Monday, August 30, 2004

F*CK MTV! I don't even want to watch the VMAs anymore. Year after year, MTV used Britney to booze their ratings and year after year, she got denied a Moonmen. Not that winning an award means a world to me or even Britney, but come one she has the most retired videos on TRL and I think she deserve to win at least ONE Moonmen. To add that "Toxic" is one of the greatest video out there and yet, she didn't win! Urgh... the judges are definitely biased towards Britney, maybe not only Britney, but tons of other white pop female singers out there. Luckily, she didn't attend this year's ceremony. I haven't watched the show yet, but from what I heard, it's one of the worse VMA ever. Come on, Britney did everything 'booming' on VMA to booze their rating. Who will ever forget the infamous strip-tease performance in 2000, or the snake in 2001 and the kiss in 2003! Come one, take a look at this year winners, most of them are all blacks. Why are only blacks dominating the charts and all these award shows? Beyonce's talented, but I don't think her video of "Naughty Girl" could compare to "Toxic"! How bout Usher's "Yeah!"? I thought it was complete crap! Two last word to MTV: F*CK YOU!

Ok, The Grand Final of Indonesian Idol was on Saturday. I watched it and I thought it was definitely a one contestant final. The two finalists were to perform 3 songs: one is their own choice, one is chosen by the judges, while the other is one written by one of the most well-known singer in Indonesia.

Joy - Performing a song for the second time is something that I HATE to see on any Idol show, so when Joy performed a song that she has performed before a few weeks ago, put me off. She did a good job, but like I said, I hate same song perform by same finalist in any idol show.

Delon - He gave a very boring performance. With the help of the background vocal by the choirs, I thought he will give a memorable performace, but this was one of his worst performance. To make things worse, he was off-pitch at the end of the song.

Joy - Judges chose "The Trouble With Love Is" for Joy. I knew it will be easy for Joy to tackle this song. It's a ballad and with a voice like Joy, it will be as easy as saying ABC for Joy! As expected, she blew me away with this performance. Although, I don't quite like the talking bit at the front of the song, but right after she sang the first chorus, I knew this would be her winning song. She was fantastic. Adding to the fact that she wasn't using much of her vibrato, I like this performance very much.

Delon - The judges are definitely biased in choosing "Invisible" for Delon. They knew Delon is a sucker in beat song and choosing a song that is a staple Aiken song is definitely not a plus point. It was painful to watch, hear Delon perform this song. I definitely didn't enjoy this and I think there are many others who agree with me. To me, I think the judges should have chosen "This Is The Night" instead! I definitely think Delon would blew me away if he were to sing that song.

Joy - She has a good voice, she gave a good performance, but this performance is definitely much more boring than the previous two. It seems like after blowing the audiences away with the first two songs, she thinks it's enough to win!

Delon - Delon gave a memorable performance with his third song. This song seems to be written, made, produced for him. He was comfortable with this song and I definitely enjoy his version much more than Joy's!

Joy should walk away with the Indonesian Idol title! She definitely have better performances and sang much better than Delon in the grand final. However, I'm supporting Delon. I'm not going to take on the "let Delon win, so that he will embarrassed himself in World Idol" attitude, I definitely do support Delon in winning this. What I like about Delon's voice is that, he doesn't use head voice or someone might call it a fake voice. It's call falseto issit? Haha.. I don't know how to spell it. Even when he reach those high notes, he uses his real voice. That's one thing that I like about his voice.

Anyway, i'm still mad at MTV! So once again, *show 2 middle fingers* to MTV! You guys suck!

12:18:00 PM

Friday, August 27, 2004

If you guys have followed my blog since I started, most of my posts previously are all about Britney Spears. However, now I rarely put up any Britney news here! Heck, even all the pictures that I post here are not Britney's. It's not that I've stop supporting her, it's because I have made a website dedicated just for her. In case you guys still don't know that website, it is called The Perfect Couple: Orlando & Britney. So for all Britney's and Orlando's updated news, please go over to that site. Anyway, I would like all of you to take part in my quiz, click here! Thank you!

Have you guys heard about Britney going to have her own perfume, Curious? The launching of the perfume is yet to be known. However, the packaging is already out!

^It's pretty cool right? I know it's a female perfume, but I still would buy it anyway. ;)

5:28:00 PM

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Before, I write anything for the day, I have a pic for all of ya:

^Gorgeous, isn't she? Hehe.. In case you don't know who she is, I'll tell ya. She's Zhang Ziyi. She starred in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and played the villain in "Rush Hour 2". This pic was taken from the Hollywood premiere of "Hero".

