Thursday, March 31, 2005

Why am I not looking forward to my sister's return sometimes next month or the following month. Go figure! *sigh*

I bought the first season of "One Tree Hill", I haven't started watching it yet, but I hope it's good because I was having a hard time deciding to but that or "Simple Life" season 1. I decided to get that because Paris and Nicole aren't really my thing, although the one episode that I watched cracked me up real bad. LOL.

Why is that a gay story become the greatest love story ever told!!? I'm starting to worry what the world has become - not much, but still a little.

Here's a new letter Britney posted on his website:

Dear False Tabloids,

As you read this letter, I bet you are asking yourself: Who? Who, me? Am I a false tabloid? Well, I don't know. But after this posting, I hope you are asking yourself a lot of questions. Your employees are a reflection of your magazine. Do you, Us Weekly, In Touch, Star and other desperate magazines want employees who are honest, or those who are liars? It seems to me that you'd prefer the latter. I'm really concerned about the people you hire to work at your companies. I'd like them to ask themselves the question, "What am I lying to myself about?" Is it that you are 50 pounds overweight? Is it that your children aren't making wise decisions? Or is it maybe that your husband or boyfriend is cheating on you? Until you face what is going on in your life, I guess you'll remain a false tabloid.


P.S. People Magazine is great in my book!

I'm not saying what Britney did is right or wrong. It has been causing quite a stir in her forum and I'm just on the fence. I agree and disagree with what she did. First of all, her letter maybe childish (Yes!), but she has every right to vent her anger out just like everybody else, regardless she did in a little girl who's angry way or a grown-up woman who's cool, calm & collected. It really didn't matter. She has EVERY RIGHT (prerogative) to throw her frustrations. But these are some of the things that may come back and bite her in the a$$. I hope that won't happen, because any celebrity who lashed out usually go down the drain and I will HATE to see that happenning to Britney.

12:44:00 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

why can my friends be happy for me, my colleagues be happy for me, my long-distance relatives be happy for me, my whoever's whoever be happy for me, yet both my sisters can't! I'm frustrated... VERY!!!! I didn't even bother to reply to their sms-es, because if I do, I'll go down bad and I don't want us to have any bad blood. At least, my eldest sister has a pretty valid reason, while my selfish, materialistic second sister doesn't!!!! Who is she to tell me what to do and what not to do? BACK OFF!!!

4:52:00 PM

Stop infekkting my tagboard!!!!!!!! and That is to whoever who is/are guilty of it. geez....

Urgh. My "Nekkid Creativity" website is up and running, although not all of the links are working yet, and most of the sections only contain very limited stuffs, but please do check it out! =)

And yesterday Indonesia (Sumatera island) had an earthquake and pretty bad one! It happened at Aceh, Medan and a few other places. My mum is in Medan for this Ching Ming thing and I'm soooo glad that she's ok. It kinda scared me actually, when my father told me about it. But I'm glad she and all my relatives in Medan is oke. And Aceh! Gosh, after the tsunami, and just a few months later, another earthquake, sink that town already. Urgh... Sorry, what's with earthquake and Indonesia. It's coming nearer and nearer. From Aceh, down to Medan, and if it keeps coming down, the earthquake will go "I'll be right in Jakarta soon". grrr... I'm still glad that my mum and my relatives in Medan are okay! I'm really glad. Very glad.

and before I leave!! I'm accepted to "Film, Sound, Video" course in NP! Wohooo. I'm excited and not that excited at the same time, because the moment I walked out of that class room after my interview, I knew I'm in! =) Lol. Ok, I'm confident, but I don't want to sound too proud too. So that's bullshit. I'm excited and happy! Hope you guys are too.... =)

I'm out!

