Friday, November 26, 2004

It's Friday 1:05pm. I'm at Boon HUat's house and everyone still sleeping.. The first day in Singapore was pretty eventuful I shall say... but there are like so many more people I need to contact to meet up with. I only have 6 more days, so I need to use these times properly. :)

12:59:00 PM

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

I was naive,
your love was like candy,
Artificially sweet,
I was decieved by the wrapping,
Got caught in your web,
and I learned how to bleed
I was prey in your bed,
and devoured completely

Now what to do,
my heart has been bruised,
so sad but it's true
Each beat reminds me of you.

I love this song. The lyrics, the voice.. damn... got to be one of my most favourite song of all time. that's a compliment to your songwriting skill, miss aguilera.


10:48:00 AM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Completed watching "Taken" and I'm not that all impressed by it. Maybe because it's just very hyped up, so when I saw and I feel it's not that groundbreaking and breathtaking, I'm disappointed.

Britney's greatest hits album sold 260+k in its first week and debut at #4 on Billboard Top 200. I'm not disappointed to be honest, I'm actually very pleased with how well her greatest hit is doing. For someone who has been labelled a 'one hit wonder' to release a greatest hit that debut in the Top 5 is an amazing feat. Of course, I would like a #1 album, to keep Britney's record clean. However, FOUR CONSECUTIVE #1 albums and FIVE CONSECUTIVE TOP 5 albums is a record that will be very difficult to break. Everytime I talk about Britney, there's just something that makes me a little sad and down. The fact that she'll be leaving the music business for a few years don't quite bother me that much, because I think she deserve the break. She had done a lot the past few years, she needs the break. However, my life for the past 6 years has been revolving around her, and now I feel like I lose ONE important goal and motivation in my life. Don't worry, I'll live... hehe.. but without her, it just won't be the same for me.

I haven't gotten Britney's "Greatest Hit: My Prerogative" yet, just because it's not even out in Jakarta. Even if it's out, I worry that I won't get the packaging that we're suppose to be getting. So I think I'll wait for one more week and get the CD AND DVD when I'm in Singapore. I will get Eminem's "Encore" this weekend, if it's already in stores. Will get Shania's greatest hits album in another week time. I don't think I'll get Destiny's Child latest album anytime soon, since I don't quite like most of the songs in it. If this is their last album, like many have predicted, I'm very disappointed with them. It's just very ironic that when Beyonce's solo career is doing perfectly fine and when they regroup to release an album and become their worst album.

Pictures for today, it's all taken from the premiere of "Spongebob Square Pants: Movie":

I really like Scarlett Johansan for some reason. Yes, my ultimate dream girl is still Kristin Kreuk, but Scarlett is unique. Can't put it in words. Jennifer Love Hewitt is cute too. :)

3:46:00 PM

Monday, November 15, 2004

Hello everybody, I'm back! My 6-day trip to Medan was eventful and very fun. I enjoyed myself tremendously over there. If it's not because of my work, I don't think I even want to come back here in Jakarta! Short details on my day:

-November 9th-Woke up at 4:30am, do my usual morning stuffs, had my breakfast and then left house at 5:30am to the airport. Reach the airport at 6:10am, do the usual airport stuffs and then walked to the waiting room at around 7:00. Waited for 30 minutes, before we are led into the aircraft. I slept for almost the entire plane journey, reached Medan at around 9:40am. Then rushed to the immigration center to have my singature signed and photo taken for my passport. Wasted at least 3 hours! Then, we set off home where my grandmother had delicious food waiting, we had our lunch and headed off to get some fruits. After getting the fruits, we went to visit my sister-in-law's mother who lives quite a distant from town. Went to a Seafood restaurant before heading home!

-November 10th-We spent the whole morning and the afternoon, to pack stuffs that we want to send to Jakarta. While my mum's busy with her stuffs, I was looking through old photos. As much as I miss being in Singapore, I really miss my years spent in Medan as well. Saw some pictures taken while we're on holidays when I'm still very chubby. Not to be proud of anything, I was pretty cute then. :) hehe... Then I saw some photos of my Primary 6 Farewell Party pictures. Our Farewell party was held in Brastagi for 3 days. Damn, I really miss my Medan primary school friends as well. Wanted to meet up with them, but I lost contact with almost all of them though. :( At around 3pm, we left for Perisai Plaza where I bought NOTHING except for 4 comic books. Then, we went to Thamrin Plaza! Had Mutton Soup for dinner! then head home!

