Friday, April 29, 2005

I wasn't about to make an entry today. But I was extremely frustrated!!! The Online Banking has been down since one hour ago and it's still DOWN! *mad*

Anyway, I'm really surprised at how Anthony Federov could pull off a Celine song. Now it all comes back to me, this is WHY he was my favorite contestant since the final started and still one of my favorite contestants till now. He has that voice that will blow everyone away. He just needs a little confidence and a right song to do that. I'm proud of him and if he continues to give such performances, I'll be extremely sad when he finally leaves the competition. And Carrie, please. You are so bland, dull and boring. I mean YOU, not your performances. God, and she wants to win? If she wins, it will be totally unfair to the rest of the contestants this season.

I completed a book. Surprised? Anyway, it's "The Promise of a Lie". It's those thriller book, with a big twist in the ending. It's a great book, very fast-paced and engaging. One of the few books that can keep my eyes on it for hours and hours. Great book. I strongly recommend it. Anyway, I'll be doing a full review of the book and post it up on my "Nekkid Creativity" website. so check it out.

4:39:00 PM

Thursday, April 28, 2005

So I received an sms from Barry saying, "Phyoe said can't collect the medical report because there's something wrong with the X-Ray". I was kinda glad that it was my X-Ray that got problem, not the blood test. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or I watch too many Dramas, but everytime I have some medical check-up, I'm always scared of the result. I hope I'm not the only one though. As for this, I hope it's not serious, because I need to go my student pass and blah blah blah and I can't afford to be late.

AMERICAN IDOL! Who would expect Constantine to leave the competition this week? Definitely not me and everyone else I know. He is NOT the best singer in this competition, but based on last night's performances, he's not the WORST either. To be honest, I'm not entirely sad that Constantine was eliminated this week, in fact I'm kinda glad because that means Vonzell has the chance to go further in this competition, and I just need Carrie to stumble and Vonzell might just make it to the final. I have nothing much to say about him being eliminated, I just shocked, surprised and speechles.... but I'm NOT sad. so YAY! Scott really needs to go. IF AND I SAY IF Vonzell is eliminated earlier than Scott, then everything will play all over again when Trenyce was eliminated before Josh Gracin. =( I WOULD HATE THAT TO HAPPEN. so go Vonzell, Bo and Anthony. My top 3!

1:04:00 PM

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

So I spent the past week in Singapore and no I don't feel like writing about it. Lol. I'm just too lazy.

Wow, time certainly flies extremely fast. It's already half-way through American Idol competition and in about 6 weeks, a new American Idol will be born. Before I begin my detailed analysis on the remaining 6 contestants, let me start with the contestants that have been eliminated.

- Nadia Turner & Anwar Robinson: They are both initially in my Top 5 Favorite Contestants. Nadia was pegged as the most natural performer in the competition and Anwar was said to technically having the best voice in the competition, yet BOTH had been eliminated. I wasn't exactly VERY surprised the week both of them were eliminated, but I'm disappointed. Now the question: Do I see these two as an American Idol? For Anwar, it's just a simple NO! I have described him as a great vocalist, yet no star quality that will bring him far, but I like him. As for Nadia, it's a reluctant yes. Why reluctant? It's because Nadia is quite full of herself. It's not a mean thing, but that makes her NOT idol-like. When you don't put your fans in consideration on the songs that you are going to perform, no one will support you. That's what Constantine does, he knows how to work his targeted audience, while Nadia doesn't. However, she's a great performer, with a good voice and the face that can carry the title of "American Idol".

- Who are the other 4 contestants eliminated? Lol. They're forgettable and won't survive in the music industry.

Now the remaining 6 (They are in order of my favorites)

- VONZELL SOLOMON: She really won me over! I'm actually very confused whether I love Vonzell more than Trenyce. However, I will put that aside first. Vonzell gives great performances after great performances every week. Her personality, her charisma and like Paula said, she's extremely adorable on stage. That's the star quality I'm talking about. The X-Factor that everyone talks about. Whether she wins this competition or not, she will do great things and I will support her no matter what. Like Trenyce, even if she doesn't win this, I'll be first in line to get their albums.
Now, the question: Do I see her as an American Idol? A quick yes! What else would anyone ask for an idol? She has the voice, the look, the personality, the x-factor, she's the real deal, she's the whole package.
Will she win? It'll be extremely tough for her to walk away winning this competition. But it's a possibility. If starting from now, she sings her heart out and shows America what she really made of and out-sing, out-perform the rest of the contestants, then I do see her being the new American Idol. With her and Carrie as the remaining females in the finals, it's tough to beat Carrie who has a stronger fan-base. But as for now, I see her as a Top 4 finisher.

