Saturday, October 30, 2004

Completed the first season of "Smallville". Ignorance just got into me last time, but lucky for me, I come to my senses and didn't miss a great show like "Smallville". Every episode is very eventful and that red-hot underwear that Lana had one in one of the episode is 'haunting' me till now. Kristen Kreuk is pretty, sweet and hot. Wow, I said it. I wonder if they actually cut that part in Channel5! Nothing provocative, I've seen much worse, but that is BOLD for a WB production TV shows. Anyway, going to buy the second season of "Smallville" today! I'm excited. (Side note: I wanna buy "The O.C" and "One Tree Hill" DVDs too, I don't know if they're already in stores though.)

It's the 30th of October, I'm really excited for November! Let me lists:

1. I'll be going back to Medan and Singapore!
2. Britney Spears' "My Prerogative: Greatest Hits" out November 9th!
3. Shania Twain's greatest hit album out November 9th!
4. Eminem's new album "Encore"
5. Movies: "Alfie" & "Alexander"

Gotta go now.... :) See ya

2:58:00 PM

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Nothing to update and write for today. I was super busy at work... but as I promise, my birthday wish to GOH BOON HUAT!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dood! :) Have a nice 17th birthday and hope all your wishes come true and your darkest/deepest desire will be one step closer! :) And enjoy being 17!

5:38:00 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

For someone who actually said this: "I'm totally against lip-synching and offended by it. I'm going out to let my real talent show, not to just stand there and dance around. Personally, I'd never lip-synch. It's just not me." Then, caught lipsynching on Saturday Night LIVE! Haha.. It's Ashlee Simpson everybody. I knew she's just all about marketing strategy, reality show and image. And look at this so-called 'dance':

Finally got to hear Britney's supposed second single of her greatest hit, "Do Something". Awesome track! I absolutely love it. Anyway, if you wanna hear it, I posted a link at my Perfect Couple website. So you can go over there for the link. :)
I'm so so excited about "My Prerogative: Greatest Hits" coming out November 9th. Damn... I can't wait for it...

STUFFS I wanna do:
- Watch "The Grugde" for SMG!
- Buy Simple Plan's newest album!
- Buy the 1st season of "The O.C" DVD!
- Swim on Sunday!
- Lots more...

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY to Reine! :) I'll give my blessing to Boonie tomorrow. :)

4:58:00 PM

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

"The Stepford Wives" is surprisingly entertaining and once again, Nicole Kidman is charming to the very end. Interesting and unique storyline and add that to the spectular casts: Bette Midler, Glenn Close, Matthew Broderick and Christopher Walken, the result is one of my favourite movies of the year! :)

Bought "Angels in America" DVD last Saturday. After seeing the trailers in HBO, reading the rave reviews it has been getting and the Golden Globe it won, I decided to give the mini-series a try. With casts like Al Pacino, Meryl Streep, Emma Thompson, there's no doubt in the quality of acting. The storyline is refreshing, interesting and moving. The pace is pretty 'fast' for a drama. "Angels in America" is very BOLD, and I think that is one of the reasons why it got so many good reviews and how it won "Best Miniseries" Golden Globe. The funny thing is that there are so many movies, TV shows, miniseries out there that touch on homosexuality and this show is no exception. Despite that, there is a little religion and belief playing in the show too, where one character who is a Mormon, try his very best to keep his darkest secret, but after meeting one man whom he couldn't resist, he just let it all go. Yes, he knows he's gay since young, but as a Mormon, he kept it to himself and even marry a woman, trying to 'convert' himself. There is of course more to this show than just homosexuality issue, it's a great shows and I recommend it for anyone who likes to have their minds working while watching.

I received two missed calls today. Once I picked up, the other side just hung up. I was pretty irritated, then come this sms from the number!

SMS: "maaf. kalau boleh saya tau anda ada dimana? no hpnya kayak tgl lahir sy, 070185. Padahal sy cuma bikin2. ada jg yg punya no ini." (Sorry. If I could, may I know where are you from? Your hp number is like my birthdate. I'm actually just playing, and it turns out there's someone who has this number.)

