Sunday, June 26, 2005

I'm back updating my "Nekkid Creativity" website. I've made a few blends to mark my comeback. =) So do visit the site as often as possible. Come to think of it, my "Perfect Couple" website is getting more and more hits and to think I've closed that site. But nevertheless, "Nekkid Creativity" is on the rise and I won't let anything to stop this site, not even my laziness. LOl. =)

I'm not updating my "Weekly Top 20" and "Video of the Moment" sections yet. I've been busy and furthermore, I'm thinking of a new way to present them.

Weekend's been good, although I have tons of work to do. Urgh... Now I sound like those losers whose lives are all about school. >.< Damnit...

7:31:00 PM

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I appreciate the cake, the loud out-of-tune birthday song. Thanks guys and to think we only know one another for a month. I totally appreciate it.

11:15:00 PM

Monday, June 20, 2005

Do we need commitment to be together? Do we have to brand ourself "couple", then we could go out for a movie or just hang out? What's a boyfriend/girlfriend? It's only a term, isn't? So why make a commitment when it's only a term we are talking about? When people say it's normal for guys to look at girls and to talk about girls, then if we don't do so, it's considered as abnormal? Therefore, since it's so normal and everybody's doing it, then most people are doing it just for the sake of not looking abnormal? So should I or shouldn't I go out with her? Because I'm always stuck in the same situation. If I ask her out once, then that might be oke. If I ask her out twice, then she thought I might be taking it seriously. And if I ask her the third time, she'll take it all seriously and I'll lose it because I don't want it to be serious. I want it to be casual and fun and nothing that will tie the two of us down. But yeah, I do like her.

10:14:00 PM

Thursday, June 16, 2005

So many assignments, yet sooo little time... *sigh*

I find it really weird when I have tried to conceal it for almost my entire life, and now I just feel like letting the whole world knows about it. Sometimes, I know that I think too much and I do try to stop, but I just couldn't help myself. Life's too complicated and thus I want to keep thinking in order to figure it all out. Obviously, I failed miserably again and again. If you think you have LIFE all figured out? Please..... contact me.. by email, MSN or any communication mode. I beg you.

Having a brave front, yet all fragile inside. It's really painful... So my advice to all of you is that IF YOU CAN, do whatever your heart tells you too. No point in doing otherwise, it'll just cause you sooo much pain and suffering that you wish you never existed. Trust me... Because I know...

7:09:00 AM

Saturday, June 11, 2005

It's been an extremely busy 3 weeks. Getting to know my classmates, meeting the deadlines of our countless assignments. It's really tough. Come on, this is even worse than Secondary school. I'm not really complaining though, because most of the time it's really fun.

I have no idea what my mum's playing at? At one point, she showed all her care and concern on my well-being here in Singapore while there are other times when she completely ignored what I said and asked me to figure it out myself. I maybe too sensitive, but I think my parents are trying to eat my own words: "I can try to support myself" and regret my own decision to come back here to study. I don't know.

Oh yeah, I finally got a new line. so this is my new hp: 81730624. Feel free to CALL or SMS me. Lol. =)

2:06:00 PM

Sunday, June 05, 2005

My freaking laptop is infected by Ad-Wares and Spy-Wares. Whatever you call them. Sh!t.

So I've been accepted by NRA (a hip hop dance group) and I kinda feel good about it. Nevertheless, having CCA was the last thing on my mind when I first started school. But I think I'll just go along with it and if I don't feel right about it, then I could just quite. WHo cares right? ;)

I'm weird. I think I'm weird. Oh god. I'm even weirder than usual. How could that be? Urgh...

3:26:00 PM

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

What's with me? I can't even understand myself sometimes.
Can I let go of my 'reputation' and really do what my heart says for once?
Will that get me out of the 'situation' that I'm facing right now?

How do I know I like a particular person?
Does it mean that I like the person when I say she's cute?
Does it mean that I like her when I say I want to get to know her?
Why does someone like another person in the first place?
How do we know we're in love?
What's love?

Is it better to keep your feelings to yourself and be midunderstood?
Or to pour your feelings out for everyone to know?

Can everyone who knows me handle my 'real' self?
The 'real' self that was non-existent for the past 19 years?

Sometimes, I just feel that I'm carrying too much weight on my shoulder.
Unnecessary weight.
Can I just say: "F*ck 'em all"
and do a 360 degrees transformation?

I wonder.......

11:13:00 PM

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