10:33:00 AM

Saturday, March 26, 2005

urgh.!!! 3 more days I will find out if I can get into "Film,Sound,Video" course.. OR maybe there'll be a miracle: "Mr.Fredy, I think you are too good for our course, FSV, so we'll be putting u in the Mass Communication course which we believe you can excell in"..... HUAHUAAHUAUHAAH... I wish!!! :D

I have no idea which part of me is itching, because I decided to make another website! BLAH.. alright, alright, you guys must be bored because most of my websites didn't even last a year. LOL. But this time, I won't do a personal website, not Britney website, neither a Britney/Orlando website, this is a creative site which I called, "Nekkid Creativity" where I will showcase the more creative side of me... lol.. I'm creative, so don't laugh. I've been working my ass off for the site, so when it's up, you guys better sing me some praises. :)

As for now, I'm out cos I don't really have much to update. OH YEAH, it's been freaking raining for the past 4 days. AND good luck to all of you who are taking your exams!!!!! =) But even if you don't do well, it's alright, you get to see me next year. lol.. ;)

1:40:00 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I just realized that I HAVEN'T made a single post, giving my views on American Idol Season 4. So since it's already in the Final round and it's right now at Top 11, I just want to throw in my 2 cents. :) So here are what I thought of the finalists! (in order of my favorites)

1. Anthony Federov - I like him. He has a fantastic voice. Every weak performance that he gave is simply because he doesn't have that star quality that gets the crowd 'wowing' for him. It got nothing to do with his vocal. He's someone with an extremely good vocal, yet no X-factor. I don't see him as a star, but I think he will do well in this competition. Top 7 to say the least. He WON'T win this competition, but he has my vote as my favorite contestant this year, so it should be enough. =)

2. Nadia Turner - She's my favorite female contestant this year. She has the voice, the charisma and the presence! Although, I really love her, she comes across as another LaToya London (Season 3 finalist). She doesn't really show her personality, it's tough for me trying connecting with her.

3. Vonzell Solomon - I was drawn towards her since the very beginning. Was it the voice? Was it the look? Was it her bubbly personality? No! She simply reminds me of Trenyce (my favorite American Idol finalists thus far). She's nowhere near Trenyce, but she's in a class of her own too. I don't think she will win this competition too. Trenyce didn't win, so!?

4. Bo Bice - He ain't just a rocker, he's a performer and a great vocalist too. Bo surprises me in each and every single performace that he gave. If Americans wants to try to break the mold for this competition, then let this dude win!

5. Anwar Robinson - Another great vocalist, yet with no star quality. His face expression is too stony! Lol. Furthermore, he hasn't impressed me with his performances in the Final yet.

6. Mikalah Gordon - I have no idea what is it about her that I like. She doesn't have a great voice, her don't-mess-with-me attitude can be fun and annoying at the same time and I always hate young performer trying to be old soul (Diana DeGarmo, anyone? Sorry, Wham!), but I still like her. She will most probably be booted out this week, but who cares, she's higher than the hot-favorite Carrie in my list and she should be proud about it.

7. Carrie Underwood - She has great vocal. That can't be denied. She's pretty, she's cute, she's blonde, so she's 'the contestant to beat' like Simon said. But sorry, I just find her too boring. If you can morph into the different themes like what Kelly and Trenyce did, Carrie, you have my votes to win.

8. Constantine Maroulis - He was one of my Top 4 in the beginning, but he just din't stay true to himself throughout the competition. He's a great performer, has great stage presence, charming as hell, but an ok singer. And being an ok singer is something this competition can't stand.

9. Scott Savol - One Ruben is enough. Don't get me wrong, I love Ruben, but look at where he is now? Getting sued, going to trials and suffer from exhaustion? Is that where Scott wants to go? As much as I want to try not to look at image, but IMAGE is extremely important to survive in this business and obviously Scott doesn't have it.

10. Nikko Smith - As much as I was shocked he didn't get to the Top 12 initially, he's still not my favorite contestant. Nikko can sing, but can he try not to have such monotonous performances everytime he perform? Blah performer and singer.