Ok, I just want to clarify on the one mistake I made on the review of "The Bourne Supremacy". hehe... Matt Damon's character went to BERLIN, not DUBLIN. Berlin's the capital of Germany, while Dublin's the capital of Ireland. Hehe.. Dublin's the hometown of Colin Farell. Sorry for that mistake ok? hehe.. and thanks to the person who tagged telling me the error. This proves that I;m still an amateur reviewer(??). [Is that what you call someone who does movie/music reviews? haha]

For those who don't live in Jakarta won't know what a bajaj is. So I have a picture to show:

^These are the bajaj that we're having now in Jakarta! Pretty lousy er?

Ok, so those bajaj may not interest you. Now let me show you a new type of bajaj:

So does the new bajaj looks much better? Now I won't mind having these bajaj roaming around Jakarta! hehe... Anyway, I'm out for the day!

10:31:00 AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Living a life that one despise is tough as hell. I can say so because I've experienced it before, in fact, I'm still partially experiencing it at the present. Anyway, I won't dwell on it much, because I told myself to at least have a positive outlook in life! ;)

Anyway, I watched "The Bourne Supremacy" yesterday and I kinda like it. The storyline is nothing impressive, it's predictable and just like any other "police & killers" movie out there. Although it may seem to be a very good clip in those "Police Crime Investigations" on TV, it is still very much entertaining. So if you have nothing better to do on the weekend and you have some extra money on your wallet, go catch this show. ;)

Ok Ok, I know you guys love reading my review, so I'll do a VERY brief review of the show. hehe. 2 years after the first movie, Threadstone is closed and Matt Damon's character live peacefully in India, although still haunted by nightmares. However, his past life caught up with him and his girlfriend is killed. In order to find out what exactly happen, he had to dwell into his past life once again. In returning to BERLIN (not Dublin, sorry e'ryone!), he found out that he was set up! He was accused of killing two men. So both the real killer & the police department are after him. He needs to prove his innocence and he also needs to find out what's that haunting nightmares all about: Does threadstone has something to do with it? Go watch it! ;)

Ok, I'll go off now. I'll blog again soon! Love ya.

2:59:00 PM

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Nothing much to write actually, but then since I didn't blog for a really long time already, so here I am with a new post - I'll be doing a review of "AVP: Alien VS Predators"

"AVP: Alien VS Predators" is a good movie. It's enjoyable, fun to watch and it will put a smile in your face, realising it's worth every cent you paid watching it. The storyline of a undiscovered pyramid by three civilizations: Egypt, Aztech & Cambodian may sound rubbish, but they pyramid made it so convincing that you forget its silliness. What I like about this movie is that human is not the main focus of it all. The plot is that 5 teenage predators will have to do this coming of age ritual in the pyramid to take their weapons before they are called the adult predators. However, humans messed things up for them by coming to the pyramid thinking they would make history. to be awaken. So the humans are killed as sacrifices and the aliens are awaken. Worse, the humans even took the weapons of the predators, thinking that they are some ancient stuffs. Then, humans realise that this is the battle of the aliens and the predators and there's nothing to do with them. One character realised that and returned the weapon to the predators. The thing is humans were the cause of it all. If it's not because of human's curiosity, there won't be any battle between the aliens and the predators. If the humans have not enter the pyramid, the aliens won't be awaken. If the humans have not taken those weapons, the predators would have their ritual fast and peacefully and returned to their own world.

This movie is heavily recommended by me, so do catch the show if you have extra money & time.

11:22:00 AM

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Sorry for the lack of update for the past few days. I wasn't very busy with my work, I was just simply to lazy to update. So I'm back for my update of the day!

I hope you guys remembered I posted all the new characters that will be in Harry Potter's fourth movie, as now I'll reveal the latest addition for the movie. Ralph Fiennes will be playing the villain, Lord Voldermort. In case you don't know who Ralph Fiennes is, he starred as the bad guy in "Red Dragon". The dude who had a huge tatoo on the back? Remember him? Yeah, he will be playing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named!

Here's a picture of Ralph Fiennes:

"The Haunting" was a piece of crap! I know it's a very old movie, but I was in the mood of watching horror movies for the past couple of weeks. So I decided to buy the DVDs of all those horror movies I have yet to watch. It turned out that "The Haunting" stood out because it was just a piece of crap. It was totally ridiculous and definitely one of the worst movie I have ever watched. The acting was just as bad. I gave credit to Cathrine Zeta Jones & Liam Neeson because both were good, but the lead actress whom I don't her name was a disaster. She played a delusional person, but the way she portrated her character, she looked as if a 'retarded' person. I'm done with such 'horrific' movie.

