Wednesday, September 29, 2004

I'm actually quite settled in Jakarta, which means that I do enjoy a little of my life over here. But I have no idea why I have this very strong urge to go overseas. I thought my best choice would be Taiwan. So now, I just need to save up a little money for now and ask my sister to help me find a sponsor over there in Taiwan. I really really want to leave this place and go abroad.

I don't have much to update for now, so I'll just post some pics from Britney's wedding:

People say girls look best when they are on wedding gowns. I guess I have to agree about Britney. She is gorgeous....ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!

4:35:00 PM

Monday, September 27, 2004

I bought the DVDs of "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" & "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" on Saturday. I just have this urge to watch these two movies again. So I watched the two DVDs back-to-back on that night itself and after watching them, I really can't wait for the third instalment which won't be out till May 2005. Still a long time to go... damn... I mean Darth Vader is the most well-known villain in the movie history and it would be very interesting to see the transition of the ambitious Anakin Skywalker into him. While watching, they brought back some very fond memories. I remembered watching "The Phantom Menace" with my guardians in 1999. I was so into the movie that I so wanted to be a Jedi Knight that I bought a lightsabre from Isetan. It was 30+ bucks I think. But hey, I was 14 then, so it's more than normal to have such reaction. As for "The Attack Of The Clone", I remembered watching it after my Canoeing Training Camp in Sec 3. We were dismissed early, so we decided to go to Suntec and watch a movie. Since it was still very early when we reached Suntec, we decided to rest first. Boon Huat & Jason were sleeping on the floor. When the store in front of where they're sleeping opened, we realised that it was a lingerie store. It was pretty embarrassing though. haha. Anyway, we met up with Shanti and watched the show. I was pretty tired, but being a fan of Star Wars, I won't be trying to throw away my "fanatic" title to be sleeping while watching it. Although, I managed to stay awake the whole show and really enjoyed it, Boon Huat slept almost the entire movie. And after he woke up, he got a 'blasting' from me. Haha.

Anyway, I watched "Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow" on Sunday and I don't quite like the show. Jude Law was good as always, Angeline Jolie was tough as always and Gwyneth Paltrow was unpromising as usual. Worst, I don't see the chemistry between Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow at all. There is not ONE thing in the movie that I'm truly impressed by. What I like is the accent that the actors had on. Jude Law's voice was so different that if I shut my eyes, just listening to him talk, I won't know it would be him. But I like Jude Law's accent in the movie. Pretty funny stuff. Angelina Jolie's accent was pretty good too. It added up to her 'tough' image. The biggest disappointment is the lame plot, the over futuristic settings and Gwyneth Paltrow. CONSLUSION: almost everything is disappointing.

Pictures Time! These 3 pics are taken from the premiere of "Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow".

^For LYDIA and all the girls out there who well think he's your sexiest man alive. Haha.. Although, I like his accent in this movie, I much prefer her as the robot in A.I.

^Angelina Jolie is always gorgeous. :)

^Guess who is she? She's Taryn Manning. The one who acted with Britney in "Crossroads" as MiMi and the singer of BoomKat? She looked very different though.

I decided not to post Gwyneth Paltrow's pic up, because they aren't flattering to her at all. She looked horrendous with that thick black eyeliner. :S

3:15:00 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Nightmare! I had another one last night. I can't believe what I actually dreamt, so I was trying my very hard to forget about it. Damn... It's got to be the worst nightmares I've had in my life. Now, I would hate to sleep. Not that it has affected me badly, but I awoke with cold sweats all over my body and my whole body was shivering. I hate that feeling.

Guess Britney wanted her wedding to be different. Haha.. How's that for bridemaids and bestmen. :)

Got to go now... seeya

2:22:00 PM

Thursday, September 23, 2004

It's lunch time, that's why I have the free time to post for today.

I've been having weird & kinda 'scary' dreams, so I guess they are nightmares these couple of nights. Although, I always woke up with cold sweats all over my body, but I'm quite relieved to be awake on my bedroom safe and sound. One more thing that makes me relief is the fact that none of my dreams has ever come true. Not even one. So if I dream of something, it won't happen in real life.