-November 11th-Sent our already packed boxes to be sent to Jakarta to some courier service office, then get my grandmother, before headed off to my maid's Kampung to send her home. It was quite a long journey, then head off to my I-poh (my grandmother's sister) home to spend a night. She prepared lots of food for us. After dinner, we took night walks and ate Sate Padang and then Martabak! (I was so damn full, yet they kept forcing me food. In my family, having THIN or OK-SIZE body is a crime! *roll eyes)

-November 12th-Went to the newly-built SUN PLAZA, where I did lots of shopping. I got a backpack which I like very much. I also got very funny looking cap, got a present for someone and a belt. All that from a shop called "Skater Element". Then I got a long-sleeved buttoned top at a shop called "Ckf"! Really like the shirt too. My mum got a three-quarter pants for herself in the same shop. Then I bought a pair of brown sport shoes: ADIDAS! :) After the major shopping, I went to collect my new passport and I do look like shit in it! 8-)

-November 13th-The day my grandfather passed away more than 10 years ago. Woke up early to head to his cemetary. After that, had lunch in a seafood restaurant again, but not the same one. After that, spent the whole day at home, packing our stuffs!

-November 14th-Didn't do anything in the morning. Left home at around 1pm for the airport. Took a 3:45pm flight and reached Jakarta at around 6pm. Had our dinner then reached home at around 8pm. Watched "Taken" till 11pm before heading to bed!

I brought to Jakarta alot of my younger days pictures, once I buy a scanner, I'll scanned it and post them on here! :) As for now, I'm back!

12:00:00 PM

Monday, November 08, 2004

FIFTEEN on-shot kicks, yet not a single goal! most disappointing one of course is from Ryan Giggs. That shot should not have been missed! I have no idea what he was thinking. Pressure I guess, but how long has he been playing football to fell pressure about it. But he played well, besides that blunder he made with that 'supposedly winning goal'. On the other hand, I just dislike how Christiano Ronaldo played. I may not understand football technically, but I thought it's common sense that when there are three defenders on your left, you will dash at a faster speed to the right, then do whatever you want: kick or cross! You don't just try to pass through 3 defenders while dribbling the ball. That's plain stupid. All the 'acrobatics' move he used on the field may be impressive, but it did nothing for the match. In fact, I prefer Alan Smith to Ronaldo. He maybe reckless, he got sent off, but at least throughout the game, I could see enthusiasm in him. He was everywhere on the field: back, middle, front! Unlike most of the playes in MU, he chases the ball! Needless to say, I was disappointed with their performance on the match, but I'm not too shocked about the result, not that I expected it, but I'm just used to it. *roll eyes*

Watched "Vanity Fair" on DVD on Saturday! It's not really impressive, but it's a good movie. Although, there were many scenes that try to portray the lead character's (Becky Sharp) personality, I still don't get the real her! The acting was ok, the storyline was ok, the setting was ok, the pace was ok. So I guess this movie is all OK! There's heartbreak, humour, etc in the movie. So this movie touches on a lot of elements. It's a movie worth watching, but you're not into drama, don't!

Going back to Medan tomorrow, I'm pretty excited about it. :) Taking a 7+am flight tomorrow, which means we have to leave house at around 5am. That also means I have to wake up around 4am. So I won't have much sleep. To make matter worse, once I arrived at Medan, I'll have to go straight and make my passport, that means I need my picture taken. That also means that I'll look like shit in that photo. :( Nevertheless, I'm pretty excited about this trip. So while I'm in Medan, i won't have much time to update my blog. :p

10:45:00 AM

Friday, November 05, 2004

Completed Season 2 of "Smallville"! :D Season 2 is much better than Season 1 in my opinion. The special effects, the storyline, the acting, the whole thing are better. Damn, I hate cliffhanger. Now I have to wait till November 16th before the "SmallVille" season 3 DVD is out. :( I'm really excited about it. Of course, I can search the net and read episode by episode. However, I think everyone will agree with me that watching is MUCH MORE FUN than reading. So I'll just have to patient. Although, I'm still very much in love with Lana Lang/Kristin Kreuk, Chloe Sullivan is really growing in me. Out of all the characters in "Smallville", my favourite female character is Chloe and my favourite male character is Lex. I think Lex is very complicated, even much more than Clark. But that's just me. Oh yeah, the DVD has this special features and it includes delected scenes, talking about Christopher Reeves, the special effects, chloe's chronicle and gags. I didn't watch the Chloe's chronicle, but I did watch the "Gags" and it's pretty funny. From what I see, Michael Rosanbaum is the funniest. Everytime, he makes a mistake, he would shake kis head left right, making his cheecks vibrating and producing really funny sound. Haha.. He's really funny. "I can't look at his face!" to Lionel Luthor while acting. Then if you remember the last episode, where Helen and Lex was on the plane? Haha.. In the gag, it has Michael Rosanbaum shaking his ass towards Helen and then making all those 'funny' moves. He should be a comedian. Anyway, for those who didn't have "Smallville" DVD. The last episode "Exodus" actually has a scene that is deleted which I think is important. Helen and Lex didn't get marry! It was actually 'destroyed' by Lionel. They ran away before they could be officially married and off for their honeymoon, away from Smallville.