11. Jessica Sierra - Country? Rock? Country rocker? I don't like any of them and it so happens that Jessica falls under these 3 categories. She needs to leave early and I think she will. Top 10/9!

12. Lindsey Cardinale - Lindsey who? She's the fist finalist to be booted out and rightly so! There's nothing about Lindsey that intrigues me, no, not even her face. Her 'smoky' voice did nothing to me too. She doesn't even deserve the Top 12 spot. I would have loved to see Amanda making it through, she would definitely fare better in the final.

I'm still undecided on who should or will win this season. Those of whom I though wouldn't win may just turn in with fantastic performances after fantastic performances in the weeks to come and win hearts all over America and finally walk away with the title. Wait for a few more weeks, who should or will win will become clearer.

12:39:00 PM

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Like I said, this past month just went very fast. Before I could even celebrate being shortlisted for the written test, feeling disappointed that I was shortlisted for the FSV interview instead of Mass Communication interview, here I am back in Indonesia. This whole month, I've been in and out of Singapore for three times! o.O Not that I'm complaining because I get to see all my friends over there, they're really fulfilling trips in that sense.

So I got to see Lucy after more than a year, she doesn't really have any significant changes. So it's all good. I'm glad I get to see her, along with the rest of the people whom I have seen for more than once in my 3 trips over there. lol.

I'm really excited and happy if I can go back to Singapore to study again, but there's just something in me that has me worrying! I can't really pin down the reason though. Still, I won't let that affect me much because it would be the happiest day in my life for the past one and a half year, if I go back Singapore for my studies.

It's sad when someone you know becomes someone you knew.

12:59:00 PM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Before I could even celebrate being shortlisted to take the written test for both Mass Communication and Film, Sound & Video, I'm back here in Indonesia having taken the tests on Monday. I'm definitely not very confident in being called back for the interview in any of those courses, BUT if i were to be called back, I'm sure it'll be for Mass Communication. I didn't even bother to really focus on the questions for the Film, Sound & Video questions. Although I'm not confident, but I would be extremely happy if I were to be called back. :D Pray for me k, everyone! ;)

Wohooo.. watched The O.C Season 2 till episode 14 already!!! *jumps around* So far so good, although there are part of the stories that are pretty cliche. But I can overlook them! LOVE LOVE Rachel Bilson, or rather LOVE LOVE Summer!!!!

Yeah, the Bonsai Kitten thing wasn't true. They weren't on sale, but those pics taken are real, which means they did do it to a kitten and put into a box and took the photos and take it out right after the photos were done. It's still sick, IMO!

12:16:00 PM

Friday, March 11, 2005

So it's a public holiday, yet here I am in my office! So for the last time, I would say in out loud that: "I PREFER BEING A STUDENT TO BEING A FULL-TIME WORKER"! *sigh*

Anyway, I watched 2 DVDs last night: "In Good Company" & "After The Sunset". Out of the 2, "In Good Company" is the better film obviously. However, neither of the 2 impress me to the point where I would go "Wow! this is great!". I don't think I will go into details on any of these 2 movies, because there weren't much to explain. The storyline is out there for the viewers to eat! No surprises, No twist! Just one thing I found hilarious. Usually when you bought any movie's DVD, the cover will have somekind of remarks, or rather comments written on it! Example: "One of the Year's Best Movie!" - US Weekly or something like that. Now, the hilarious or rather ridiculous part of "After The Sunset" DVD cover is that, it does have such remark, and it sounds like this: "Mostly Terrible..." - I don't know by who. lol. I was laughing my ass off when I see that. I was like WTF? Who will buy the movie where the comment on the front cover is that NEGATIVE? Stupid people!