Next, I found this on MSN homepage, kinda interesting:

^It's Britney's family tree. haha..

I really can't wait for the third and final instalment of Star Wars. "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith"! To be honest, I'm a bigger Star Wars fans than say Matrix or Lord Of The Rings... What to do.. I guess a guy like me prefer having lightsabres than a powerful ring.

^I actually come across this somewhere, that's why I was so excited for the movie. :(

"Married or Not, Britney Prompts Another Media Stir" That is the headline on the entertainment news on Yahoo! As a huge fan, I read the fuill article. I would just want to pick up some points from it:

- Did the world's most famous pop star try to avoid annoying paparazzi by staging "secret" nuptials last weekend -- a month ahead of her scheduled dream day in October?

- "We were being stalked every day, everywhere we went. It made our lives and our families miserable. So the only way we could really avoid all that is to push up the (Oct. 16) wedding date and do it immediately." Federline told People.

- "She came up with the concept of the video and it was released (Sept. 16) to go with her wedding. She's all about art imitating life," Us quoted one unidentified source as saying.

- "I believe you marry in your heart and that means much more than a piece of paper," she said.

- "No. What's more likely is that a magazine that didn't get the wedding is now crying sour grapes," said People executive editor Larry Hackett.

"I agree completely with the last sentence! COMPLETELY!"

Full Article

Picture Scans:

"Britney looks very happy. I just hope she's really happy. I was very touched by these pics. With all the struggles she's been going through, I'm so so so glad to have Britney smiling like that. Love ya, Britney!"

12:29:00 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I wanted to update yesterday, but I was super busy with work, so I postpone it till today.

I don't know if anyone of you know, but Britney married Kevin Federline on 19th September 2004. This was her second 'surprise' wedding. I have no right to question why would she marry in such a hurry. I just hope this would be a good thing. Come to think of it, I have no idea why she doesn't like well-planned wedding. Maybe, she dislikes setting a wedding date and then have the press following her around, doing coverages of her marriage and stuffs like that. I'm not her, so I don't know what her mind was thinking. But she's married now and I hope this will last. I just want her to be happy.

Despite my constant complain and the fact that I wasn't interested in watching VMA 2004, I still watched it anyway, last saturday for the first time. Just some points of the night's event:


- Paris Hilton always has her hand on her hip while she talks. It doesn't show anything, except arrogance.

- Beyonce looked horrendous. Worst look I've ever seen from her.

- On the other hand, Alicia Keys was gorgeous.

- "I'm someone who will walk on stage and fall, but it doesn't matter right," said Jessica. Well, we know you are dump, so don't need to prove to be dump.

- Miami is Puff Daddy's second home and it's also J.Lo's second home. Anything fishy???


- Usher lypsynch. It's ok for Usher to show her abs, but it's not ok for Britney or any other femal artistes to do it. *roll eyes*

- With a little lesser make-up compared to her red carpet entrance, I spotted two pimples on Alicia Keys' face during her performance. Nevertheless, she's still gorgeous.

- Just like Simon Cowell said, "Jessica Simpson is not a very good singer." To add to that, not a very good performer as well. Her version of "Angel" was horrendous and I was so scared that she will drop off the swing while performing "With You". You can't shake, lady!

- Christina and Nelly performance was the highlight of the show for me. Compared to Christina, Jessica is like the first contestant to be eliminated on American Idol while Christina is the winner. What a voice, what a performance. I'm eagerly waiting for her next album.


- Amy Lee is down-right UGLY!

- Gwynneth Paltrow appeared to present and the background music was Coldplay. How appropriate.

- While presenting, Marc Anthony faces his back to Puff Daddy. I bet he must be thinking, "I got your ex-gf, Diddy."

That's all I have for today.

10:40:00 AM

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'll clear something up and this is especially for ya, Ferny. Hehe..