- BO BICE: Bo Bice is very consistent and that doesn't necessarily be a good thing, but it's not a bad thing either. Am I confusing you already? Ok, let's put it this way. Most people love it when their favorite contestant step it up and does something different, but Bo doesn't try. Nevertheless, he got a great voice, great personality and if it's between him and Constantine, I'll take him anytime.
Now, Do I see him as an American Idol? Yes! Like I said previously, if American wants to show their diversity, let this guy wins! Why? Simple because he's good and he deserves it.
Will he win? Pretty good chance. I think if Bo continues to give us great performances, I'm sure I'll see him in the final. So I see him as the final 2, that really have to depend on Carrie though.

- ANTHONY FEDEROV: He's my favorite contestant when the final started, now he's here. Still not too bad. He has that likability thing going on for him, he has a good voice and like Anwar, he doesn't have the stage presence and star quality that will carry him far. I say Top 6 is already an achievement for him because I predicted a Top 7 and that's because I never knew how Nadia will stumble in the finals.
Do I see him as an American Idol? NO! I like him, but no, I don't think he deserves to be the new American Idol. However, if he's lucky enough to release an album, I’ll buy.
Will he win? NO! If his fan-base is as strong as I thought it is, then he should be a Top 5 finisher.

- CONSTANTINE MAROULIS: I'm very undecided with him. Sometimes, I like him and sometimes I don't. These terms have been used on him and I think all of them are true. He's a chameleon who try to blend in everything, so he lacks originality. He doesn't have the greatest voice in the competition, yet his star-quality and stage presence is empowering him to go further and further in this competition. If I really need to praise Constantine on anything, I will say his performance of "Bohemian Rhapsody", because that was astonishing and his pouting (that gets him where he is today).
Do I see him as an American Idol? A quick yes. He's an idol in every sense and angle.
Will he win? Pretty good chance. I don't mind having him and Bo in the finale and I think it would be really interesting to see them going head to head. I can't really decide where he will end up, but I see him as the Final 2 as well.

- CARRIE UNDERWOOD: She wasn't one of my favorites and still isn't, despite her obvious popularity in this competition. There's something about her that seems off. I really don't see all the raves on her and I personally don't think she's as great as the judges said she is. There's no denying she has a great vocal, but that doesn't mean sure victory in this competition. Besides all the country songs she sang in the finals, most of her performances are bland, boring and left me cold. Simply, she's NO Kelly Clarkson. She lacks the personality.
Do I see her as an American Idol? I don't know. she got a great voice and face, but that alone doesn't make up an American Idol.
Will she win? Pretty good chance. I don't want her to win because I don't think she deserves to win. If she wins, it just seems very unfair to the rest of the contestants who had worked ten times harder than she did in this competition. I know I sound mean, but I hope she will stumble in one of the remaining weeks and be eliminated so that Vonzell will go a step further. As for now, she's bound to be a Top 3 and have to fight with Bo to be in the Final 2.

- SCOTT SAVOL: I'm really shock he lasted this long. Is it that Ruben thing going on? I saw a sign which said: "The White Velvet". Scott is an ordinary dude with a pretty good voice, which is why he's doing well. He isn't as bad as everyone said he is, hell, I think he is a pretty good singer and deserve to be here.
Do I see him as an American Idol? No. Eventhough I love Ruben a lot, I still don’t see him as an idol, it works the same with Scott.
Will he win? NO! There's no way he could win this competition. Judging at how the results has been doing, he should leave this week.