Now, I guess most of you have heard and know what is a Bonsai? But did you guys know anything about Bonsai Cat? "A Japanese man in New York breeds and sells kittens that are called BONSAI CATS. That would sound cute, if it weren't kittens that were putin to little bottles after being given a muscle relaxant and then locked up for The rest of their lives! The cats are fed through a straw and have a small tube for their Faces.The skeleton of the cat will take on the form of the bottle as the kitten grows. The cats never get the opportunity to move. They are used as original and exclusive souvenirs. These are the latest trends in New York, China, Indonesia and New Zealand. If you think you can handle it, view ( have a look at the methods being used to put these little kittens into bottles." I think this is sick and very inhuman!!!!!! I hate Pets, which is why I don't own any. BUt who the hell actually need a pet that is locked in a box, can't move and can't make sound! What are all these people thinking!!!!

AGAIN, I received 2 complaints saying that I don't reply to their requests. All I ask for all of you who request is to put the topic name as: "Song Request". That's all. Like I said previously, I don't bother to open any emails from anonymous address, so if you don't put that as your topic title, I won't even open it, let alone replying to what you requested. so to these 2 people whose emails were and, please send me another request with the right topic title.

Funny Video, click here.

3:04:00 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2005

What's this MTV "Laguna Beach" all about? I'm kinda confused. I saw an episode of it today on MTV and damn.. there's this one girl who is extremely HOT! :grin:

I don't have much to update actually. I bought a couple of DVDs today. :D

Oh yeah, there's this Rock Version of "Toxic" that was made by one of the posters from Britney Spears Forum and it's extremely good. I love it a lot. It won't waste your diskspace. so click on the link below to download!
Here it is: Toxic (Rock Version)

Oh yeah, PLEASE! If you are requesting for a song to be uploaded, on the subject, write it down as a request. Thanks. I don't bother to open any emails from anonymous address. :)

4:47:00 PM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

TagBoard really sucks! It has been experiencing problems for the past few days!!! :mad: But I'm too lazy to change it into any other shoutboxes out there.

Anyway, I watched "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" and I kinda enjoy it. Not one of the best movies out there, but nobody can deny Jim's talent! The set is awesome, so I give two thumbs up to the art director of the show. To the Make Up artistes, Costume designers: you guys are awesome! No wonder this movie is nominated for all these categories in the Oscar last month.

I changed my "Video of the moment" from 50Cent's 'Candy Shop' to The Killers' 'Mr.Brightside". ;) I love the song, so I hope you guys like it too. :D And if you guys are into rock music and have some cash to spare, make sure you go to any record store and get yourself The Killers' debut album, "Hot Fuss". It's a fantastic album. Guaranteed quality and worth every cent of your money. :D

and I'm still in the giving mood. Any song requests, send them to!

3:37:00 PM

Monday, March 07, 2005

So I spent the past 4 days in Singapore. (Thursday) I applied for Mass Communication/Film, Sound & Video through SAE (I really hope I can get into either of these two) and other choices through JPAE at NgeeAnn Poly. ;) Spent the entire night watching "The O.C" Season 2. (Friday) Spent the entire morning watching "THe O.C" Season 2. Went out of Darius' place at around 4, went to Newton for dinner and go to Aaron's place for his sister's birthday party. Played cards, water and went back to Barry's home. (Saturday) Barry shocked me when he suddenly stood up, due to my handphone's alarm. With that, we (Barry, Phyoe and I) were awoken. ;) Met Lyd and her mum at ParkMall. Went off at around 2+ to meet up with Ferny and Manisha. Nice to have finally meet you, Ferny. ;) Went to Pizza for lunch, walk Manisha to her workplace: Orange Julius, then to Borders. I was really wanting to buy an album: but I can't believe there's not a single one that I can buy. :( Went to Pek Kio to meet up with the rest of the guys. (Sunday) woke up at around 9, went to Darius' place at around 11 and head straight to the airport. ;)

5:06:00 PM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hem.. It's going to be a HUGE post today. I watched the 77th Annual Academy Award on Monday night! Here a few thoughts:

The Winners:

-Morgan Freeman- I like how he makes his speech short and simple. He takes the Oscar just like any other award, where someone gets so emotional, they started thanking the whole world and weeps.