Firstly, I ain't a racist. I never consider myself as one. In fact, I love Hip Hop/R&B music which is always dominated by the blacks. Missy Elliott, Alicia Keys, Usher, Outkast, Beyonce, Destiny's Child, Toni Braxton, JaRule has been a few of my all time favourite artistes. I love their music and I even have their albums which I would do a couple of spins when I'm bored.

It doesn't come as a big surprise to me that Beyonce won. All britney fans all over the world know or somehow predicted that Beyonce would win, still "Toxic" is one of the best videos out there and I have my hope up because I don't see a reason why "Toxic", a "Best Video Of The Year" nominated video could lose out to "It's My Life" & "Naughty Girl" that is not nominated in "Best Video Of The Year" category. I think Maroon5 will do all the explaining for me:

Maroon 5: If Britney Doesn't Win, We Will Walk Out

"Toxic is the perfect combination between an amazing video, and an amazing song. Plus Britney looks so hot in all those outfits. She definitely has to win Best Pop video and Best Female video. If Britney doesn't win, we are going to leave the vma's. Beyonce is an amazing dancer, her video is hot, she may win. - Says James. 'No, gotta give it to Britney, her video is by far one of the best pop videos of this year, great song...awesome."

VMAs was 2 weeks ago and I'm still 'complaining' about it and I do feel a little ashamed of myself. But I'm not a racist, Ferny. Hip Hop/R&B music is something that I love but when I say Beyonce is over-rated, I prefer it to her winning in the Grammy more than the VMAs. There's no way she worked as hard as Mary J.Blidge, she doesn't deserve that many Grammys. Mary J Blidge is my favourite R&B female singers, so there ya go.

10:14:00 AM

Friday, September 17, 2004

I'm back with my second update of the day!

Firstly, the video for "My Prerogative". As much as I love the song, I think the video is just as cool. I really like the video, the part where the lyrics goes: "They say I'm crazy" and she drove the car onto the swimming pool and the music stop! Very cool stuffs. If you want to download the video, you can go to For a good quality version, go to Just like the song, the video will worth your disk space.

Secondly, I'll be creating a new blog called: "Dancers 4 Life". It'll be a group blog where we can all discuss about dances, music, movies and stuffs like that. I got the idea from one of my colleague and I think it's real fun. So I'll be inviting some of you over there. And if anyone of you who want to join in this group blog, please do tell me your email address. I'll sure to add you. Thank you.

Anyway, I'm done with my short second update of the day.

4:56:00 PM

I received a pretty interesting email from someone whom i don't think I know. Nevertheless, it's one of many forwarded messages that I read.

Name begin with F:
You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You are a flirt, yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are sensuous and privately passionate. Publicly, you can be showy, extravagant, and gallant. You are a born romantic. Dramatic love scenes are a favourite fantasy past time. You can be a very generous lover.

"Firstly, I always believe that I'm not a romantic person. To me, relationship is just another form of friendship, so it's really nothing special to me."

Born in JUNE:
- Thinks far with vision
- Easily influenced by kindness
- Polite and soft-spoken
- Having lots of ideas
- Sensitive
- Active mind
- Hesitating
- Tends to delay
- Choosy and always wants the best
- Temperamental
- Funny and humorous
- Loves to joke
- Good debating skills
- Talkative
- Daydreamer
- Friendly
- Knows how to make friends
- Abiding
- Able to show character
- Easily hurt
- Prone to getting colds
- Loves to dress up
- Easily bored
- Fussy
- Seldom show emotions
- Takes time to recover when hurt
- Brand conscious
- Executive
- Stubborn
- Those who loves me are enemies
- Those who hates me are friends

"The Temperamental bit hit the nail on the head. I'm definitely temperamental. And the rest of the points are pretty accurate, but there are some that're bullshit. I ain't fussy, I'm quite oke with anything. And I definitely don't take time to recover when hurt because I'm NOT easily hurt. It would take a HUGE effort to hurt me in any way possible. I don't quite understand what the hell is those who loves me are enemies and those who hates me are friends bit."