Ok, before I sign off for today, I'll show you a blend that I made today:

^That's Helena! My favourite Indonesian Idol finalist! She's out though. :(

3:27:00 PM

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Firstly, let me just throw my frustrations out. INDONESIAN IDOL! I couldn't believe in a million times that Helena (my favourite coontestant) was to be eliminated yesterday during the result show. She had two great performances and yet she was gone! I have no idea why my favourite idols always got eliminated after they had great performances. Take TRENYCE for example. I knew Trenyce won't walk away with the "American Idol 2" crown, but I truly believe she sang perfectly, wonderfully and fantastically during the Top 5! Yet, she was eliminated instead of the 'flat-tone' and 'lousy' Joshua Gracin. Now, Trenyce's departure re-played all over before my eyes yesterday when I saw Helena got eliminated. I'm sad, frustrated and felt extremely sorry for her. Just like Trenyce, I knew Helena won't win, but Top 3 is hers! She deserves it to be there. Just like Trenyce, she was eliminated instead of the 'good-looking', 'ballady' and 'inconsistent' guy named Delon. I think I've said enough. I'll still watch the show, but with my favourite idol out of the show, I think I'll watch with no excitement! Just to add, my heart almost dropped off when they were announcing the result. I can't remember a time when I was so nervous besides during my Canoeing competitions.

It's a Saturday which means I'll have my dance class. However, due to Indepence Day this coming tuesday, the dancing class this week was cancelled. Damn.... I was so eager to do the performance for "Gossip Folk".

9:46:00 AM

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Britney's "Toxic" made it to the Top 10 of the MTV Viewer's Choice Final. She's up againts Yellowcard's "Ocean Avenue" this round. I really hope she will get into the Top 5 and eventually walk away with a moonmen for Viewer's Choice Award. ;) Anyway, if all of you would want to lend your support to Britney Spears and ONLY Britney Spears, click here to vote! Thank you!

I really don't have anything to write, so I think I'll just sign off right now. I promise a long blog next time. hehe...

Oh yeah, before I go. I can't seem to see my tagboard. Tagboard always have problems.... grrrrr... How I wish I know how to make those chatboxes by myself. I have the programme for it, but I don't know how to make it.

3:19:00 PM

Monday, August 09, 2004

Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Singapore. I forgot how many years liao lar... haha... but I'm quite sure you are much younger than my mum. :0 haha...

I went to Megamall on Sunday with Cynthia and Jonathan. Let me list what I bought:

1. "Dragon Voice" comic ep.8
2. "Reader's Digest" August '04
3. A 'wierd' looking top. (It's like 2 combined into 1. Pretty weird, but I like it. hehe.)
4. 15 Blank CDs.
5. 4 DVDs: "I, Robot", "The Village", "Catwoman" & "Collateral"

Out of the 4 DVDs I bought, I have only watched "Catwoman". I wasn't expecting much on the movie, but I was surprisingly entertained by it. The storyline maybe ridiculous, but Halle Berry's performance was unexpectedly great! I've never been a fan of Halle Berry's acting for once, but she did a great job in this movie. Although not as good as the 2 "Spider-Man" movies, the fighting scenes in this movie was pretty cool! For a movie which I thought would be as 'good' as "Daredevil", I think "Catwoman" is one of those superheroes flick that I have enjoyed! Now my question is that why is every Hollywood comeback queen plays the villain? There was Demi Moore who played the villain in "Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle" and then now Sharon Stone.

Oh yeah, I have 2 pictures:

^Kori & Britney Spears

^Kevin Federline, Kori & Britney Spears

I'm in NO position to question Britney's personal life, but I just hope that her decision to tie the knot with Kevin would be a genuine idea and I hope they would last. I'm in NO MOOD to see Britney in the state when she broken up with Justin. It's terrible. Even I felt terrible for her, I'm sure she felt much worse.

1:28:00 PM

Friday, August 06, 2004

Let me tell you what is gorgeous. This IS gorgeous:

Pull your jaws back up people! ;) Anyway, I don't have much update for today, so I guess I'll just sign off.