Since I'm nice, I replied. I thought it would just end there, but the other side replied back.

SMS: "Cow/Cew?" (Girls/Boys?)

I replied again and then surprisingly i received another reply which consists of her gender, place and name.

SMS: "Sy cewek, nama sy ANI, sy tinggal di priuk. Nama kamu siapa? tinggal dimana?" (I'm a girl. My name is Ani. I live in Priuk. What's your name? Where do you live?"

I replied, told her my name, but didn't tell her where I live. Right after I smsed back, she called. We chatted for a while. She said she's sorry if she's bothering me.
She's quite talkative actually, she explained that she is just playing and had no idea that there would be someone with this number and then she said, if she has 'pulsa' (credit), she'll call again.

Haha.. Pretty weird right? At first, I though some of my friends are pulling my legs. But it turned out that nobody knows who the heck is ANI. Maybe I should try my birthdate next time. :)

Busy busy.... See ya

2:31:00 PM

Friday, October 22, 2004

It's weird how I am able to be angry, frustrated, relieved, glad and happy at just a 2 hour period.

Had some misunderstaning with my colleague today, I was quite frustrated then, so I said some quite 'unkind' remarks towards him. I just couldn't control it, tried my best to, but failed. Anyway, all is well now, and I'm glad that everything turned out oke.

Ashton Kutcher: "Life would be just boring without Britney's performances"

Ashton Kutcher reveals all of his secrets on the latest edition of "VIBE" magazine.

"The whole music business is so awful now, and everything is just so conventional. Thank God for Britney," He says.

"Like would be just boring without her peformances, definitely."

"I've never met anyone who owns the stage as well as she does, and I don't think there's one single person who can deny that."

I posted this article a few days ago on my Perfect Couple website, I thought I would just post it here, so that more people could read it. Talking about my Perfect Couple website, I've been making lots of changes, but I haven't put it up yet, but I'm sure I'll be done by tomorrow. So PLEASE DO VISIT MY WEBSITE, PERFECT COUPLE, AND GIVE ME ANY COMMENTS THAT YOU HAVE ON THE CHANGES. THANK YOU. But now now, when I'm done with it. :)

4:36:00 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

There's one thing that is bothering me: I have people whom I don't really talk much in real life, but when it comes to MSN chat, they are much more friendly, easy-going and talkative. However, there are people who I talk a lot in person, but when it comes to MSN chat, we just don't have anything to say. It kinda bother me actually, because if this friend of mine whom I talk alot to in person doesn't talk much during our msn coversation, it would make me wonder what's wrong. It seems like this person is somehow 'angry' with me or something or maybe that particular person thinks that I'm 'angry' with him/her? I just don't get it.

I don't have much to update. Been very busy with work these past few days and I don't even have time to watch "Smallville". I want to watch the first season finish by this weekend, so that I can go and buy the second season. So I won't be so left behind. :)

5:37:00 PM

Monday, October 18, 2004

I didn't update much last week because I was very busy with my 'Perfect Couple' website. I'm making a very huge change to that website, because I'll be changing server. Tripod is a very good website server, but it has that annoying blend that cover my header, so I decided to change it. I found a new server: and it's fantastic. I'll be transferring all my files from Tripod to Freewebs, but it takes a lot of time. :(

Anyway, I bought the full first season of "Smallville" DVD. Haven't done watching the whole season 1 yet, but watched till episode 12 and I've been enoying them. "Smallville" has very interesting storylines and the casts are brilliant. Although it sometimes get into a little 'similar' to the other superheroes movies out there, but I still think it's a good show. I know "Smallville" season 1 is like 'ancient', but I hope I am not too late to be in the "Smallville"-craze mood. I should have listen to Darius when he told me the show is good, but then I don't have the time and the memory to watch the show every week on Channel 5, so I decided just to not watch it and not fall into the "Smallville"-craze thing, but I am now. Darius once told me I'm "similar" to Clark Kent, not because of the super-power thing of course. But the way I see a relationship is like how Clark sees it too. He's not entirely wrong, but he’s not a 100% right either. Oh man, the more I talk about him, the more I miss him and the rest of the people in Singapore. I can't wait for this November.