Zodiac: Gemini

Turn ons

- Gemini is a highly intellectual and versatile person. If you have a Gemini partner you have to match your wits with his wits to keep the zing in the relation. They want to be mentally stimulated so you have to be good in conversing. Your sense of humor will get you a permanent residence place in the heart of a Gemini. Be more communicative with them and if you are good in this then you will never know how hours pass by with you holding each other`s hand.

Turn offs

- Gemini`s like to do many things at the same time so if unfortunately you are the types who is looking for stability you may get disappointed. Do not hold back a Gemini or you may lose him, as they are restless and need change in life constantly. You should try to adopt yourself with the ever-changing Gemini. Orthodox or conservative old fashion ideas are no-no in their dictionary. Change with the ever-changing Gemini and do not flow against the current.

"I don't fully believe the turn ons bit. Although, some are true, but I don't think are true. But the turn offs is pretty correct tho. I need to change I guess."

Ok, I'm done for today.

2:16:00 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I don't know what's wrong with me today. I'm definitely not in a good mood and when I'm in that kind of mood, I usually will shut my mouth, in case unnecessary 'fight' occurs, so since I'm very quiet today in the office, I will do my 'shout out' here. ;)

I saw Ashlee Simpson's new video, "Shadow" on Launch today. Firstly, I don't quite like the song, just like how I don't quite like "Pieces Of Me". I think "Pieces Of Me" is a mediocre pop song and I don't see how come it can become a huge hit in America. Anyway, the video for "Shadow" is at least a little more interesting than "Pieces Of Me". In the video, she also portrayed her sister, Jessica Simpson,who in the video is a much more popular, a much more prettier and a much more 'loved' person. So in the lyrics, she is like living in the shadow of her bigger sister and she always be the second best and stuffs like that.

I've heard a little clip of Destiny's Child new song, "Lose My Breath" and I absolutely love it. If anyone of you knows where I could download the song, please please, do tell me. I would appreciate it alot. ;) Anyway, I'm a huge Destiny's Child fan, I got two of their previous CDs and they definitely make good music together. Although, I love Destiny's Child, I think Beyonce is way too over-rated. She can sing, she write her own song, she produced her own album, but there are many other artistes out there who work much harder than her, but just don't have the success she's getting just because they don't have ay, so booty like Beyonce, the body like Beyonce and the face like Beyonce. Of course, I'm still holding a grudge on the fact that Beyonce won the VMA instead of Britney.

Ok, I'm done for today! God bless.

2:54:00 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Haven't been blogging for the past couple of days, I actually miss it! haha... With all the major leagues, UEFA cup, Champions league, I will be very very busy in the office. I won't have as much free time as I used to be.. damn...Quite a lot to update for today, so bear with me.

Firstly, I'm sure you guys have noticed that I changed the header of my blog? Hehe... How was it? Did you like it better than the previous? I hope so because I took the pictures from the blends that the blenders in EFG made and I just blend them together into one!

Next, "My Prerogative"! It's an awesome song, god, I absolutely love it. It's on heavy rotation over here on my playlist, I just can't get enough of it. For all of you who haven't heard of the song, you can download it on It definitely worth your disk space, it's a fantastic song. I also can't wait for the video to premiere on MTV and Britney is spotting a new look on the video. The sexy curls... ;)

^If you want to read the article on her new look, please go to my Perfect Couple website! Thank you.

Next, "Secret Window". I watched the show yesterday and I kinda like it. Stephen King is a great author, but not all great bookscould be made into great movies, example "Dreamcatcher" which happens to be written by Stephen King too. "Secret Window" was bland, from the start till the end, it doesn't have much intensity, which means the movie doesn't let the audience to engage with it. At least, that's what I feel about the movie. As usual, Johnny Depp was great, but still not as good as his portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow. :)

Two more Delon's pics for Imah:

I think I'm done for a really long update for today. See you guys again soon. Oh yeah, I actually want to share my dream with all of ya, but I guess I will just keep it to myself for now.

