Monday, May 30, 2005

Haven't updated for a while. I'm reall lazy to update anything today. Besically, I started school for a week already and so far so good. I'm sure this will be updated as frequently as it used to be since I already have my own connection now. =)

So as for now, a survey that I did about myself...wohoo:
Name:Fredy Kosman Kwee
Birthday:21 June 1985
Current Location:Singapore
Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Black
Right Handed or Left Handed:Right Handed
Your Heritage:Chinese
The Shoes You Wore Today:Converse
Your Weakness:I guess nobody quite know this, but I'm helpless when a girl cries in front of me...
Your Fears:Settling down... growing up... and lots more
Your Perfect Pizza:Meat Lover
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:No idea... goal is pretty useless
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:boooo
Thoughts First Waking Up:damnit.. long day in school
Your Best Physical Feature:I like my lips.
Your Bedtime:Midnight (most of the time)
Your Most Missed Memory:no idea.
Pepsi or Coke:Pepsi all the way baby....
MacDonalds or Burger King:MacDonalds
Single or Group Dates:Single...
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Neither
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocs
Cappuccino or Coffee:Neither
Do you Smoke:NO....
Do you Swear:Duh... Lol.
Do you Sing:Yesh.. I do...
Do you Shower Daily:Like 2x a day... YAY...
Have you Been in Love:Yesh, I have. I just don't want to admit it.. what's the point?
Do you want to go to College:No.
Do you want to get Married:Look at my fear... I guess I might.. really depends..
Do you belive in yourself:Yesh, I do to a certaion point
Do you get Motion Sickness:Nope.
Do you think you are Attractive:To a certain group of people, yeah I guess.
Are you a Health Freak:Nope.
Do you get along with your Parents:not bad.
Do you like Thunderstorms:So that I could be strike by lightning? Then i don't see why i should like it.
Do you play an Instrument:Nope. Too lazy to even learn one.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:Yeah. Just a little.
In the past month have you Smoked:Urgh. sadly, yeah I did. But I know myself.
In the past month have you been on Drugs:Nope... and medicine doesn't count.
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Hem.. in the past month? I don't think so.. damn, I don't even consider it as a date anyway.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:Yeah... godamit.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:No...
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:Hem... Nope.
In the past month have you been on Stage:Nope. =( I miss the stage.
In the past month have you been Dumped:Hem... Nope. and I guess tt's not a good thing.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:Hem.. Nope.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:I don't steal...
Ever been Drunk:would I know it? I don't think so. I don't drink much.
Ever been called a Tease:Yeah. I don't know why. I'm a straight-forward dude.
Ever been Beaten up:Hem... I don't think so.. not till I have to get to the hospital at least.
Ever Shoplifted:Nope.. never.
How do you want to Die:Peaceful death.. duh.. Come on, I'm scared of death.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:I hate growing up remember? As long as I'm in the media, I'm good.
What country would you most like to Visit:U.K I guess.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:Black
Favourite Hair Color:Black
Short or Long Hair:Long hair
Height:depends.. shorter than me or even the same height, I won't mind.
Weight:no specification.
Best Clothing Style:urgh... I like to mix my clothes.
Number of Drugs I have taken:zilch.
Number of CDs I own:don't ask me to count my CD collection pls.
Number of Piercings:don't have one and not intending in getting one.
Number of Tattoos:zilch, but I would like a few in the future.
Number of things in my Past I Regret:Lol.... I'll leave this out...


7:40:00 PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

First day of school. There wasn't anything particularly exciting that I could talk about. Poly life, besides being able to be fashion walking-advertisment (if you are one) and no text-books, there's nothing 'cool' about it. I suppose I'm just not used to it, I may chang my mind as the time goes by. So please don't jump at me when it comes a time when I do that. ;)

So after our brief 2 hr lecture, make-up lecture for Monday, my classmates (most of them) and I went to KAP for breakfast. Sat there, eat, chit-chat. Yeah, basically just that. Went back to NP to buy IS books. Then went our seperate ways. I met up with Boon & Aaron.

Are you falling asleep already? Lol. I'll just stop here. It's tuesday and I can't wait for American Idol Grand Finale tomorrow. WOhoooo. Although, I'm extremely sad that Vonzell was eliminated, but there's still Bo. Bo all the way and Carrie don't bore the hell out of me like I did with this post.

4:58:00 PM

Monday, May 23, 2005

Finally!! My first post in a week. That got to be a record I suppose.. Lol.

So I'm officially back here in Singapore. I saw a few smiles, a few frowns... ;) But it doesn't matter, because I'm gonna make some of their life's a living hell once more and that's a promise.

So school's tomorrow and I'm not quite looking forward to it. Nothing personal I suppose, but when you have not been hitting the school for the past one and a half years, the thought of waking up early and being in a room for a few hours isn't something that I'm looking forward to. However, like always, going to school always have the up-side. Seeing my friends and meeting new people. My classmates are pretty ok I suppose and I guess I just need time to really get to know them better.

As for now, I'll just have fun and have more fun. I hope.