I'm done. so I'm out! See ya soon. :)

11:21:00 AM

Monday, April 18, 2005

Ok, so I completed watching the first season of "One Tree Hill" (OTH) over the weekend. So I thought I would just give in a few of my thoughts about the series. OTH is a little too drama for its own good. Don't get me wrong, I love the show and I love drama I guess, but too much of it can get a little 'boring'. I TRY my very best NOT to compare "One Tree Hill" with "The O.C", but I can seem to help myself. What work in "One Tree Hill" doesn't work in "The O.C" and vice versa, so it's pretty interesting to me how I love these two shows with quite extreme differences and to add to that my ultimate drama will be the fusion between OTH and The O.C. Cool? But I'm here to talk about "One Tree Hill". It's good to see a show that really dwells into a lot of elements in your life: friendship, relationship, family, life, sports, hobbies and responsibility. All of that can be found in this series and I'm loving it because of those too. The characters aren't superficial, they are pretty deep. The plots are pretty intense. The shock factor is there and as far as the acting goes, this show gets at least a thumb up for me. Then what's not working though? This show really revolves around these two brothers who shared the same father and to have BASKETBALL as the center of it all to connect them together. So obviously single-parenthood comes to the picture (RESPONSIBILITY). I would think of this show in a whole different level if it stops there, but it has to bring in Jake being a single-parent too with a daughter whose mum left both of them, then returned admitting her mistake. See the similarity already? The one thing that can't be left out in any drama series is when you have a cross-relationship, hooking up with ur ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend again while already having a relationship with someone else. "The O.C" had it, so "One Tree Hill" had it too. I just thought as much as I want to think these T.V series are good and deep and really want to give my two thumbs up, it's quite hard for me to do so too, because afterall, they're just doing what they do – to hit their targeted audience, not the critics! If that's what series like "The O.C", "One Tree Hill" and "Smallville" are doing, then MISSION ACCOMPLISED! They have a fan in me.

American Idol! Shocked that Nadia left? Yes and No. Nadia is one of my favorite contestants, but she's too artistic for her own good. She chooses songs that she feels good about, not songs that will get the crowds wanting to hear her more. Like Simon said, "A good song will have the audience wanting to vote for you." So the biggest problem for Nadia is her song-choices. Also, her fan-base is obviously not as strong and devoted as I thought they should be. When she did well, her fans vote for her. When she didn't do that well, her fans don't vote for her. Maybe some of you said that's the way it should be, BUT if she has a loyal fan following, it won't happen, no matter she did good or bad. So that's why I'm not shocked. Now why am I shock then? Because Nadia simply has that whole package. She has the look of a star, she's a great performer, she CAN sing and she's original. So I'll stop there.

I'll be going back to Singapore tomorrow. I'm VERY excited. But I just can't let that excitement to be shown FULLY, afterall, my dad is still struggling with what he's facing right now. I hope by the time I'm back here again, he'll settle everything.

Fredy Out!

10:46:00 PM

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Let me cool down.. Let me cool down. NO No don't worry, I'm not throwing tables, chairs or things like that. I'm just TOOOOO EXCITED!! So here ya go: BRITNEY SPEARS IS OFFICIALLY PREGNANT. She confirmed it herself. I'm soooooo freaking happy for her. There was a point where she ALMOST has a miscarriage (there were blood and so she was hospitalise), but she did not and everything's FINE! Also, according to rumours, she's expecting a baby girl. :) I CAN'T WAIT for a baby-britney in this world!!!! Yeah, I've said before that I was hoping she isn't pregnant because I thought their relationship is not ready for a baby, BUT i also said that is she's pregnant, I'm there to support her fully and is the time, she has my full support and blessings. I'm calm now, and please please be a HUMAN and do leave her some kind words on her official website:

Now, "One Tree Hill"! I was pretty disappointed with the first few episodes of this show, but right now, I'm in the middle of it, I've been enjoying this show tremendously. I won't compare this show with "The O.C", but "One Tree Hill" is another amazing series. And why in the world that I'm always smitten by a 'b1tchy' character in a show, when in real life, i loathe them. But their characters are NOT real b1tch b1tchy type, just like Summer, they are very likeable actually. Sophia Bush is simply gorgeous. OMG! First, we have Kristin Kreuk, then Rachel Bilson and now Sophia Bush. =) Go figure. *confuse*

American Idol! It's official: Vonzell is my favorite American Idol finalist this season. She and Trenyce are officially my favorite American Idol finalists in all season. I love both of them.