5:20:00 PM

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hailing a bajaj needs skill. Now I finally understand why my dad always tell me that everything you do need some skills. Sometimes I will hail a bajaj to go home and that's if my mom steal my car away early in the morning. Anyway, so let me explain myself. Firstly, I will hail a bajaj. Then, I will tell the driver my destination: "Jelambar, Utama 8". I'll wait for a nod or a yes first before asking, "Berapa?" ["How much?"] The driver will usually roll his eyes and then reluctantly say, "kayak biasanya la, Rp. 12,000" ["like usual, Rp. 12,000"] After some experiences, I realize that the asking amount by the driver would usually be MUCH MORE expensive. So I would politely say, "Ngak la, biasanya cuman Rp. 8,000" ["Usually it's only Rp. 8,000] You shouldn't sound demanding, so you will wait patiently before the driver start talking again. Usually, the driver would say, "Kalo ngak Rp. 10,000. Macet bang" ["How about Rp. 10,000. Traffic jam"] I would shake my head and SLOWLY, VERY SLOWLY walk away to another bajaj. While you are doing that, the driver would usually call you back and accept you offer.

So the skill I'm talking about is that, you need to know how to talk to the driver and you need to use the right body language and face expression. Because if you are rude, the driver would even want to talk to you. They would just ignore you. And sometimes, if you use a really stern face expression and sounds very demanding, they would accept your offer and in the middle of your journey, they would just drop you off with an excuse that the bajaj has broken down. And there's no way you could bargain on your bargained amount. So if the driver accepted you first asking amount, don't go lowering the amount more. If you do that, prepare for some swear words coming your way. So to hail a bajaj successfully, you just need all those skills that I'm talking about.

Anyway, I was withdrawing some money for dinner yesterday and I realize how little money I have left in my bank account. It's not that the bank stole my money away neither did the ATM Machine ate up my money, but it's because of this precious laptop. So my next goal of getting a digicam could only be fulfilled in about 2 months from now, unless of course my dad realize how pathetic of his son having so little money on his bank account and gave me some. Haha...

5:14:00 PM

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

So here I am in a very quiet office, doing practically nothing, well besides writing this post of course. Anyway, there won't be any betting in my company till the 6th of July due to some reasons, so all the operators were allowed not to come. Since I wasn't an operator anymore, I'm in charge of overseas finance remember?, I HAVE TO be in the office! Do I regret my decision on taking on the finance post? I will go with 50-50. I regretted because it's really boring to wake up everyday at 7 am, be in the office at 9 am and off work at 5pm, then either I go home or having dinner outside with my friends. I regretted because morning shift is really 'dull', unlike having evening shifts or night shifts, my colleagues and I could be watching VCDs, TVs and having a blast of our life in the office. Now, the other 50! With higher pay, everything will work for me. Hehe...

I was reading a really long Fan Fiction. It has a total of 37 parts and I'm just still at the 22nd. It's a really really good story. I've come to the part where it actrually reaches its climax. It's really touching, the writer's really good. The story just seems to reveal onto my very eyes.

Anyway, I have pictures to put up today. So here they are:

^Does anyone remember her? Natalie Portman! She's relaly low-profile, but I really really like her. And of course, I guess no one should forget the white-tight suit she wore on Star Wars II: Attack Of the Clones. She's perfect. I know this isn't the best looking shot of her, but she still looks gorgeous. Anyway, taken from the premire of her new movie, "Garden State".

^Next, Eva Mendes. She was in "2 Fast 2 Furious" and acted alongside Denzel Washington in "Out Of Time". I don't quite like her, but I just thought I would want to share.

4:29:00 PM

Monday, August 02, 2004

The dancing class on saturday was really interesting. It's the first time where we used well-known song to dance to. The song was "Gossip Folk". I really like the dance steps to this song. The choreographer added a little tap dancing in it and we did a little of rock dance as well. Pretty interesting stuffs, so I can't wait for the performance next saturday. I hope I won't forget the dance steps though, because it's really really tough. So I think I HAVE TO practice the whole week.

Sunday was pretty boring. I went to watch "A Cinderella Story". Surprise Surprise: I kinda like it. Haha. Hillary Duff gave a good performance and she does look pretty stunning with that white evening gown. And Chad Michael Murray looks every inch like a prince. I still haven't watched "King Arthur" and I don't think I'm planning to. I guess I'll just have to wait for the DVD to come out.

Anyway, I'll be going back in about 40 minutes time. I will rush off to Citraland to catch up with Cynthia and Jonathan for dinner. Oh yeah, they are on good term now. *roll eyes*

5:10:00 PM

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