6:45:00 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

So I called the doctor, and indeed, there's somethign wrong with my chest/lung or whatever it is that makes me cough bad that time. Come to think of it, I was coughing real bad then, which is why the X-Ray result wasn't positive, but I'm alright now, so I guess this re-xray thing will fare better. I can't afford to lose another day, I might not be able to complete my green card on time. I haven't been coughing for looong and I hope it makes a difference. I was kinda relieved because at least it's not my blood test that has problems. :freak:

Anyway, to celebrate the month of "Kingdom of Heaven", I made a graphic! =) I hope none of you is bored with my "Kingdom of Heaven" obsession just yet, I haven't even watched the show. But worry not, because 19th May onwards, I'll go crazy with my "Star Wars" obsession, because that's one of the few ways to re-live my youth back. "Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith", I can't wait. and to think that I has been talking about it since 2004 and now, this month, I'll be able to watch it. AWESOME.

The Graphic:

For more graphics, wallpapers, go to my "Nekkid Creativity" site. The link can be found on the side-bar.

2:35:00 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I changed my header. It's version 2.0 featuring "Kingdom of Heaven"! I hope you guys like it. I also made a few changes to how you could view my sites. I decided to put my blog, my nekkid creativity graphic site and my upcoming game station site together.

I haven't gotten a chance to watch "Kingdom of Heaven" yet, but I will! =) I won't miss an epic movie, no matter how some of them made me shudder. *stares at "Alexander"*

I'm currently very busy with my "Game Stationz" website. If you have any suggestions, please send me an email. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Not much update for today. See you guys again soon.

1:11:00 PM

Sunday, May 08, 2005

People always say it's good to have more than one options in your life. However, when it really comes to a time to decide on JUST one out of those options, it's pretty nerve-racking. Yes, I am contemplating on my decisions on furthering my studies in Singapore even further.

However, It's not just the studies that has me thinking, it's really the life after that. It's pretty scary when you are so attached to two places, because you just can't live in just either one. You want the best of both worlds. It's pretty rare case, yet I have to be categorized under it. After spending 11 years living in Indonesia and 7 years in Singapore, these two places have been a part of me and yet wanting myself to become a part of both places is just not practical. I HAVE to choose one sooner or later.

And you must be thinking why does this have to do with me studying in singapore or not? Actually, it plays a big part. If I don't go back to further my studies in Singapore, my future would be here in Indonesia. That's for certain. However, if I do go back, after 6 years there, where should I be? Singapore or Indonesia?

Maybe it's because of what I did and said or I think it's more appropriate to say what I never do and never say for my family? Or maybe it's just because of my ignorance on the fact that there's something more worthy than going back to Singapore to study and god knows what I'll do there. Or maybe I'm simply afraid of the struggle that I might be facing financially when I return to Singapore, if my dad is still not doing well. Or maybe it's just because June is one month away and the thought of that is pretty excruciating as I have to be reminded that I'm one year older. One year older equates to having to be bolder, more mature and having to have more responsibility. While most people love becoming 18 so that they can get into clubs or 21 so that they can officially be an adult, I HATE growing up.

And all these started simply because of a simple question asked by my mum, "Where do you want to live for the rest of your life?"

It's pretty shameful that I can make an entry that talks all about myself, and that makes me feel so self-centered. But I knew it all along that I have a Cohen in me. Lol.

P.S: I'm glad Scott Savol is finally gone! Hip Hip Hurray! I'm out.

4:17:00 PM

Saturday, May 07, 2005

My laptop has been crashing for the past few days. =(

Anyway, I've been trying to get my wardrobe as simple as possible. Back to basics: lots of T-shirts, V-neck short-sleeved shirts, long-sleeved shirts with couble collars. =) Need lots of extra accessories though. :o

Now there are THREE movies that I really want to watch:
1) House of Wax - Although I've been disappointed by horror movies over and over again, I still want to watch this one. I become a no-brainer when it comes to this genre. =P Furthermore, who will miss a chance to see Elisha Cuthbert on the big-scree. I know I wouldn't.

2) Kingdom of Heaven - One of the few Orlando's movies that I have no knowledge about. I mean I know he's making this movie and it was due out this month, but I didn't look up on what this movie is all about. I know it's an epic, but what is it about? That I don't know. So it would be more exciting to watch this.

Last but not least,
3) Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - Where do I start with this movie? The last installment of the amaing Star Wars saga, my favorite saga of all time. Characters like Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker were my childhood heroes, I own 2 light-sabres and I have a miniature of Padme Amidala which I bought in 1999. =) I hope I don't cry by the end of this movie. Lol. This is where Anakin became Darth Vader, what's there NOT to watch? COME ONE. save up ur money, pack up pop-corns and pepsi, and head to the nearest theatres. ;)

Anyway, "The Intrepreter" is a great movie. One of the best thriller out there and the best movie I've seen in 2005. It's a smart thriller and a great suspenseful movie. The acting is superb, I mean what you expect from Oscar-winning actor and actress, Sean Penn & Nicole Kidman. This is a great movie.

12:43:00 PM

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I'm always very 2 ways with Simon. So here's the thing, when he 'bashes' or give a-not-so-good comments to the contestants, it can always mean two things: ONE, he really dislike the contestant and the performance and he wants him/her to go. TWO, he likes the contestant, but think he/she needs some help to get through, so he 'bashes' or give a not-so-flattering remarks so that his/her fans will go all out and vote foe the contestant to make sure they are not eliminated. Go figure. BUt I think there's a third in Simon. Take this situation: VONZELL is an amazing singer, but she's not Simon's favorite and CARRIE is a great singer, and she is Simon's favorite, so he wants to get rid of Vonzell by giving her not-so-good remarks to make sure Carrie safely advances and closer to win this competition. This has been happening since Season 2. Trenyce and K.Lo, Fantasia and LaToya. Simon, you are too predictable sometimes.

3:47:00 PM

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