I also bought the Original/Special Edition of the first Star Wars trilogy! Here is how it look like:

It costs me Rp 340,000 (aprrox. S$68). Watched Episode IV: A New Hope and the bonus materials. From the bonus material DVD, we get to see some of the scenes for "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and I think this movie would be awesome. It is the ONE missing puzzle that have all movie-goers wondering how a good, intelligent little boy can change to an ambitious Jedi Knight and into the ultimate baddie, Darth Vader. I'm so excited. There will be the ultimate light-saber battle between Anakin and Obi-Won and I got to see their practice. Hayden had a new hairstyle for this latest installment and he got to wear that ultimate Darth Vader's mask. Some actor has all the luck.

Anyway, I found this poster. I don't think this is the official movie poster, but I thought I would just share:

If you guys would really want to know what Episode III is really about, there is a spoiler plot summary script on SupeShadow. Click here if you want to read it.

Now, I'll be going back to transferring all those files. *sigh*

4:42:00 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2004

During a recent vacation in Las Vegas, a man went to
see a popular magic show. After one especially
amazing feat, a man from the back of the theater
yelled, "How'd you do that?".
"I could tell you, sir", the magician answered,
"But then I'd have to kill you."
After a short pause, the man yelled back,
"Ok, then... just tell my wife."

12:14:00 PM

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Yay, FINALLY! I got my digicam!!! Wohooo... Let the party started and I can get some snapshots... :)

Anyway, here's my digicam:

It's not a very expensive one, but I'll do with this one... :) I'm a happy man now...

4:59:00 PM

Watched "New Police Story" on Sunday with Jonathan and Cynthia. It wasn't a very eventful day anyway. After the movie, we went for dinner. While Cynthia went shopping for her stuffs, Jonathan and I went to play some arcade games. We decided not to tag along while Cynthia is doing her shopping. U sure have strong legs, Cyn! Anyway, the movie! I enjoyed the show. Although Jackie Chan wasn't as comical in the show as her previous, I still enjoyed his fighting scenes. It's always weird to have 'pretty-boy' act as a villain and it happened to Daniel Wu. Charlie Yeung is beautiful, it's good to see her on a big-screen again. The rest of the casts gave a good performance, but not Golden Horse worthy performance anyway.

I watched "Shark Tale" on DVD. Although the movie didn't receive very good reviews, but I actually enjoyed the show. If you expect another "Finding Nemo", you would be very disappointed. "Shark Tale" is just not as memorable as "Finding Nemo", because there is not one character in the show that leave a deeper impression than Dory. Oh god, I still adore Dory very much. It's a good show, and I think you guys would enjoy it. So if you have a spare $8.50, go catch this show.

My digicam was supposed to be sent to my office on Monday, but it didn't. I was pretty mad, then they called me up yesterday and apologized for the delay. They will be sending it today, after lunch time. I'll forgive them, but I would never ever but any stuffs from them again.

I'll be going back to Singapore, people! Not a 100% sure yet, but it's like 80% sure. :)

2:14:00 PM

Saturday, October 09, 2004

I thought I should just write something short in here. :)

Wearing my long-sleeved green and yellow shirt with the dirty green long pants that I bought a few weeks ago. My usual "Reebok" watch and the "Rock-Star" style wristband. Simple but comfortable. :) Going off to get some DVDs later.

I'm going to get a digicam this monday! :D hehe... Finally! It's a pretty cheap one anyway because I realize that I ain't a photographer, so i won't really need to a very good one. 3.2 mega pixel! It's Olympus E160! :)

I'll be off in another half an hour time. :)

2:27:00 PM

Friday, October 08, 2004

Promised Jonathan and Cynthia to catch "The New Police Story" on Sunday. I was on the verge of cancelling it, but then I decided not to. I've disappointed them many times already.

I saw two new videos on Launch: Eminem's "Just Lose It" & Nelly feat. Xtina "Tilt Ya Head Back".