12:47:00 PM

Saturday, September 11, 2004

So it's been three years since the tragedy of World Trade Center on September 11, 2001! I would just like take a moment of silence for all of them who had passed away due to that terrorist attack. *S-I-L-E-N-C-E*

Now, three years later on September 11, here I am working on World Trade Center in Indonesia and the memory of the bomb attacks two days ago outside the Embassy of Australia, made me re-think and re-consider the options that President Bush had three years ago. Yes, WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING, just like many people said, but come to think of it, in the past three years after the September 11 tragedy, there hasn't been any attacks on America...YET! But how about Indonesia? The second biggest terrosist attack happened on Bali which killed 100+ ppl and injured many more in 2002. Then, followed by the bomb attack on one of Indonesia's best hotel, Mariott which killed 12 and injured many more in 2003. Now, just about a year after that bomb, we have to endure another one just two days ago. Why the continuous attack happen to Indonesia? Because I believe our goverment didn't take an immediate action to make sure this won't happen ago, unlike what Predisent Bush did! I ain't saying he's right, but he has his reasons.

Anyway, like I promised Imah, here are some pics of Delon:

I'll put up more! No worries about that.... Have a good weekend to all and PEACE!

10:08:00 AM

Thursday, September 09, 2004

I was sitting at my usual place, minding my own business, when suddenly a loud 'bang' could be heard and it felt as if the whole building shook. My colleagues and I thought it was a slight earthquake, however minutes later, we realized that there was a bomb explosions outside the Embassy of Australia, just about 2-3km away from our place. This was the the third bomb attacks that had occured in Indonesian in recent years. Although, it was reported that the bomb might not be really targetted at the Embassy of Australia and that it is just a random bomb attacks, but many politicians are saying that it is a warning to the Australians, since the relationship between Australia and Indonesia has never been good!

A Reuters witness on the scene saw pieces of a head, hair and flesh and other body parts on the street.

"Get out of the way. You are stepping on evidence. There are flesh, bones, and remnants all over this place. Back off," a police officer said over a megaphone.

-taken from Yahoo! World News

My views of the attack: It was devastating to see all those people who has been hurt due to the explosion. Most of them are bleeding profusely and some of them even lost their arms, legs and other parts of their bodies. There was one motorcylist that was dead and I was extremely disgusted at the sight of his dead body on top of his 'messed-up' motorcycle. He was somebody who is at a wrong place at the wrong time and he had to pay it with his life. Furthermore, Indonesia is 'bad' enough economically and this would just make it worse.

On a lighter note, I will show you a picture of a woman who is about to make a family:

Hope it will cheer you all up! I'm outta here!

3:27:00 PM

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Mission failed! I was supposed to get a backpack, wallet and a prezzie during the weekend. Instead, I got myself an "Indonesian Idol" CD, a long pants and a watch. Urgh... I really really need to get the prezzie ASAP because his birthday is this Saturday and WORSE, I could only get the prezzie earliest thi Saturday! *Roll eyes* Damn, I just hope he would understand that I'm a very busy person! ;)

Oh yeah, watched "Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blook Orchid" during the weekend. I actually didn't feel like watching this show. Firstly, it's not the type of movies that I would want to watch. (I dislike movies like Lake Placid, Jaws, Deep Blue Sea). Secondly, the first movie by Jennifer Lopez is bad enough, why another one?! Thirdly, I was extremely tired after staying up really late on Saturday! Nevertheless, I went and watched one of the worst movie of the year. A bunch of scientists took on a voyage to Borneo (Kalimantan, Indonesia) to get blood orchids which supposedly could make people stay young! To their horror, the jungles are full of hungry as well as 'horny' anacondas. It was the mating season, so most of the anacondas are coming out from their 'hut' to gather at a place to 'make babies'. So before the anacondas actually mate which will take a lot of their energies, they feed on those idiotic people. One Advice from me: STAY AWAY!

