'll not last long! Now, five years later, Britney released her fourth No.1 album and still touring sold-out concerts. I think they must be biting their nails and feeling ashamed that why someone whom they think would be gone in a year time can last for 6 years and that is BRITNEY SPEARS!

11:29:00 AM

Ok, So i did the exact same quiz that Wham did! And I can't believe I'm actually belong in a "Power Rangers Movie". Haha.. Yes, I admit I was very into those type of shows when I was 3-5 years old, but definitely not now! :rolleyes: Haha.. Still, I like the description very much, the description is VERY ME!

Power Rangers Movie!

What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!)
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11:26:00 AM

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