Saturday, October 29, 2005

I haven't been blogging in a loooooong time! I do kinda miss it! Lol... but I've been extremely busy! AFter my NRA camp, went back to work, then we have our chalet! Chalet was successful in a way, although it wasn't that 'eventful' (as there weren't much activities all around), but I still had fun. =) I won't go into details about the chalet cause grrr.. Lol.. I just won't!

Anyway, I just came back from ChinaBlack with NRA Peeps (Xiang, Ariel, Rino, Clement, Terence, YuXin, Glen). I had a great time. One of the best clubbing experiences I ever had. But as always, after clubbing, I can never get to sleep, which is why I'm here updating my blog. :)

School's starting next monday! I'm NOT looking forward to it... haiz... I guess I'll just stop here and get some sleep. Need to get to the studio early tomorrow to see the Suntec Grp dancers doing their dance and then practice for our own Funkamania competition! :) So chaoz.. and I'll try to update as much as possible.

2:54:00 AM

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

NRA Camp was fun! Definitely more fun that I thought it would be! Glad that I went! Seriously, I love the night walk - esp. the segment where the "Air Con Room" was! Freaking scary and spooky! Nobody dares to go in. When I opened the door, my partner quicky closed it and trying to drag me back. lol. At last, I kicked the door open and slowly dragged my partner along! ;) Good shyt! Great effort put in by the committee! One of the best NightWalks I have ever had! The performance day was great too! All groups were fantastic and I'm sooo happy that we, ADDICTORS, won the dance segment and emerged as the overall winner. Hehe.. so unexpected! Thanks yoz...

Of course I'm happy that people complimented me on my dance la, but sometimes I feel like I have no particular style in my dancing le. I really need to practice more, so that I could much better. Hehe...

One of the happiest post in a loooooooooong time! I'm looking forward to Funkamania and Dance Xplosion! =)

some pics from the camp:

bigger size

bigger size

bigger size

bigger size

3:52:00 AM

Saturday, October 08, 2005

The past 2 days were crazzzzyyyyy!!!!!

Monday Night or rather Tuesday Morning slept at 6AM and woke up at about 10AM+! slept for only about 4 hours. Went out with Phyoe and co at about 4! Buy stuffs and watched "Tim Burton's Corpse Bride". A good movie, nothing fantastic to be honest. Kinda boring in the beginning and no truly comedic scenes to rave about!

Then on Tuesday Night or rather Wednesday Morning, I slept at about 2AM+ and woke up at 7AM+ to meet Joshua and Boon Huat for rollerblading and jogging at East Coast Park! I was early, Joshua was on time and Boon was late for 15 minutes! Went rollerblading for 2 hours, REST and went for running. Ended our activity at about 3:30PM and I went to the toilet to change and that's where I LOST my HP again!!!!!!!!!!! grrrr.... Anyway, went to Parkway Parade for lunch/dinner. Ordered 8 piece chicken meal. Both Boon and I had 2 pieces of chicken each while Joshua gobbled down FOUR chickens!!! They went over to Darren's place while I go to NP for my NRA (Dance) training. Had my training till about 8 plus. Then practising our Funk-a-mania dance moves till about 11:30pm! Went to KAP for supper and then went home!

Then on Wednesday Night or rather Thursday Morning, I slept at about 2AM+ and supposed to wake up at 8AM, but I woke up at 7AM! :S Reached Harbour Front MRT at 9:50am, supposed to meet at 10am to go to Sentosa. Barry's on time as usual! While the rest was late, waited for LIssa for more than an hour! Headed to Sentosa! Soak up the sun, went swimming, volleyball, frisbee, eat and riding the cart or whatever they call it! Had fun, tired, whole body aching and whole body burnt! =(

Why can't I be a simple-minded person! Please take away half of my brain-cells, anyone!!!!!!

12:21:00 AM

Monday, October 03, 2005

It's been forever eh? So here's a quick update about myself: I'm still a guy who loves to dance, doesn't care what others have to say about me, doesn't give a shyt what people are talking behind my back, doesn't give a flying f*ck if they think I'm an arrogant son of a b1tch. =)

I cherish my friendships. I do. I just don't feel the need to show it to the world everytime. If that makes me a lousy friend, then I guess I deserve it. I'm one person who is not very good on displaying my emotion publicly because I feel like there's certain 'image' that I have to uphold. I'm a thinker, not a doer. So if you think I'm ignoring you, I'm not! Deep in my heart, I'm thinking about you. If you are upset and I don't go upfront and try to console you, don't think I'm not concern because in my heart, I just soooo want to help you out with all your problems but there're always this constant voices telling me that personal problems, no matter how close your relationship with the other person, should ultimately be solved by yourself. When you pour your heart onto me and I don't say much, don't think thatI don't give a damn or I'm not listening! I just think I can be your listener but will try to put in as little input as possible because you shouldn't do things from what other people think or said. Therefore, whatever I say could make you misjudge your own problems.

Basically, to all my friends who think I don't care, I just have this to say: I DO CARE, deep in my heart.

4:12:00 AM

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