As much as I love Eminem, I just think he is getting a little lazy lately. The video is still funny as hell, but it was very similar with his other videos, it seems like he re-cycled his old videos. Even the song sounds very similar with his other songs, in fact he has "Guess Who's back?" in the front of his new single, just like "Without Me". The song is still very catchy and I really like it, but I think 'the bashing other artistes video' is getting old. He should come up with something new, because from "The Real Slim Shady" to "Without Me" to "Just Lose It", it's all about 'bashing' other artistes. I'm still eagerly waiting for his next album, "Encore" just because I'm a huge fan.

As for Christina and Nelly video, "Tilt Ya Head Back", I was disappointed. I was expecting something sexy, cool, the 70s style, but I didn't get it. It's a good video, but there's nothing really impressive about it. But I'm really digging the song. It's an awesome song.


Grew up in a small town
And when the rain would fall down
I just stared out my window
Dreaming of what could be
And if I'd end up happy
I would pray (I would pray)

Trying not to reach out
But when I'd try to speak out
Felt like no one could hear me
Wanted to belong here
But something felt so wrong here
So I pray (I would pray)
I could breakaway

I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky
I'll make a wish
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget all the ones that I loved
I'll take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway

Wanna feel the warm breeze
Sleep under a palm tree
Feel the rush of the ocean
Get onboard a fast train
Travel on a jet plane, far away (I will)
And breakaway


Buildings with a hundred floors
Swinging around revolving doors
Maybe I don't know where they'll take me but
Gotta keep moving on, moving on
Fly away, breakaway

love this song!

3:46:00 PM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I know I haven't been updating for a really long time, so I'll just do a little summary of the days that I didn't blog.

Saturday (2/10/2004)

I watched "Resident Evil: Apocalypse". I was very reluctant to watch this show because lack of interest and also because I didn't watch the first show. The show was ok, nothing fantastic about it. To be honest, there's nothing exciting about it, however, it's not a thoroughly boring movie as well. After the show, I went to buy some DVDs for Sunday because I decided to slack at home the whole day on Sunday. The DVDs that I bought: 'Shattered Glass', 'The Mummy' & 'The Mummy Returns'.

Sunday (3/10/2004)

Jonathan and Cynthia asked me out, but I was really lazy to even get off my bed, so I rejected their offers. Anyway, I watched 'Shattered Glass" DVD which I bought on Saturday. Surprisingly, I really like the show. It's exciting and definitely a good movie. Hayden Christensen was good. I think he's one of those talented actors that will REALLY shine in years to come. He might even win an Oscar in say 5 years time. He already got a Golden Globe nomination, so I won't be surprise if he would, because I think he's a good actor. Anyway, the storyline is interesting and the pace of the movie is fast enought to not make me sleep. Two thumbs up for the movie. After watching some other DVDs, the rest of the days were spent playing games, talking on the phone, watching TV, singing, dancing, bathing and sleeping. (Did you notice I didn't mention eating? Because I forgot to eat that day. THE WHOLE DAY.)

Monday/Tuesday (4/10/2004 & 5/1002004)

You have no idea how busy I was on these two days. Damn, I spent my entire working hours, from 9am to 5pm, in front of the computer, transfering money out to our clients. Worse, the banking server was down, so the process was VERY VERY SLOW... The only time I have my eyes off the computer was for lunch which is less than an hour.

Wednesday (6/10/2004)

I'm much more free today. Completed transferring money in the morning, so I would have the whole afternoon till 5pm free. :) It's really relaxing, after two days of work, work, work and work. Anyway, I have two pics to post. I wanted to do it yesterday, but I don't have the time. So here they are:

These two pics are taken from the premiere of "Shark Tale". I think Christina should really let go of the Marilyn Manroe hairdo and lipstick. She looks good, but I just think she should be herself, she has so many personalities that I don't know which one is true. But I still can't wait for her new album. Anyway, that may not be the most flattering pic of JoJo, but she's still cute as button. :)

3:14:00 PM

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