3:15:00 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

My weekend was bad! It's been a long time since I really let my anger overtook my whole body and it happened on Saturday morning. I won't go into the details, but when I said I'm full-out frustrations means stuffs fly and things broken and people can almost get 'killed'. It's been a long time, I never knew I still had that in me.

Anyway, I watched "Miss Congeniality 2: Armed & Fabulouos" and I'm not sure about this movie, because if I were to compare to the original, this sequel fell short by a mile, but if I just see it as an individual movie, this movie is quite enjoyable and entertaining. To see my full review of the show, click here.

In case you guys didn't know, my graphic site "Nekkid Creativity" is up and running. I've been working my arse off for the site and I have made quite a number of graphics and wallpapers, so take a look at them over on that site. You can also requests for a graphic, header or wallpaper. =)
Here: Nekkid Creativity

2:52:00 PM

Thursday, April 07, 2005

This season of American Idol is actually going my way. The contestants I have predicted to leave, actually left. So it's time for Scott to go next. =) Well, I thought Scott would have been gone this week, but instead Nikko did. It doesn't surprise me either since he's my tenth favorite this year, so i don't give a sh1t that he left. I'm soooo seeing Trenyce in Vonzell. She was in the Bottom 3 at such early stage iin the Finals isn't a good sign. Like I said before, I don't think Vonzell would win, but I don't want to see her becoming another Trenyce (who is still my favorite American Idol contestant since Season 1).

With all the hype and everyone I knew saying that "Shutter" is one hell of a scary movie, I picked up the DVD yesterday, and this is one disappointing movie. I don't get what all my friends have been raving about????!!??? Tell me what's good about this movie? The acting? The storyline? The scare-factor? For me, it's none of the above, to be honest, I almost fell asleep. I know I'm hard to please, it takes huge effort for me to say a movie is good, but this is nowhere near, simply 'hideous'. This movie has the ghostly-white-female-figure who seeks revenge, then what makes this movie any difference from "Ju-On", "The Grudge", "The Eye 2" or any other horror movies!!!!??? The storyline has sooo many loop-holes, it makes it so painful to watch for me. One of the worst I've ever seen.

12:15:00 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005

"Simple Life" is hilarious. LOl. I bought the DVD for the first season and I watched it on Saturday in one shot! =) I enjoyed the show very much, but I'm just wondering how 'reality' the show is. I will do anything to trade places with Justin. Lol. I may not like Paris nor Nicole, but I don't mind being able to stay with them under the same roof. And threesome sounds yummy too. LOL. Now the real deal! If "Simple Life" is reality afterall, all I could say about Nicole and Paris are b1tches. Sorry. At least singers like Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears dressed skimpily and danced provocatively in their music vidoes, tours or anything that they are doing in their careers, but if this is reality afterall, Paris and Nicole are LIKE THAT! That's real, it's reality! I'm SURE it is not that real, all reality shows are ridged and this can be argues that this is what they're doing for the career too, but still I don't adore any of those two ladies, but I love the show. So yeah!

American Idol! I'm so glad Jessica Sierra was eliminated last week. She maybe one of the better voices, but Simon was sooo-right when he said Jessica doesn't have the likeabilty-factor like others and that's the main reason why she's my second least favorite contestant this season. Step up your game, Anthony, if not, you'll soon be leaving that Idol stage. Like I always said, he has a good voice, but he's not a great performer and it's haunting him since the first week of final. He's still my favorite, but Vonzell has been impressive week after week. Vonzell may very well overtake Trenyce's position in my heart, but so far Trenyce is still up there. Vonzell is definitely working her way up and Paula is right on when she said "America is falling in love with you!".

I made 2 graphics and 2 wallpapers of Rachel Bilson. =) I'll be putting it up on my Nekkid Creativity website soon. Photobucket is experiencing some problems. =( OMG! I love Rachel Bilson...or rather Summer Roberts.. hum... I'll stick with Rachel Bilson. =D

10:57:00 AM

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