I forgot to mention that the DVD Box Set that I had on "Star Wars" trilogy, Hayden Christensen appeared in the ending of "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of Jedi". I saw the teaser for "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith" and it looks absolutely awesome. I have no doubt this show will deliver what it supposed to be. I know I've said this thousand of times, but I'm really excited for it.

Anyway, it's already the 5th of November. 4 more days to the release of Britney Spears' "Greatest Hits: My Prerogative". I really hope that all of you will get it. All Britney's hits plus 2 new songs in one album will worth every single cent of your money. Please please please, I'm begging you to get the album. :) If you have enough money, go get the DVD as well. It'll be a totally fantastic DVD with all her vidoes in it, plus some never-before-seen footage and stuffs like that. If you think you should be rewarded for getting the CD/DVD, tell me what you want. If it's within my reach, you got it! ;)

4:35:00 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I don't really care if Bush or Kerry is going to be President of U.S.A, but I'm really surprised by the result. I was quite certain that John Kerry will win the election, afterall Bush has been more like a world-wide joke these past few years, so I was certain he will be kicked off his presidential title. But for someone who has become public joke and bounce back to actually leading in the election and most likely to win, needs some applause. I applaud him for that!

I bought Simple Plan's latest album, "Still Not Getting Any" and I'm sorry Jet, you've been kicked to the fourth position in my Top Rock Group Album, while Simple Plan sit nicely at the third position. While Jet's album is very unique, but I just like Simple Plan's a little more. Adding to the fact that some of the tracks resemble Britney's. Let's see "Me Against The World", "Everytime" & "Crazy". :) The album opens very nicely with "Shut Up!" and then followed by their first single, "Welcome To My Life". I really like "Untitled" lyrically and musically. Simple Plan definitely work it out with this album.

Anyway, mentioning again: still very much in love with Kristin Kreuk:

^I'm pretty 'embarrassed' because I used to say Kristin is not my type and I don't think she's that good-looking. I definitely regretted what I used to say. :( Hope I'll be forgiven. :)

4:30:00 PM

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

"Cold Creek Manor" is a bad movie. I didn't even know why I actually buy the DVD, a waste of my money. "2046" is a 'bad' movie as well. God, I don't even understand what they're actually trying to tell. Usually, stellar casts made up for stupid and uneventful storyline, but this movie is definitely an exception. Even With stars like Tony Leung, Gong Li, Takuya Kimure, Faye Wong, Zhang Ziyi can't actually save this movie from a bore. It's a snooze-fest to be exact. But hey, it's just me. You guys might have different opinions on it.

I forgot to mention something about "Smallville". Not only interesting storylines and lots of others I mentioned, "Smallville" also comes with fantastic songs! They contain great music. Should get the soundtrack. As you guys know, I'm already in the Second Season of "Smallville" and I'm loving it. I just can't believe how slow I am. "Smallville" Season 4 is already starting and I'm still at Season 2. Worse, after I completed Season 2 in about 2 - 3 days time, there won't be any Season 3 for me to follow, because it's not out in stores yet. *sob*

I've been in love with Kristin ever since...damn... Haha... Anyway, made a blend of Kristin Kreuk. Not very good, but I like the 'gothic' look!

Yay, finally bought the tickets to Medan. I'll be flying back to Medan on the 9th of November, need to renew my passport. Then fly back to Jakarta to work and then ask for leave end of the month to go back to Singapore. :)

Oh yeah, I bought Jet's album, after much persuasion from my friends. And to be honest, I enjoy the album much more that I thought I would be. It's a great album! However, it still ranked behind Maroon 5 and The Calling! But Jet did give a good fight. Now I'll just wait for Simple Plan's latest album to see if they remain at the same position or be knocked by Simple Plan.

Till here then. Lots of love!

2:56:00 PM

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