Anyway, I have 2 photos for all of ya:

"Britney sure look motherly! ;) She would make the coolest mum on Earth"

11:01:00 AM

Friday, September 03, 2004

'Sup, I'm back for the day! I'll be off-work in 20 minutes time, so I'll just do a quick update over here! ;)

Need to do major shopping this weekend. Need to get a present for someone's birthday and that someone is in Singapore, so I need to buy it fast and send it before his birthday on September 11. I still don't have any idea what I should get for him though... urgh... major headache.. I also need to get a backpack for myself, because my old backpack turned from beige to dull red, all thanks to my mother's red-hot undergarments (sp?). Lastly, I need to get myself a wallet. The Guess wallet Margaret got for me before I left Singapore has become very curvy, thanks to my er.... perfectly-shaped butt... ;)

Watched "Collateral" yesterday and I don't quite like the show. Tom Cruise's silver hair is just too weird for me to actually want to enjoy this show and take this show seriously. Worse, I slept for I-don't-know-how-long until Cynthia woke me up right when Tom Cruise made this funny face. It scared me to hell!

So, see all of ya tomorrow!!!

5:36:00 PM

Photobucket is back to normal, so I'll post all the pictures that I promise! ;)

1) Christina Aguilera:

^I don't quite like this look! I prefer the long curl she had while doing the catwalk.

2) Orlando Bloom:

^There! I think it's really funny how this big name celebrity would do such 'dorky' thing. Now, I have one more reason to say why Britney & Orlando is a perfect couple. Both of them are quite 'dorky'! Hehe...

3) Britney Spears:

^The front part of the shirt says, "Move Bitch" & the back part says "VIP".. haha.. cute right?

^Oops, she's sticking out her tongue. hehe... Tomorrow's headline: "Britney stuck out her tongue, it's so wrong for someone like her!" *roll eyes*

Anyway, if you want to see more Orlando & Britney pictures, go to my Perfect Couple Website!
I might be back for a real update later in the day, depends if I have the time to! See ya guys!

11:58:00 AM

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

I actually have quite a few pictures to post, but then Photobucket is down again. I can use Applepics to host those pics, but then the procedure is a little bit more complicated, so I will just save the pics for tomorrow.

Is it just me or do we all always have this feeling that someone near you, close to you is talking 'bad' about you or worse, even HATE you? I always have this feeling. Not that it bothers me, but then there's one particular person in my workplace that I have this feeling. It's weird. Sometimes, we talk, we get along pretty fine, but then sometimes we don't talk to each other or even look at each other. It just turns icy cold. Yes, Icy Cold, like Dementors are around us. I admit, I don't quite like this person, but that doesn't mean I 'hate' him/her, that would talk 'bad' about him/her, or even sabotage him/her. Urgh.. It's weird!!

Next! How come I always have to give an answer that will make me a liar or a villain? I hate it, but will still have to make the decision. I'm confuse, confuse, confuse!

4:14:00 PM

I have a few pictures to put up for today, but then Photobucket is down again, so I can't actually host the pics that I want to show all of you over there. I could do it on Applepics, but it's a more complicated procedure, so I will just save the pictures for tomorrow.

Is it just me or does everyone always have this feeling that someone around you, close to you are talking 'bad' about you or even worse, HATE you? I do.. and I always have this feeling. Not that I'm bothered by it. But there is this ONE particular person in my workplace that I have this feeling about. We sometimes get along fine, we talk, we laugh, then sometimes we don't even look at each other or even talk to each other. It seems like the whole place turn icy cold. Yeah, Icy cold, just like Dementors are coming near us. Maybe, it's just me, I don't know. But to be honest, I don't quite like this person, but that doesn't mean I hate this person or will I actually try to sabotage this person or even talk 'bad' about this person. Damn... I've been wanting to write 'his/her' a couple of time, but I ain't going to reveal the gender of this person that I'm talking about.

Next! Why do I always put in a position where my answer would make me a liar or a villain. I hate that, still I need to make the decision. Urgh.. I'm confused, confused, confused!

4:01:00 PM

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