-Cate Blanchett- I'm so glad she won. Like I said, she should have won in 1999 over that Gwyneth Paltrow. And yes, her speech is simple, yet meaningful!

-Jamie Foxx- I feel happy for him! He did amazing in 'Ray', but he's definitely not my favorite. I prefer awarding a prestigious award to someone who has worked hard over and over again and proving that he deserves it RATHER than to someone who is lucky to find his groundbreaking performance and win his first Oscar nomination and WIN!

-Hillary Swank- One of the few artistes to have a clean sheet for Oscar: 2 nominations, 2 wins! Her speech is long, meaningful and there're lots that can be quoted, but can I add, it can a tad cheesy? But nevertheless, she's a star and she can afford being cheesy.

-Brad Bird (director for 'The Incredibles')- I love his speech. I remember the end credit for 'The Incredibles' is incredibly LONG. so he made fun of that.

The Losers:

-Martin Scorsese- I was really hoping he would win! But obviously Oscar didn't agree. I was like thinking Martin's names were mentioned so many times in the other winners' speeches, yet he didn't get a chance to go on stage to make his.

-Kate Winslett- I'm sad she lost yet again. I really hope she will win, but like I said, Hillary is the favorite. I feel bad for her, but she's beautiful.

-Leonardo DiCaprio- He's almost a no-show this year. I feel bad for him.

The Presenters:

-Jake Gyllenhal & Zhang Ziyi- Jake looks weird while ZiYi is gorgeous, but her english is laughable though. :( I almost chocked when she speak.

-Penelope Cruz & Salma Hayek- OMG! haha... I could hardly figure out what they said, much better than ZiYi, but by putting these two Latins to present together is definitely not a good idea. and according to Chris Rock: "You can't take your eyes away from these FOUR presenters." Sorry Chris, I can! ;)

-Halle Berry- She's soooo thin! and I'm not digging her long locks and yes, she looks so much like an Indian. It's not a racist statement!


-Beyonce- I don't think she did a great performance in the Oscar! Her French diction is laughable and damn is she sining in Frenglish? It's horrific! and from the look of her eyes, it was OBVIOUS she had no idea what she was singing about, it's frustrating really. Yes, her voice was strong..blah blah blah.. but overall performance was not impressive. SHE TOTALLY BUTCHERED "Learn To Be Lonely" from the Phantom of the Opera. OMG! I can't believe she will give such an awful version/interpretation of that beautifully-written/arranged song. I'm totally appalled, she could have try to stick it to the original. Her duet with Josh Groban is definitely much better. She sounds convincing and I like it. But it's evident HE was a better artiste! I can't get why a female singer needs to hit the high note with very screechy and almost at the level of shouting. I guess Beyonce needs to learn from Josh. Josh hit the high note smoothly! I'm also kinda mad at Beyonce from the fact that she did nothing to try to blend with Josh's vocals. But that performance is definitely better than the first two. Beyonce is out of her element and she's very misplaced on stage.

-Anthonio Banderas & Santana- I have no idea what they're singing, but I absolutely enjoyed the song and the performance. MUCH BETTER than Beyonce's! ;)

-Counting Crows- OMG! the frontman is ew... I have no idea what Vanessa Carlton sees in him. Sorry, I just have to say it. NOt impressive. 'Boyband' material songs aren't for the Oscar. I can see people like Hillary, Cate rolling their eyes. But I like the song, yes! That's because I'm not an Oscar nominee or winner.



^I LOVE LOVE LOVE her! She's gorgeous!!!!!! Move over Britney, I'm in love with Natalie. I'm sad she didn't win, but I'm also glad Cate won.








^not loving the hair!


^I could have sworn I've seen this dress being worn by some other celebrities.




^I didn't know they were still together. ;)

11:10:00 AM

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